Chapter 44: The doll, Yorichi

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I was on my knees in the forest with Tanjiro and that boy while watching Tokito battle against the doll but at the same time I wasn't there anymore. The trees had been overlapped with different trees, the people around me had seemed have disappeared. In front of me where Tokito had been was two men. One had red hair like the sunset and golden eyes that looked familiar. That was where I had seen him, this was Akatsuki Tsuki. The other man had hanafuda earrings, red hair, red eyes, he had a mark on his forehead and looked exactly like the doll had looked like.
"Tsuki, are you really determined to do this?" The man with the earrings asked.
"Yes I am Yorichi, this is something that I have to do" Tsuki smiled while looking at him.
"You will die, no matter the outcome of the battle. If you win or lose you will die" Yoruichi said.
"I know and I am ready to accept that outcome since it is my burden to shoulder. There is nothing else that I can do but fight against him and hopefully free him as well as myself" Tsuki said.
"Please, rethink this" The other man pleaded, his eyes soft as he held Tsuki's hands.
"I have, I have tried to think of everything and anything that I could possibly do but there is nothing that I can do since I have tried everything. I became like this, I gave myself this curse and turned my loved one away because I was trying to help him and yet he believes that I betrayed him. It's hard to accept Yoruichi but I can't continue to live in a world where our love has turned into blinding hatred" Tsuki whispered, tears streaming down his face.
"So there is nothing that I can say to stop you? You aren't as strong as him nor do you have an unshakeable heart, you will die" Yorichi stated. There was no way that Tsuki was going to be able to survive what he was planning.
"I know but that's okay. I'll either be with my love or I will wait for him on the other side. I don't care how long I have to wait or if he will greet me with words full of hate but I will wait for him. Days, months, years, eras, I don't care, I want to be with him no matter what happens," Tsuki smiled at Yorichi.
"I won't stop you since this is what you want to do but I will at least give you a gift" Yorichi said as he reached out and brought out two thin wrapped objects. Opening them up Tsuki's eyes widened when there were two swords, one was a long blade that was quickly turning the colour of crimson and the second one was a shorter blade that was turning yellow, orange, white and red.
"I hope that these can help you on your way," Yorichi said.
"I am sure that they will, thank you....I should get going, see you later Yoichi" Tsuki smiled as he turned and waved at the red haired male who waved to him, his eyes grew sadder as Tsuki left.
"Good bye, my precious moon" Yorichi whispered but no one heard it.

Gasping I clutched my chest as everything disappeared and I was once more next to Tanjiro with the boy next to him with Tokito battling against the Yorichi doll in the clearing in front of. Oh no, no, no. I was starting to see them during the day now? I can't get away from them at all can I? These vision things that I was continuously getting weren't always about Tsuki but they were starting to drive me insane.
"It's arms, why are there six?" Tanjiro asked, making me snap out of my thoughts. That's right, for now I should focus and learn all I can.
"It's arms? Well according to my Dad this doll is modeled after an actual swordsman. They had to give it six arms, or they couldn't replicate his movements," The boy explained.
"Who exactly is he? What did he do that was so impressive that they would make a doll of him?" I questioned. Maybe if I could find out about him I would learn more about Tsuki and stop seeing these things.
"Sorry, I don't know the details either, but it dates back to the Sengoku Era" The boy answered.
"Sengoku?! You mean more than three hundred years old? How has it not broken after all this time?" Tanjiro gasped and I wasn't much better, how did this doll survive for so long.
"It's construction is so superb that we can't hope to achieve that level even now, so if it breaks we can't fix it anymore. My Dad died suddenly and I have no siblings so I have to be the one to fix it but I don't have the talent to fix blades or dolls" The boy explained while his aura turned sad. Losing family was hard so I decided not to pipe up about it.
"So that's why....I see, I see" Tanjiro said.
"Tokitou is rather amazing. He's just as young as we are but he has a lot of talent" I commented as I studied the moves he was making. It was a little hard since he was moving so fast but I could see them still.
"Well of course, that boy is a descendant of the 'Sun Breath' users!" A voice piped up. Turning I looked to see a crow with large eyelashes on the ground next to me.
"He's a genius! He's completely different from you," She laughed.
"Tokitou-kun's crow? The Sun Breath is the original breath, so he's really amazing but he doesn't use the sun breath" Tanjiro said.
"Shut the hell up! I'll gouge your eyes out!" The crow yelled while latching onto the crow, making Tanjiro yell.
"Oh! The dream I had! I saw him in a dream!" Tanjiro said and I froze. Was his dream like mine? No it can't be. I wasn't denying  that Tanjiro hadn't seen this Yorichi but the dream visions that I was seeing were all about past Akatsuki's.
"What? You're a total moron, have you ever come to this village before? You're being so delusional that you make me laugh, so you know a warrior from the Sengoku era? How old are you?" The crow laughed. Tanjiro stopped and then ducked his head a little, and his aura turned sulky.
"Sorry about that, I must look weird" Tanjiro apologised.
"Not at all, it's fine Tanjiro," I said and he turned to me. His aura changed instantly to panic and worry and he looked like he was about to speak up but got stopped.
"Maybe it's a memory that was passed on? It's a common saying in my village, appearances aren't the only things that are inherited. Living things passed on their memories too, for example someone having memories of seeing the same scene when they first forge a sword. Or knowing how to do something they've never done before, we call those inherited memories. So the dream you saw must have been your ancestors' memory" The boy explained. So what I was seeing could be memories, in a way that makes sense but at the same time I felt like it was something deeper than that. I ignored the crow that was squawking about how ridiculous it was.
"Thanks you're so sweet, my name's Tanjiro and that is Hikaru, what's yours?" Tanjiro introduced.
"I'm Kotetsu, you don't have to listen to this bully of a crow," Kotetsu said. The crow once again tried to attack Kotetsu but I grabbed it by the neck to stop it before we heard a loud crack. Looking towards the fight that was going on I saw that Tokitou had broken some of the armor of Yorichi. Pure fury raced through my body and I grabbed onto my chest and bit down on my other hand to stop me from doing or saying something stupid because this anger wasn't my anger. Somehow it was someone else's anger.
"Kotetsu-kun!" I heard a yell which brought me back just as Kotetsu turned and ran away. Tanjiro and I traded looks before nodding and taking off into the forest after the boy. With my eyes and Tanjiro's nose we were sure to find him quickly.

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