Chapter 41: Speaking of the past

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Third person POV

In a room that looked like a maze with the amount of staircases along with how the rooms seemed to be upside down or sidewards, there was a meeting going on. The first one to arrive was a short pink haired male with tattoos, Akaza. He wasn't alone though as there was a woman with long bangs that covered her eyes and she had a biwa in her hands.
"Hyo, well, well, Akaza-sama" A voice called and Akaza turned to see a vase on the floor near him that was covered in flowers.
"Dear me, you seem to be looking swell. How've you been after ninety years?" The voice asked and a spirit-like demon emerged from the pot. He had hands for hair, an eye on his forehead, another eye where his mouth should be and two mouths where his eyes should be. This was the Upper moon five, Gyokko.
"The mere possibility of you dying made my heart leap with jo....Made my heart cringe with pain" Gyokko cut himself off with a few coughs in the middle of his sentence.
"This is quite terrifying, Gyokko has forgotten how to count during our long absence" A different voice said, this time it was a male demon on a staircase. He was smaller than the other two and seemed terrified but he had a distinctive bump on his head with horns either side and pointed ears. This was Hantengu, the Upper Moon four.
"We haven't been called here for a hundred and thirteen years. An indivisible number....An unlucky number, an odd number! Terrifying indeed" Hantengu said.
"Biwa woman, has Muzan-sama arrived yet?" Akaza asked, ignoring the other two.
"He has not arrived yet" The woman answered while strumming her biwa.
"Then where's, Upper Moon one? There's no way he'd get killed" Akaza said.
"Hold up! Hold up! Hold on a minute, Akaza-dono! Aren't you gonna show some concern for me?" Another voice asked as a hand came along Akaza's shoulder and the person attached to it was the same demon that had changed Gyutaro and Daki into demons.
"I was super worried about you guys! You're my precious buddies, I don't want aaaanyone here to wane out now" He smiled.
"Hyo! Douma-dono" Gyokko said.
"Hey hey, long time no see, Gyokko. Is that a new pot? It's pretty. The pot that you gave me is in my room, I planted a girl's severed head in it for decoration" Douma was now no longer the Upper moon six instead he was Upper Moon two.
"You can't grow severed heads...But I like the idea," Gyokko pointed out.
"I know, you should come and visit next time!" Douma smiled.
"Move it," Akaza said.
"Hm?" Douma questioned.
"Move your arm," Akaza demanded before he punched Douma, destroying his jaw completely, making Hantengu let out a eep.
"Whoa. Hmm, nice punch there! Have you gotten a little stronger since we last met Akaza-dono?" Douma asked and Akaza's glare grew even more fierce.
"Upper Moon One was the first to arrive, he has been here this whole time" The biwa woman announced, making Akaza look at a lower platform that had a curtain half drawn. The man sitting there had long hair in a ponytail and a katana on his waist. He was Kokushibou.
"I am here....Muzan-sama has arrived," Kokushibou said, making them all look up and behind them. Muzan was standing at a desk with various vials in front of him looking like he did when Hikaru and Tanjiro had run into him.
"Gyutaro is dead, the Upper Moons have waned" Muzan announded while not looking away from what he was doing.
"Oh, is that so?" Douma asked.
"Well, I'm very sorry about that! I was the one who introduced Gyutaro here after all. How can I apologise to you? Will you gouge my eyeball out? Or will you-" Douma said with a bright smile.
"I don't need your eyeballs, I figured Gyutaro would lose as I expected. Daki was holding him back, Gyutaro would've won if he had been the one fighting to begin with. He could've just poisoned them in the beginning so they couldn't keep fighting well, it doesn't matter anymore" Muzan interrupted.
"Worthless, he had too much humanity in him so he lost but that's fine too. I'm not expecting anything from you guys" Muzan continued.
"Oh, you're talking about the sad things again. Has there ever been a time when I've failed to live up to your expectations?" Douma enquired.
"The Ubuyashiki family has yet to be entombed, not to mention the Akatsuki's. And what about the 'Blue spider lily'? Why can't we find it after hundreds of years? I don't really know why you guys exist anymore" Muzan said and from the veins on his face they could tell he was getting angry.
"Eep! Please forgive us! Please! Please" Hantengu pleaded as he bowed down. Akaza kept his head bowing, not saying anything as he remembered his own run in with Hikaru.
"I have nothing to say, Ubuyashiki cleverly hid himself," Kokushibou said, taking regular pauses between words.
"And I'm not very good at detective work myself, what can I say?" Douma said.
"Muzan-sama! I'm not like them! I have some information that can get you one step closer to achieving your dreams, just a moment ago-" Gyokko started but cut himself off as he was now looking at Muzan's upside down face.
"The one thing I hate is 'change'. Changes in circumstances. Changes in body. Changes in emotion. In most cases every change is 'degradation'. It is decline. The one thing I like is 'permanence'," Muzan said.
'Muzan-sama's hand is on my head! Yes...So good..!' Gyokko thought, not caring that Muzan had ripped his head off.
"If something doesn't change for an eternity it's in a perfect state. I am at the height of my displeasure because it's been one hundred and thirteen years since an Upper Moon was killed. Don't get all excited and give me information if you haven't confirmed it yet" Muzan said before turning to look at the biwa woman. She strummed her instrument and the head that Muzan was holding dropped back onto the room the body was in.
"From now on you guys should serve me with more suicidal devotion. I seem to have spoiled you guys too much because of the mere fact that you're all Upper Moons. Gyokko if you can confirm your information head over there with Hantengu" Muzan ordered before doors slammed and Muzan disappeared from sight.
"Eeep! Understood sir!" Hantengu said while bowing.
'You're keeping! I got information and he blew me off...But that's his good point' Gyokko thought.
"Gyokko-dono!" Douma smiled as he kneeled near Gyokko's head.
"What type of info do you have, man? I'd like to go there too!" Douma smiled.
"No...Well" Gyokko said.
"Can you tell me?" Douma asked while picking up Gyokko's head. Whatever he wanted to finish saying he didn't get to say as Akaza had appeared behind him and hit his head destroying everything above mouth level.
"Did Muzan-sama give you orders? Get lost" Akaza glared. Without anything moving Akaza's hand was cut off and dropped onto the floor.
"Akaza....You went too far" Kokushibou said as he was now next to Akaza making Akaza freeze.
"It's fine, it's fine, Kokushibou-dono! I have absolutely no problem with what he did," Douma smiled as he was fully regenerated already.
"I'm not saying this for your benefit. I'm troubled over the fact, he's not only disrupting the hierarchy, but he's also making cracks in our entire subordinate relationship" Kokushibou explained.
"Ohh, I see now," Douma said while snapping his fingers.
"Akaza, if he really bothers you, you should apply for a blood battle to swap places with him," Kokushibou said.
"But like Kokushibou-dono, even if Akaza-dono applied for one there's no way he can beat us. On top of that I became a demon way after he did. I reached success earlier than him, so he must be feeling extremely pissed inside! I understand the guy. Besides I intentionally didn't dodge him, it was just a bit of fun. This is my way of getting along with him, superior beings must give leeway to those lower than them and not scold them over minor-" Douma said.
"Akaza. Did you understand what I wanted to say?" Kokushibou questioned, and his face was shown, showing off six different eyes and two flame-like tattoos.
"I did. I will kill you for sure" Akaza said after a small pause.
"I see, good luck with that," Kokushibou said before he disappeared.
"Farewell, Kokushibou-dono! Farewell! Man I feel like the guy just didn't want to talk to us but you're just thinking too hard about this Akaza-dono" Douma said before turning to Akaza to see him leaving.
"Akaza-dono! Come on, we were having a conversation here!" Douma yelled.
"Launch me and Hantengu to the same place if you don't mind," Gyokko requested.
"Hand on I'll join you gu-" Douma started but the Biwa woman strummed her instrument and they were gone leaving Douma by himself.
"Hey biwa woman! If you want, how about you and I-" Douma started.
"I refuse," She refused before striking her instrument once again and Douma appeared in a different place.
"Mmm, you're all so cold," Douma pouted.
"Gracious founder. Your followers have arrived" A man said as he slid the door on the other side of the room open.
"Oh you serious? Sorry for making ya wait. 'Kay, leem put this on real quick. Come on, come on. Bring 'em all in" Douma smiled as he put on a priest's hat.

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