Chapter 14: Dance of Fire

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Watching the demon in front of me licking his fingers to get my blood off them I couldn't help but sigh as madness grabbed hold of his aura and held it tightly. It was one of the most unnatural things that I had ever seen happen to someone's aura. If I was going to use my blood as a weapon though I would have to get used to it because a lot more demons would fall to the madness before I was finished.

"This taste....I have never tasted anything more delicious than this! No wonder Rui ordered us not to try and eat you, he wanted this all to himself!" The demon announced with a sadist grin on his face, his eyes clouded by madness. 

"That is not the reason that he told you not to try and eat me, he was trying to protect you but now that you have lost yourself to your bloodlust there is nothing that can save you" I said as I readied my swords. Even with the demon in front of me driven insane by my blood he was still a tough opponent that I couldn't let my guard down.

"Even if you are a demon you do not deserve to be driven out of your mind so do not worry I will do my best to put you out of your misery" I said, sheathing my smaller blade and clenching my crimson sword with both hands. My arm that the demon in front of me had hurt wasn't responding like it should so I the nerves or muscle was probably. Dodging to the side when he jumped towards me in an attack I wasn't expecting the knee that came up and met my chest. This did leave him open for an attack as I swiped my blade up and cut off his arm making him howl in pain.

"I'm going to enjoy killing you! And once I do, you will be mine. MINE! No one else is allowed to have even a piece of you, you will belong to me. ME! No one else, you only belong to me" He said, his mouth spreading in a sadistic smirk licking his hand that had somehow gotten more of my blood on it. Even more madness clouded his aura, to the point I could barely even see his emotions anymore, his individual colour was completely gone now.

"Damnit, would you stop trying to eat me or at least stop intergesting my blood, can you not see what it is doing to you?" I demanded dodging more hits while trying to think of which water breathing technique would be best to use in this sort of situation.

"MINE! MINE! MINE!" He screamed out before reaching up to his face and ripping his hands down, his nails ripping into his own skin that I realised was starting to blister. Dodging started to become harder since he was attacking with such ferociousness that he was leaving holes in the trees or the ground with just a normal punch or kick. If I was hit by one of those attacks then I was sure to break the bones in my arms or legs depending on where I placed my weight. Bringing my second blade out once again I attempted to use it to distract him, using the short blade to attack while guarding with the crimson blade. My eyes widened in horror and shock when my short sword was shattered by him placing his arm up to block the attack. It was just like that night all over again. I could smell the blood in the air, I could see the corpses of the people I saw as family on the ground dead, I could see Nezuko's pleading eyes asking me to save her. I could feel the pain rip through my body again and worse of all I could see those glowing red eyes glaring at me. Snapping out of my flashbacks I felt pain rip into my shoulder making me cry out and glance to see the demon had sunk his claws into my shoulder. Acting quickly I cut his hand off before he could rip the piece of flesh off like he had been planning on.

"What is this? What?! Why? Why do you reject me? If I eat you, you will become part of something great! Why do you burn me? Why does it burn?!" He screamed out as his hand reformed and seemed to be covered in a red blistering rash like the rest of his body was starting to become blistered as well. Burn. Burn. My eyes widened when something finally came to me, a way that I might be able to defeat this demon.

Flashback Four years old

"Papa it's too hard, I can't do it" I whined looking down at my feet with a pout.

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