Chapter 25: Battle agaisnt Enmu

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Even with my blood slowly being absorbed by the flesh of the demon and the wisteria I had planted around the carts, the flesh-like substance was still growing and trying to go after the people.
"Inosuke, it's not safe on this train anymore, we have to protect the passengers! Hikaru has already limited its movements but this whole train's turned into a demon" Tanjiro yelled to be heard of the wind at Inosuke who was back up on the roof.
"We have to attack the train that has turned into a demon, Inosuke do you understand?" I questioned.
"I knew it! I was right on the money, that means I was a total stud as a leader" Inosuke said before he jumped back into the train and used his beast breathing, fifth fang, crazy cutting again to take out the long appendages that were reaching for the humans.
"I'll save every last one of you guys, fall onto your knees and worship me! Glorify me! Lord Inosuke Hashibira is comin' through" Inosuke yelled from inside the cart.
"We should go and help save the passengers. Since Inosuke can hold down the fort here we should go on ahead" Tanjiro said. Before we could move ahead the train got covered in the same fleshy substance that was attacking passengers but I noticed something as well. His aura was starting to get a tinge of madness, it was nothing big yet but it was better than nothing. There was also another color that I didn't recognize but it could only be from the wisteria. I couldn't be more glad that I had some of the plants in my box then right now.
"It's too dangerous to fight on top of the rooftop with this stuff, we should get inside the carriages that way we can also save the passengers" I called out and Tanjiro nodded. Swinging down we broke through the glass of the windows and were in the carriage that was mostly covered. It seemed to be avoiding the areas where my blood and the wisteria were. Tanjiro used the first water breathing to stop the things that were going to attack us while I turned my blade and carefully cut the palm of my left hand and placed my hand on the flesh substance.
"Drink up good and well now, once you do get a proper taste of my blood I know what you will do. You'll forget all about the passengers and focus all your energy on devouring me. You are truly special to have held out this long but soon enough the smell will reach you" I said. My plan was basically to make myself the bait. While Enmu was busy trying to defeat and devour me it would free the rest of the group up to take on the real demon. It was risky and I was probably going to either be killed or be hurt but if it meant protecting everyone I would do it. Seeing a change in Nezuko's aura I turned while using the first water breathing form to get rid of some appendages and I tossed up whether to go and help her. The decision was made for me when I heard a large clap of thunder and her fear and pain turned to astonishment. Zenitsu was awake and protecting Nezuko so they would be fine.

"Tanjiro, get your head in the game, focus on what you can do here and now. Stop worrying about the others, Zenitsu is awake now and the others are fine, trust them. I'm going to the next cart while you keep this one under wraps," I ordered and he nodded. Seeing another aura I stopped from entering the next cart and I grabbed onto one of the chairs and grabbed Tanjiro as well as swinging my sword to cut an attack off. The carts suddenly jumped and we would have been thrown if not for me preparing, Rengoku was awake.
"Young Kamado, Young Hikaru," Rengoku said as he appeared right in front of us. He was really fast, faster than I thought he was.
"I was pretty thorough with my slashing attacks on my way here, so it should take the demon a while to regenerate but there's no time to lose, I'll keep it short" He said.
"Yes" We both said.
"This train has eight cars in all. I'll protect the five in the rear, the yellow haired boy and your sister will be in charge of the rest. You two and the boar head boy will go look for the demon's head while keeping an eye on those three cars" Rengoku ordered.
"Head? But this demon is-" Tanjiro started.
"No matter what form he's assumed so long as he's a demon, he's got a head. I'll be searching for his weak spot as I fight, I want you to show me how gutsy you both are" Rengoku said and he went to get up but I grabbed him.
"You don't have to worry about the back two carts, the demon won't be game to touch them and as for the rest of them, here this should help" I said, taking a few vials from my box and handing them over.
"What is this?" Rengoku questioned.
"Wisteria flowers that are made into perfume with flowers in them as well. Spread that around and the demon won't go near it since they can't stand it. I have flooded the last two with this so the demon won't touch them. As for the other carts they have a smaller amount that will only hinder him but if you add more I am sure that it will help stop him. But don't put it in the cart that Nezuko is in" I explained. I saw Rengoku's eyes dart to my hand before he nodded.
"Very well" He said before he left in a flash of flames.
"Tanjiro" I yelled, snapping him out of his daze and we headed for the front of the train.

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