Chapter 15: Captured

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Before my crimson sword even touched Rui's neck three different spider webs appeared to stop it and broke my blade into three different pieces. Just like my sword, any hope of me getting away from Rui broke before my eyes. Rui turned to me with a frown on his face and his eyebrows pinched together in displeasure.
"I guess I will just have to show you what happens when you disobey me, but first" He said, reaching towards my face. I tried to jump back to stop him from touching me but the webs around my body tightened making me grunt and stop my movements. Feeling cool air on my face I saw that Rui had taken my fox mask off and was now staring at me with a slight blush on his face.
"You are just as handsome as I thought you would be. There is the problem with your scars but once you become a demon that won't be a problem anymore. We are going to stay together on this mountain with my family and you are going to protect and love me forever" Rui said before dropping my mask on the floor.
"No!" I yelled out seeing him lift his foot. I struggled even harder against the webs crying out in pain as the webs dug in starting to actually cut through the demon slayer uniform. That didn't stop me though as I reached forward to grab my mask. Crack. My eyes widened in horror as Rui's foot came down on the mask that was now laying under his foot in pieces. I could remember when Urokodaki gave me our masks and the meaning behind them as well. Now though not only were both my swords broken, the box Urokodaki had gifted me was leaning against a tree to the side of this clearing, my haori was torn to shreds barely holding together anymore and now my mask was in pieces. Sobbing tears streamed down my face as I curled in on myself as much as I could covering my face with my arm.
"You don't need to cry, I am going to show you that I am the only one that you need. We should also get rid of that hideous uniform" Rui sneered. He put his hand up and clenched his hand and the webs around me moved before being joined with more webs. They tightened around my arms and legs tying me up so that I was completely exposed to him.
"I suppose I should leave you in some clothes seeing as you are still human and the cold will kill you" Rui said, approaching me before grabbing the blue and white haori by the shoulders and ripping it off me.
"Stop this, why are you even bothering to keep me alive? I am sure by now my blood is singing to you to devour me" I spat out with a glare but he didn't show any reaction as he stripped the top half of my uniform off me even as I struggled. All my struggles got me, were cuts around my arms and legs making me hiss in pain. I was helpless, I couldn't do anything, all I could do was sob and hang my head as Rui ripped the top half of my uniform off me.
"More scars, still not a problem once you become one of my family then you will not have to worry about your scars" Rui said as he ran his hands over my chest. Sobbing I struggled and had more blood streaming down my arms and legs making Rui bring his hands away from my chest. At least he wasn't touching me anymore but even with my eyesight blurred from my tears I could see sadness creep into his aura.
"Why do you fight me? Why won't you love me?" Rui demanded with an emotionless glare directed at me but I could tell that he was actually wondering why I wouldn't love him.
"I don't love you because...Because I don't know anything about you, only that you are trying to kill my friends and you are hurting me. How am I meant to love someone when they only bring me pain?" I asked, my voice cracking.
"I see so you want to get to know me? I do not remember anything from before I was a demon but I can tell you about my new family" Rui said and then he began to tell me about his different siblings, his father and his mother. What made my stomach turn was that if the siblings, father or mother stepped out of line of what Rui believed was their role they would be punished or even killed.

I wasn't sure how long I had been captured by Rui but I had stopped struggling now since the amount of blood I had lost was starting to have an impact on me. The wounds were also starting to really hurt now that the adrenalin was out of my body.
"Rui" called a voice and I looked up to see a long-haired girl that seemed around the same age as Rui.
"Sister, have you gotten rid of the intruders in the forest?" Rui asked, looking at his 'sister'.
"Rui...I" The girl started.
"So you didn't" Rui said and I saw anger and rage sharpen in his aura.
"Rui, that's your name right? You were telling me about your mother weren't you? I would like to hear more" I said, drawing Rui's attention to me. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed two aura's coming closer to us. It was Tanjiro and Nezuko, I couldn't show it on my face but I was so happy that they were coming.
"I was, wasn't I? I will continue to talk about my mother once I deal with Sister's punishment" Rui said, making my eyes widen as Rui attacked his sister.
"Please, stop, I beg of you," The sister cried out. That's when I noticed that Tanjiro and Nezuko's aura was behind a tree right outside the clearing that we were in. More tears streamed down my face when I realised that I was saved, Tanjiro and Nezuko would save me from Rui.

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