Chapter 32: Disapperance

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Inosuke and I looked up the stairs before looking at each other and quietly crept up the stairs towards Makio's room.
"Inosuke, we should be careful. There are two aura's in there and one of them seems to be from a demon but at the same time there is something different about it as well" I warned and he nodded as we looked around the corner. In the hallway was the tray of food that the other woman had said that she had left there for Makio that hadn't been touched so we were in the right place.
"It's odd, it feels so odd. Is she in some kind of trouble now? I can't tell" Inosuke whispered.
"I can't either, that strange aura is overlapping with Makio's so I can't see it properly.
"I'm getting this slimy, creepy vibe but.....Huh! Sitting here thinking and not doing anything that's not my style!" Inosuke growled out.
"Wait" I called as he raced towards the door and I followed just in case something happened. As we ran towards the room I saw the two aura's disappear so when Inosuke threw open the door and looked at the wrecked room I wasn't all that surprised.
"The wind, even though the windows are closed!" Inosuke said.
"The attic, they haven't left the building yet" I said as I looked up. Inosuke grabbed the bowl of food that had been left for Makio and threw it towards the attic with a yell.
"We're onto you!" Inosuke yelled. The roof started to move around like it was in the ceiling, so whatever that was truly hadn't let yet but in that case, where was Makio?
"It's clattering around in the ceiling," Inosuke said. With that he turned and took off running down the hall and I quickly followed since he was following whatever that was in the ceiling based on instinct. I don't know what happened to Makio but I couldn't see her aura anymore so I guess that the demon did something to make it disappear. For now all I could do was run after Inosuke and hope that I could help him somehow.
"It's a demon like I thought. Where's it heading? Where's it running off to?" Inosuke questioned as we ran.
"I don't know but we have to move fast" I said.
"Out of the way" Inosuke yelled as he pushed two people out of the way.
"Sorry we are in a rush" I yelled as we didn't even stop to apologise properly.
"We're not letting you get away!" Inosuke shouted as we continued to follow the demon-like thing. Inosuke burst into a room where two women were getting ready for when we opened before running to the other side and breaking one of the sliding doors so I quickly followed while shouting an apology. Since it was still daytime I guess that the demon had used the attic as an escape from the sun since it didn't want to get caught by us but didn't want to be killed by the sun either. But if it wanted to get out of the attic it had to climb down at some point, meaning if we continued to follow it then we would eventually catch the demon.
"Right there" Inosuke yelled as we ran past two women and Inosuke cocked his fist readying to punch the wall.
"Hey! Now there's a sweet young thing-" A guy with a sleazy aura said just before Inosuke's fist slammed into his face since he got in the way of the wall. The two women by us screamed.
"You punched him!" The second one squealed.
"Damn we missed him, he's heading downstairs" I called out and we both quickly jumped down the stairs to try and catch up but it was too late.
"This way? No it's this way. Dammit it's hard to get a feel for it, I lost sight of it! Dammit! It's all because people got in my way!" Inosuke growled as he looked around. The aura was gone and so was Makio's meaning that Makio was gone and so was the demon, we had failed.
"As much as I want to stick around and look around I should go and check on Zenitsu before getting ready for tonight" I said as I looked around my brows furrowed. I didn't want to leave when this was the best lead we had gotten since we started this mission but at the same time I hadn't checked on Zenitsu yet and I didn't want to leave it too long before checkin's in case the demon managed to grab one of us.
"Go check on him, I'll keep looking around here" Inosuke declared.
"Are you sure?" I questioned and he huffed.
"Of course!" Inosuke answered and I smiled before leaning over and kissed his forehead.
"Take care of yourself and if you are ever in trouble try and get some sort of signal out and I will come running to help you" I smiled before I bid him goodbye with a wave. Next stop was the house that Zenitsu had been given to. I should have probably filled Uzui in on what happened but it could wait, for now I want to make sure that Zenitsu was okay.

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