Chapter 24: Dreams turned to nightmares

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Hikaru's POV

After I finished the ritual dance for Okaa-san and Otou-san and got their praise in return I couldn't help but think that something was wrong. I keep on seeing things that I had never seen or people that I had never met before. Even while I was looking in a mirror I saw my hair cut short and my face full of scars. Walking into Otou-san's blacksmith forge I saw that he wasn't there at the moment and my eyes were drawn to a certain short sword. I couldn't stop myself from walking over and gently giving it an experimental swing. My eyes widened as memories rushed in my head. I saw the Kamado family other then Tanjuro and Tanjiro slaughtered on the ground and I could see Nezuko was alive by her aura. Wait, auras, for as long as I can remember I could see auras but this whole time I hadn't been able to see Otou-san and Okaa-san's aura's. Before I could think more on that thought the memories changed to a dark haired man that attacked us and then a gray haired man with a red mask. They kept on flooding into my head and I felt as my clothes changed to my demon slayer uniform and my mask once again firmly on my face while my box was on my back. This was all a dream, my parents were dead, I had lost everyone but Tanjiro and Nezuko but I had also gained more friends. Thinking of Zenitsu, Inosuke, Urokodaki-sensei, Giyuu, Rengoku and even Tengen and Sanemi I knew that I had to get out of here, they were waiting for me and we were all in trouble. Racing out of the blacksmith forge I came face to face with Okaa-san and Otou-san.
"Baby what's wrong?" Okaa-san asked, looking at me confused.
"Did something happen, son?" Otou-san questioned. I felt tears well up in my eyes. Did I really want to leave them here? We could stay in this happy dream and I wouldn't have to deal with demons or deal with the fact that Okaa-san and Otou-san were gone.
"I see....You've noticed haven't you? That this is all a dream fabricated by a demon," Okaa-san said as she walked forward and moved my mask from my face to the side of my face. I don't know how they know but now wasn't the time to dwell on that.
"Okaa-san" I whispered as I turned and nuzzled into the palm of her hand.
"You can't stay here Hikaru, you have to go back to the real world" Otou-san said as he laid a hand on my shoulder.
"But I don't want to lose you, not again" I sobbed.
"You won't ever lose us because we live deep in your heart, we have watched over you all this time and are so proud of you" Okaa-san smiled.
"But my hair" I whispered, reaching up for my hair that was tucked away at the moment.
"I told you that hair does not make you an Akatuski, your soul and heart are 100% Akatsuki. There is so much more that I want to tell you but we no longer have time for that" Otou-san sighed.
"We can have all the time in the world if I stay here" I burst out and they just smiled at me sadly.
"We all know that you would regret that, you have friends out there that are waiting for you to help them and there are innocent people that need your protection" Okaa-san said before leaning forward and kissing my forehead.
"No matter how many scars you have, always remember you are my beautiful son and I am so proud of you, I will watch over you until it is time for you to join us but you better not be in a hurry" Okaa-san said with tears streaming down her face. She took a few steps back and before I could stop her she brought out a knife and sliced her own throat.
"OKAA-SAN!" I screamed as I caught her not caring for the blood that was getting all over me. She was dead before she even hit the ground.
"We knew that this was the only way. If there was a chance for you to stay here with us we know that you would take it but you have a life Hikaru and you can't give that up. There are people depending on you, people who are waiting for you and people who love you. Always remember that you are my son and you are a true Akatsuki, remember your heritage for it will help you in your darkest hours. I wish I had so much more time with you. I am so sorry for leaving you all alone when you were little, I love you my son" Otou-san said before saying something else that made my eyes go wide. Even though I had a feeling I knew what was coming I didn't move in time as Otou-san cut his throat as well making a wail rip out of my throat. Even though no one could hear me I let out a wail to the gods. I lost track of time for a moment as I looked at my parents that had just taken their lives in front of me so that I would go back to the real world. It was then that I realized just how cruel these dreams could be. They could either be pleasant or nightmares, I wasn't sure how my parents had acted on their own accord but they were gone now. The demon that had put us in this nightmare had made me watch my parents ago. That made me grit my teeth, how many people had been sucked into blissful dreams only to have them turn out like this, I had to stop it. Reaching to my side I grabbed my red katana and placed the blade at my neck.
'I will put a stop to this, I will save my friends and more importantly I will carry these precious memories with me until the day I die' I thought to myself before getting to my feet. Now that I wasn't sucked into this dream I could see an aura that didn't belong in here so I headed towards it.

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