Chapter 31: Courtesan house

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It didn't take long for us to leave the Wisteria house and it took even less time for people to recognize me from either rumors or having seen me before.
"That is," whispered one.
"Little Sunshine" another said.
"I heard but didn't," someone gossiped. They all continued to talk and I could see people smiling and waving at me or even calling out to me making me smile and wave back to them politely, it was all about appearances here.
"You are popular," Uzui said as he walked next to me. His demon slayer uniform was gone and replaced by a simple kimono and his hair was free of its accessories making it so he didn't stand out.
"Yes, I do have a good reputation but it seems I'm not the only one getting spoken about" I said, noticing quite a few people glancing at Uzui.
"Him and Little Sunshine" a woman whispered giggling.
"Wonderful together" Another smiled.
"Imagine if they could have children" The gossiping never stopped but finally we had arrived at the first house that we had to investigate. Uzui done the talking so I just stood to the side as he talked to the Madame of the house and her husband.
"My, my....Now these three are certainly...quite homely girls aren't they?" The madame said and I still could not believe what Uzui had done with their makeup and hair. Zenitsu was now Zenko, Tanjiro was not Sumiko and Inosuke was Inoko. The Madame's husband rubbed his eyes and nearly fell over looking at the three of them.
"No, I don't think we can," The man said.
"Isn't there any way you can reconsider? Under your training, Madam, I'm sure they'd turn into diamonds" Uzui charmed.
"My little sisters may not be the best looking but I promise that they have a lot of potential and are good learners" I smiled.
"I'm sorry but" The man started.
"Well, I guess taking in one wouldn't be a problem!" The Madam said while blushing as she looked at Uzui.
"Then, please take one, sorry to impose, Madam," Uzui said.
"Then I think we'll take the one in the middle! She looks so obedient" The Madam said.
"I promise to work as  hard as I can" Tanjiro said in what I guess he thought was a femine voice.
"I don't mean to impose on your further Madam but I was wondering if I would be able to visit my Imouto, just to make sure she is working hard?" I questioned.
"Of course, we have all heard of Little Sunshine though you are not so little anymore are you?" Madam smiled and I nodded.
"Yes I have grown up a lot and I am sure that you understand that" I said and the Madam nodded with a gleam in her eye. With that we left the first house and continued walking.
"You guys are beyond hopeless! I can barely give you away! If it wasn't for Hikaru, there is no way they would have taken Sumiko" Uzui said. Zenitsu let out a breath that was sparking with electricity and he had a fierce glare on his face.
"I'm not talking to you, all right?" Zenitsu growled.
"Are you incensed because I made you disguise yourself as a girl? You said you'd do anything I asked!" Uzui huffed. Seeing Inosuke wander off I followed him keeping him close, this wasn't the place to wander off in.
"Hey! Over there! A bunch of people are swarming around!" Inosuke called out and we walked over to the crowd of people. There was a beautiful woman dressed even better than I was with even higher sandals with a group of people and I knew what this was right away.
"It's the procession of Courtesans," I said.
"Correct, that's Tokito house's Koinatsu Oiran, the highest ranking Courtesan is going off to meet her client. How flashy is that?" Uzui confirmed.
"Wife? Is she your wife by any chance? Is that knockour your wife? That's too much! You've got three of them! Are they all beautiful like her?" Zenitsu screamed and I grabbed him and dug my nails into his shoulder.
"Zenko, stop making a scene" I growled as I glared down at him making Zenitsu go silent and I smiled and waved at a few people that were staring.
"She's not my wife" Uzui glared and I knew if I hadn't stepped in he would have punched Zenitsu again.
"She walks so slow, she'd get killed in a second in the mountains" Inosuke huffed as he squatted down before he noticed someone staring down at her.
"Hey Mister, Little Sunshine, I'll be taking this girl back to my house. Is that all right?" A woman asked, making me and Uzui, turn to her.
"Hey, so you're," Uzui started.
"The Ogimoto house chaperone" The woman answered.
"If she's caught the eye of the Ogimoto house I couldn't be more thankful, but what kind of stroke of luck is this?" Uzui enquired.
"Oh please, I have a sure eye for these things" She smiled.
"Take care of yourself Inoko," Uzui called out his goodbyes.
"Behave and work hard Imouto, I'll be sure to come and visit you soon" I called out as the woman led Inosuke off. Zenitsu got a horrified look on his face once he realised he was the only one left and looking at the sky I realised that it was time to get to work.
"Well this is where we will separate my darling Imouto, Uzui," I said with a smile.
"Oh?" Uzui questioned and I nodded.
"There seems to be someone trying to get my attention" I said before I walked through the crowds to the man that was trying to get my attention.

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