Chapter 9: Marechi

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Panting I stopped in front of the demon's body glad that our fight was over and I was the victor even with the cuts that he had inflicted none of them were serious because of the demon slayer uniform but they were still bleeding.

"Damnit! Damnit! DAMNIT! You are mine! MINE! No one else is allowed to have you! It burns! IT BURNS! If I can't have you Marechi! Then no one can!" He roared out making my eyes go wide before I was flung into the air by one of his attacks making me yell out. That wasn't all he had planned though seeing as his hand was still risen and more wind attacks struck at me trying to slice me up as well as rip me side to side. The gravity put on my body was making it hard to breath, made it hard to think but I had to do something, if I didn't then it was going to rip me apart. The Water breathing techniques, I wasn't sure if it would work but I had to do something. So I did, technique after technique I realised until I felt like my arms were going to fall off and I would never be able to breathe normally ever again. Glancing down I noticed that the ground was coming closer and closer while the demon faded to ash that disappeared. I didn't have the strength to even lift my blade anymore let alone do another water breathing technique so I could do nothing but let my body slam into the ground with a cry. I laid there trying to get a proper breath in my body while I glanced to the side to see the demon's hand reach out to me before finally it all disappeared.

"Tanjiro.....Nezuko....Tamayo.....Yushiro" I whispered, my hand still clenched around my blade, I wasn't game to let go unless I couldn't grab it again. It didn't really matter much since I couldn't stand anyway but I got on my hands and knees and began to crawl towards the front of the house again.

"Do you know the reason why demons can't band together? The reason why demons cannibalize each other? It's to prevent other demons from banding together and attacking him" I heard Tamayo say as I finally got to where I could see them again, she was talking to Susamaru.

"He manipulates demons to act this way, demons like you," Tamayo continued.

"Shut up! Shut up, shut up! No way is he that petty" Susamaru yelled out and that's when I realised that Tamayo's arm was dripping blood, just like that night when she confused those people so that she could get that husband and wife out of there.

"The power he wields is mind-blowing! There's no one stronger than him! Not Lord Kibutsuji!" She screamed before dropping her temari's and covering her mouth as Tamayo lifted her arm up.

"You've uttered that name out loud, haven't you? That will trigger the curse" Tamayo said. It seems that was when Yushiro noticed me and he rushed over to me before putting some cloth over my mouth.
"If you keep on breathing in Lady Tamayo's spell it will kill you" He warned and I nodded holding the cloth to my mouth as he returned to Tamayo's side.

"Please forgive me! Please forgive me! I'm begging you! Please! Please forgive me!" Susamaru pleaded. Fear, she was terrified. That's when I heard her start to choke and saw as three large arms ripped themselves out of her and the aura that it gave off made me feel sick to my stomach, it was horrifying to see such a thing. Susmaru was still alive until one of the arms reached down and crushed her head, then the arms started to rip her apart until there was nothing but blood and a few parts left. Pushing myself up using my two swords as crutches I had to stop myself from losing the contents in my stomach over what I had just seen.

"Did she just die?" Tanjiro asked, sounding as horrified as I felt.

"She will die momentarily, that's the curse. Her physical body will be destroyed by Kibutsuji's cells still in her body" Tamayo said and she was telling the truth, Susamaru's aura was still clinging to the puddle of blood and orange kimono.

"In general battles between demons are futile, it's pointless because they can't inflict fatal wounds on each other. Only sunlight and the sword of the Demon Slayers can do so. Kibutsuji alone appears to be able to destroy demon cells," Tamayo informed us before Yushiro ran towards Tanjiro and covered his mouth giving him the same warning as he gave me.

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