Chapter 51: Appearing marks

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I was trying to get my breath back and get onto my feet knowing that the next attack was coming at any moment but I couldn't. Looking down at my legs, I saw that they were twitching and moving from the muscles alone and the tips of my left hand were really red and had already started to blister from the lightning that hit before Kanroji stopped it. My eyes widened when I realised something that I had never really put much thought into before. I wasn't alone. Kanroji, Nezuko, Tanjiro and Genya were with me and that meant I could take a break. I still wanted to save them and put an end to this demon but at the moment I was exhausted and even though I couldn't really feel the pain I knew I was hurt. If I wanted to be able to help them and not drag them down then I should take this time to recover as much as possible.


"Wonderful. You're a special person loved by the Gods, be proud of your strength" Ubakishiki said with a smile as he looked at Kanroji.
"Anyone who talks bad about it just fears your talent, they're only jealous," He continued.
"Thank you so much!" Kanroji thanked as she bowed happily.

Flashback end

'Mum, Dad, thank you for giving birth to me safely. And thank you to the Demon Slayers who took me in. All the people I protected thanked me with tears in their eyes. And Iguro-san even gave me striped socks. I wondered if it was okay for me to be strong since I was a girl and if I could ever live my life without people calling me an inhuman monster. I suppressed my power out of fear but I'll stop now' Kanroji thought.
'She is our ray of hope!' Kanroji remembered Tanjiro crying out.
"Leave it to me. I'll protect everyone" Kanroji said, determination rolling off her. The Hatred Demon struck one of the drums again making one of the tree dragon heads move to attack but he wasn't the only one.
"I'll do something about this!" Kanroji yelled as she dashed towards the dragon straight past where I was sitting. Looking over my shoulder I saw Kanroji move her unique sword and in a matter of seconds she had cut into not only the attack heading for us but the other dragon head and bodies as well.
'I have to increase my heart rate. Get my blood circulating. Get faster...Get...Stronger!' Kanroji thought.
"Tanjiro, Hikaru, I shot a bullet at the main guy's body, where is it? Do you know?" Genya asked. I was on my feet again as we rushed for the real body while Kanroji was dealing with the Hatred Demon.
"I do, it's here" Tanjiro said as he led us.
'While Kanroji-san is dealing with the child demon, we have to cut down the main body as fast as we can' Tanjiro thought.
'Kanroji is strong and I know that she will be able to deal with the Hatred Demon but that doesn't make me feel any better about leaving her by herself' I thought as I continued to move.
'Those brats' Hatred Demon thought as he saw was moving and struck his drum so that the tree dragons would go to attack us. None of the attack reached us, seeing as Kanroji got in front of it and once again cut up the dragons and made moves to attack the Hatred Demon.
'This girl is moving faster than before! What did she do? What is she doing? How the fuck did she...' Hatred Demon thought. I couldn't help but look once more back at Kanroji before we would lose sight of her and my eyes widened. She was in the air and about to attack the Hatred Demon but that wasn't what caught my attention. Her aura had a different aura wrapped around it and when I looked closer I saw that there was a flower mark on her neck just above the colour bone that hadn't been there before. Shaking my head I continued to follow the others, I could worry about Kanroji's aura and that mark later even when I felt my thighs burn I continued to run since we had our own demon to go after.
'A birthmark? Was that there before? That...Looks like a demon crest' Hatred demon thought before hitting one of his drums to send another attack. Much like the attacks before, Kanroji wasted no time in demolishing them with her sword and strength.
'Absolutely detestable! Thanks to this girl, I can't finish off those brats! This is horrible! But she won't last forever, her stamina will run out at some point. All humans will. At some point' Hatred demon thought as he watched Kanroji continue to dodge or destroy his attacks.

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