Chapter 40: Aftermath

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Third Person POV

The blood blades exploded from Gyutaro's body kicking up a giant dust cloud as they destroyed anything in their way. Nezuko's box was thrown into the air before the door opened and the sleeping girl fell out into the air. She rapidly grew to her normal size and flames appeared on her left wrist before her eyes snapped open. Nezuko let out a yell as she released her own blood demon art that quickly burnt and destroyed the blood blades in one large attack. Once that was done she found Tanjiro who was passed out on the ground so she placed his head in her lap and patted his shoulder while letting out hums. Slowly red eyes opened and Tanjior looked to see his little sister looking down at him, her eyebrows creased with worry.
"Nezuko," Tanjiro whispered exhaustedly before he glanced around and saw the ruins of what was once a bright entertainment district. It was now nothing more than a pile of rubble and ash that was still letting smoke off. Pulling himself up Tanjiro couldn't believe his eyes.
"So awful, the whole place is wrecked," Tanjiro said before Nezuko lent against him and started to rub her head on the side of his face.
"You were the one who saved me, Nezuko? Thanks" Tanjiro smiled while patting her head and Nezuko beamed happily accepting the head pat.
"Wait! What about the others?" Tanjiro remembered and he tried to get to his feet only for them to give out from underneath him so he was sitting on the floor again.
'I can't move my body! No, why am I able to move at all? Why am I alive? After being poisoned!' Tanjiro thought, remembering the poison that had raced through his body.
"Tanjiro!" A cry rang out into the night.
"That sounds like Zenitsu!" Tanjiro said, turning towards where the cry had come from.
"Tanjiro! Help me!" Zenitsu cried out. Tanjiro attempted to stand only to grab his stomach but he wasn't alone. Nezuko propped him up with her head before getting him on her back so that she could do the walking for him.
"Tanjiro! I woke up and my body hurts all over! Both my legs! Are they broken? What's going on? Who did this to me huh? It really hurts! I'm too scared to look!" Zenitsu cried, tears streaming down his face, it seemed that he had finally woken up.
"You're okay, then? Thank goodness!" Tanjiro said.
"I am anything but okay! Not that I don't deserve pity too but Inosuke's in bad shape! The sound of his heartbeat is getting fainter and fainter! Also-" Zenitsu said.
"Inosuke! Where is he?" Tanjiro interrupted.
"Over there, he's over there but Tanjiro-" Zenitsu said as he pointed to the boar masked boy who was laying collapsed on a pile of wreckage.
"Inosuke! Inosuke! Inosuke, stay with me! Inosuke!" Tanjiro yelled as he sat next to Inosuke, his hand on Inosuke's wound that was still bleeding and had turned purple from the poison.
'I can hear his heart growing weaker! I have to neutralize the poison! I know, what about sunlight?' Tanjiro thought before looking up to the sky and saw that the moon was still shining brightly.
'Daybreak's still a ways off, what should I do? What should I do? Send a crow to Lady Shinobu? No, there's not enough time! If I don't do something right now, Inosuke's going to die! Why was my life spared? Why was I the only one? Wait a minute, Hikaru! If I can find Hikaru he can do something!' Tanjiro thought to himself as tears gathered in his eyes and he looked up and around to see if he could spot the red headed boy. Nezuko reached out and placed her hand on Inosuke and then ruby red flames from her blood demon art erupted over Inosuke, shocking Tanjiro.
'His skin, inflamed by the poison, it's starting to heal!' Tanjiro realised as the flames burned up the poison.
"I'm starving! Gimme something to eat!" Inosuke yelled as he woke up.
"Inosuke!" Tanjiro yelled out before he and Nezuko hugged the wild child.
"Thank goodness! Thank goodness!" Tanjiro cried loudly.
"Knock it off! You're creeping me out!" Inosuke exclaimed while Tanjiro just continued to cry.

A little ways away there was even more crying happening.
"Nooooo! Please don't die! Please don't die on us, Tengen-sama! Not after you managed to survive! Not after you won! I can't take it! I can't take it!" Suma wailed as tears streamed down her face. Uzui had been bandaged up and he was sitting up against some rubble, his hair laid limp and his body was mostly purple from the poison, all in all it was easy to see he didn't have much time left.
"How are we supposed to deal with demon poison? The antidote isn't working! The gods are so cruel! So cruel!" Suma continued to cry while Makio and Hinatsuru were also holding back their own tears.
"I have some last words to leave you. My life until now-" Uzui whispered out, not even having the strength to open his eyes.
"If you let Tengan-sama die, I'm never going to pray to you again! No way will I ever forgive you, you hear me?" Suma wailed, cutting Uzui off.
"Come on, shut the hell up! Can't you hear Tengan-sama talking?" Makio exploded and Suma continued to cry.
"I'm so going to stuff your mouth with rocks, you moron!" Makio yelled while grabbing Suma's hair with one hand and grabbing a handful of rocks with the other while Suma raised her own hands to stop her.
"Both of you, quiet down!" Hinatsuru called out from the other side of Uzui.
"Makio-san's tormenting me!" Suma cried out.
"Shut up, dumbass!" Makio said.
'You're kidding me right? Am I going to die without getting to say my last words?' Uzui thought, his undamaged eye opened now.
"You really put them in my mouth" Suma said while spitting the rocks out.
"Listen, cut it out I said" Hinatsuru yelled.
'The poison's making my tongue stiff, what am I going to do? I still could've left those last words but...Seriously? Not only that, I have to get them to help Hikaru' Uzui thought. The fighting and crying came to a halt as Nezuko appeared next to Hinatsuru, her hand raised in greeting.
"What?" Hinatsuru questioned. Nezuko reached out and placed her little hand on Uzui's arm and just like Inosuke surrounded him with fight. All three of Uzui's wives looked at Nezuko with wide eyes filled with horror.
"Hey!" Suma screamed as she grabbed Nezuko's shoulders and pushed her back from Uzui.
"What do you think you're doing? Who are you, anyway? It's way too soon to be cremating him! How can you burn him already when he's not even dead yet? I'm going to spank you! I'm very angry with you, young lady!" Suma yelled, not seeing as the poison was burnt away by Nezuko's flames.
"Hold up a second!" Uzui called out making Suma stop and they all looked at Uzui seeing the poison was gone.
"How do you explain this? The poison left my body!" Uzui said and the three women threw themselves onto Uzui.
"Tengan-sama!" They all yelled out as tears streamed down their faces.
"I'm so relieved! Truly!" Makio sobbed out while the other two just cried.
"You three....Sorry to make you worry" Uzui smiled.
"I think Nezuko's blood demon art ignited the poison, burning it away, not that I'm sure how it works. But please stay still or your wounds won't heal. I'm so glad you survived," Tanjiro explained with a smile.
"How can this even be possible? It's all so confusing. Hey you better not move either or you'll die! Wait!" Uzui yelled as he flung himself up hissing in pain making all of them look at him.
"Hikaru...Hikaru! We have to hurry" Uzui yelled as he grabbed at his wounds.
"What about Hikaru?" Tanjiro asked and a second later he wished that he hadn't asked.
"I can hear him dying, we have to get there now" Uzui said as he got up with Makio and Hinatsuru helping him as they hurried a little bit aways and the sight that greeted them stole their breaths and not in a good way.

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