Chapter 12: Mt Natagumo

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Silence. The whole room was so silent that you could hear the crickets outside chirping as I watched Tanjiro start to blush before turning bright red and letting out a strangled squeak noise making me grin.
"You....You and you....You" Zenitsu said, looking like he was trying to figure out what exactly had just happened. Nezuko on the other hand didn't seem to have a problem walking up to me and tugging on my hand and if she didn't have the bamboo muzzle in her mouth I knew that she would be pouting.
"Of course, you get one as well" I smiled as I lent down and kissed her forehead and I saw her happiness sparkle as she snuggled up to my arm.
"Hikaru, I've told you before you can't just kiss me at random times," Tanjiro finally spluttered out looking like he was going to explode from embarrassment.
"Be thankful I decided to kiss you, I would have kissed Zenitsu to calm him down but he was crying and it didn't seem like a good thing at the time" I shrugged. Tanjiro and I weren't dating or seeing each other or engaged or anything like that. The truth was that I was a teenage boy and I believed that experimenting was something that I needed to do. This wasn't the first time that I had kissed Tanjiro fully on the mouth since he was one of the first people I experimented with since we were both maturing at the same time while training under Urokodaki and he was the only one around. Plus even if he acted embarrassed I could tell that he enjoyed it from the want, need and lust that entered his aura.
"We should get some sleep, we will never heal if we don't rest" I said now that Zenitsu had calmed down from the shock he had received so I laid down and willed myself to sleep while hearing Tanjiro explain that Nezuko was his sister.

The next day passed easily with me going through all my knowledge about my blood, demons blood and the elixirs that I was making. There was still something bugging me though, I knew for a fact that Hana had a deep wound on her shoulder and nothing that I gave her would have healed it up to nothing but a scar just a day after it had occurred. Shooting up I remembered something, when I went to treat her wounds before I started I had touched her shoulder with my hands that were covered in my own blood. Was that it? Did my blood somehow kill demons but then heal humans?
"Tanjiro, can I borrow you for a moment? Thanks" I said as I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the garden making him yelp but go along with me.
"Hikaru what is this about?" He asked, puzzled.
"This is going to sound super weird and probably set off all types of alarm bells but can I please have some of your blood and can I cut your arm?" I asked seriously.
"W-What? Why would you need to do that?" He asked and I knew that it was time for me to come clean about a few things.
"I am sure that you recall how I told you I am a Marechi correct?" I asked and he nodded.
"Well there is something different about me compared to a normal Marechi. My blood sings to demons and makes then want to devour it but as soon as they either touch it and get some in their stomachs they are driven mad by something, they start screaming about something burning and about how they want nothing more then to devour me" I explained before reaching into my box and pulling out a vial of demons blood and added my own blood to show him what I meant. His eyes went wide as the vial exploded and the blood seemed to burn away and he kept glancing between me and the vial.
"Exactly my blood can do that to a demon, but on the last mission I was on I believe that my blood healed someone's wound so I want to see the effects my blood would have on human blood" I told him and then went silent as he seemed to think about what to do.
"You don't have to do it if you don't want to," I said as the silence continued to grow more and more uncomfortable.
"No! I mean of course you can have my blood and if your blood really can heal then I will be happy to let you try it on me first! I was just worrying about what exactly your blood could be doing to our own body" Tanjiro explained.
"Thank you, as for worrying about me you don't have to worry seeing as there aren't any side effects that I can think of but that might be why Kibutsuji Muzan wanted to kill me" I said bring my hands up to ruffle through my hair.
"What do you mean? You weren't staying the night at our house?" Tanjiro asked, confused since I hadn't exactly told him what happened that night.
"No I heard screams and I ran to your house and saw him looming over Nezuko, of course I tried to attack him but he grabbed a hold of my hair.....I had to cut threw it to get free and then I swung towards him and the blade shattered and was flung back towards me. He then grabbed me by my neck and said about how I was an Akatsuki before slashing my chest and leaving me to die" I explained to him, hunching my shoulders when I thought of what I had done, I had disgraced my family. Before my thoughts could spiral out of control Tanjiro reached forward and hugged me towards him.
"You gave up everything so that you could try and protect my family, I will never thank you enough for that. I don't know if Kibutsuji Muzan targeted you because you were an Akatsuki or if you were just at the wrong place at the wrong time but I will tell you what I know. Anyone would be lucky to have you in their family long hair or not so if you can't belong to the Akatsuki family anymore then you will have to belong to the Kamado family while having the name that our teacher has bestowed on you" Tanjiro smiled as he cupped my cheek making me blush.
"Ah no lovey dovey stuff" We heard screaming and looked up to see Zenitsu had spotted us.
"Here" Tanjiro smiled as he gently took a knife out of my box and cut the back of his hand and let the blood drip into the vial. I then grabbed a bandage and cleaned up the wound and bandaged the light wound up that would be healed in a few days or sooner if I was correct about my blood.

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