Chapter 26: Akaza

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All three of us were thrown into the air and I reached for the conductor but I couldn't reach him. What about the passengers? There were children and elderly on this train, if they were to be thrown around like this they would be killed. No, I wouldn't let anyone die here. The train scraped across the ground throwing pebbles everywhere, sparks were flying up and I was slammed into the ground making me roll across it getting covered in scrapes and bruises. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tanjiro being thrown across the ground as well but I could only focus on myself at the moment. Hearing a yell I managed to peel open my eyes realizing that I had stopped rolling now.
"Ah! Are you okay, Santaro? Kiruha?" Inosuke yelled running over to Tanjiro and me, we had landed mere feet apart.
"Hang in there, I was lucky I could bounce off the demon's flesh, cool huh? Is your belly okay?" Inosuke asked while lifting me up.
"You're belly that got stabbed" Inosuke said as if to remind me while shaking me with one arm and shaking Tanjiro with the other.
"I'm all right," Tanjiro groaned.
"Been in better shape but I'm okay" I whispered, getting up and looking to see that my box was thankfully in one piece. Before I had hit the ground I had managed to get it off my back and clung to it so that it wouldn't get damaged.
"What about you Inosuke?" Tanjiro asked.
"Never felt better, I didn't even catch a cold," Inosuke said.
"I won't be able to move for a while, help the others will you?" Tanjiro requested.
"Was anyone injured? What about the conductor that was near us?" I questioned as I sat up hissing. My muscles were crying out from whatever that move I had done but I forced them to move as I opened up my box and assessed the damage. My pictures were all scattered and some of them had been bent but other than that there was nothing damaged. Grabbing a roll of bandages out I started to bandage my stomach.
"It's okay if that bastard dies!" Inosuke yelled after a second of silence.
"It's not okay at all," I said.
"He's the one who stabbed you in the belly, remember? He's got his leg stuck and can't move, he's leg's shattered and he can't walk anymore. Just leave him there and he will die" Inosuke demanded.
"If that's the case then he has already atoned for his sin, Hikaru would never let someone die not if he could save them. So help him please? If not, I just know that Hikaru will strain himself to help" Tanjiro said. He knew me well enough to know that I would not let someone die even if they had hurt me. That may be hypocritical of me since I hunted demons for a living and killed them but it was different. With demons I felt like I was saving lives by killing them and not just human lives but their own lives as well.
"Hmph, I'll go for you two then because I'm the boss! Because my minions asked me to! After I rescue him I'm going to pluck out all of that guy's hair" Inosuke huffed.
"That's really not necessary" Tanjiro whispered.
"Slow your breathing down and control it to ease the pain back" I said while I tried to do the same. If I could manage to do that the blood that was sluggishly coating the bandages I had applied would stop. There were bound to be people that were injured on the train, I had to get up and help them before it was too late. I wasn't sure about Rengoku but out of Zenitsu, Inosuke, Nezuko and Tanjiro I was the only one with any idea on how to handle wounds. If I couldn't get to them if their injuries were too severe they were going to die. I could see all of their aura's filled with pain, fear and panic, I had to get up. As I was pushing myself up to try and stand I turned and saw a different aura. This one was sad, angry, hurt, disappointed and on the verge of disappearing. It was Enmu's aura.
"My body is disintegrating, I can't regenerate. Did I lose? Am I going to die? Me? Ridiculous. Ridiculous! I haven't been able to go all out! I couldn't devour a single human, my plan was to fuse with the train and devour humans en masse just went up in smoke! And now look at what I've been reduced to" I heard Enmu saying to himself. All that was left of him was a small bit of flesh with eyes and a mouth.
"After all the time and trouble I've taken, it was him! It's all his fault, even though I'd taken 200 humans hostage I still struggled. I was held at bay, is this the power of a Hashira?" Enmu question thinking about Rengoku.
"And him...He was fast too. Even though he never broke the spell completely" He said thinking of Zenitsu.
"Not to mention that girl, she's a demon! What about that? A demon joining forces with demon slayers, why hasn't Master Muzan killed the traitor" He demanded while thinking of Nezuko.
"Damnnit, dammit! In the first place it started going downhill once that brat broke my spell, it's all this brats fault! I wish I could at least kill that brat somehow" He said, pulling himself towards us.
"That's right and that boar too! I could've at least killed that brat but that boar thwarted me, his intuition is extraordinary, he could sense my gaze" Enmu continued but then he noticed that I was looking at him, watching.
"Wait....That's right it's all this brats fault, he made me go mad with desire for his blood and even spread wisteria around so I couldn't touch the passengers, he had a plan in place without me even realizing it. Am I going to lose? Am I going to die? Oh what a nightmare, what a nightmare" He whimpered.
"It's always the bottom-feeder demons who get killed by the demon slayers, in the upper ranks the same demons have remained for the last few centuries. They're strong enough to defeat Hashira who have killed an untold number of demons. Do they have otherworldly powers? Even after receiving so much of his blood I couldn't reach the upper ranks. I want to do it over, I want to do it over" Enmu pleaded.
"Don't worry, you may die but you will live on forever. I will never forget you and I will tell your story to those around me so that it may be passed on so you may rest easy knowing that you will never be forgotten" I whispered. I knew it would not help but it was the only thing I could do.

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