Chapter 56: Training ends with a visit

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It didn't take me long to get dinner cooked since we were having stew with rice and I was soon calling the others to eat.
"Himejima-san is a pretty good person in his own right. Despite the fact that he said he won't make me his successor because of having no talents, he figured out that I was eating demons so he made me his disciple" Genya said once I had served everyone some dinner. There was still plenty left in the pot and Inosuke was already eating really fast.
"He introduced me to Kocho-san and had her check on my condition" Genya continued.
"Oh, really now" Tanjiro smiled as he took his first bite and hummed.
"But every time I see her, she puts on this disgusted face and scolds me. You two seem relatively stubborn too so she must have told you off, I think. But you never grumble about it" Genya said before looking at his bowl surprised.
"Well if I wasn't able to use breaths, she might've treated me the same way. Are you okay though?" Tanjiro asked.
"I tend to my own wounds when I am able to so she doesn't have as much time to scold me. Plus I'm sure that Shinobu is worried about you and that is why she scolds you" I said.
"Maybe" Genya said while blushing and ducking his head.
"Of course! I'm gonna go see Giyuu-san once I'm done eating this, wanna come to Genya? You should probably come as well, Hikaru, he has been trying to talk to you for a while" Tanjiro said.
"No, no I haven't moved the boulder across town yet" Genya said.
"I'm really close to it!" Inosuke exclaimed as he looked up from his food.
"Well I can't use breaths," Genya replied.
"Hahaha, you can't use breaths? Shrimp!" Inosuke insulted. This of course set Genya off so they started to fight before me and Tanjiro separated them.
"I just wanted to have a chat about something if we went together," Tanjiro explained while sitting on Inosuke's back.
"About what?" Genya asked, his face bright red since I had him in a headlock.
"About the wind pillar...Your brother. About him" Tanjiro said.
"Maybe a different time Tanjiro, I don't think I'll be able to go with you either but give Giyu my best regards and tell him that I will come and see him as soon as I can," I said.
"Okay but don't over do your training" Tanjiro said as he got to leave.
"Hold on Tanjiro you forgot this," I called out and held up a small bag that could be strapped to the small of someone's back. It was a simple bag filled with first aid supplies that Shinobu had helped me spread to everyone in the corps. It wouldn't be enough to save someone's life from life threatening injuries but it would give them extra time to get help.
"Right thanks Hikaru" Tanjiro smiled before leaning down and kissing my forehead since I didn't have my mask on at the moment. He then left and Inosuke also took this time to leave so that he could finish his training.
"You know he cares about you a lot. Sanemi I mean" I said and Genya turned to me with his eyes wide.
"I know he doesn't seem like it and he comes off that he hates your guts but that isn't the truth. You probably don't want to hear it like this but please try and think about it from Sanemi's side, he wanted to protect you from demons and make sure you were safe but now here you are throwing yourself onto the front lines," I said.
"B-But...He" Genya tried to get out and I couldn't help but reach out and ruffle his head.
"You know as well as I do that Sanemi has a lot of anger and most of the time that anger takes over him and dictates what he is doing. But that anger isn't towards you, no, most of the anger that Sanemi has is directed towards himself. If not going to tell you everything that he has told you but when you are ready to try talk to your brother again let me know. I'll go with you and I will make sure that you have the talk that both of you need" I smiled.
"Even though I'm his brother I feel like you know him a lot better than I do" Genya sighed.
"You definitely know him better than I do, you just don't realise it" I denied. Genya seemed to be studying my face along with trying to put what he wants to say into words.
"Tanjiro is really worried about you" Genya finally said but I knew what he meant, 'I am worried about you'.
"Yeah I know, after we came back from the swordsmith village I have changed a little bit and I have a few things on my mind but Tanjiro shouldn't worry so much. Soon enough I'll tell him what is on my mind along with everyone else but it's not time yet. Now let's get back to training shall we?" I offered as I grabbed my mask ready to put it back.
"Wait a minute" Genya burst out as he grabbed my arm and I turned to him just in time for his lips to crash into mine. Once he realised what he had done Genya turned bright red and started to sputter in embarrassment. I couldn't help but laugh at the horrified look on his face.
"First time kissing someone?" I asked and he shyly nodded.
"I didn't mean....Well I did mean to but I know....I mean you're with.....And I just" Genya continued to fret.
"Don't worry the first kiss aways frazzles you but don't worry I'm a good teacher and don't worry about the others" I chuckled as I leant up and kissed him once again. This wasn't what I had planned but I wasn't going to discourage it.

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