Chapter 17: Meeting the Hashira

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"Bummer, I heard that they were demon slayers with a demon in tow so I was looking forward to seeing someone flamboyant but they are both pretty drab-looking kids huh?" One of the people said. He had silver hair and the most eye-catching accessories that I had seen before.
"Mm and we're here for these boy's trials! I see!" A different one yelled, this guy had blonde hair with red streaked threw it.
"Wh-Who are these people?" Tanjiro asked.
"Don't open your mouth just yet, you moron" The guy near Tanjiro said, shoving his head into the gravel.
"Oi, get your hand off his head or I'll rip it from your body" I glared, making the guy let out an eep and let go of Tanjiro.
"As for who they are, they are the Hashira" I said with my eyes taking in the six people in front of us.
"This is the demon slayer corps headquarters and you are both about to be put on trial, Kamado Tanjiro-kun and Akatsuki Hikaru-kun" The lady from the woods said and I noticed the man that had silver hair's aura perked and he looked straight at me. What was his problem? If he thought that I would allow him to get close and hurt either Tanjiro or Nezuko then he was dead wrong.

"Before we start the trial why don't you explain the crime you've committed" The butterfly lady started.
"There's no need for a trial! Protecting a demon is a clear violation of the code! We're within our rights to deal with them on our own! We're going to behead them along with the demon!" The flame haired one yelled, his name was Rengoku Kyojuro and he was the flame hashira.
"In that case, I'll be glad to decapitate them with style, I'll show you the most flamboyant blood spray you'll ever see. I'm talking about Max flamboyance" Uzui Tengan, the sound Hashira said. He was the one with silver hair and he kept looking at me out of the corner of his eyes. My eyes flicked to the pink and green haired lady and I could tell that she was conflicted over what to do at least that was who her emotions were showing. Her name was Kanroji Mitsuri, the love Hashira.
"Ah what a pitiful sight these boys are, the poor boys. I pity them for having been born at all" The next one said, he was Himejima Gyomei, the stone hashira. For some reason he was crying and rubbing prayer beads in his hands. The next one was Tokito Muichiro. He was the mist Hashira and seemed to not even be paying attention to us, instead he was looking at the clouds in the sky.
"Hey you, the Hashira are speaking. What are you looking at?" The guy near Tanjiro asked and I knew that Tanjiro was looking for Nezuko.
"These are the highest ranking swordsmen in the demon slayer corps" He continued.
"Let's put them out of their misery," Giyomei said.
"Right," Rengoku agreed.
"Let's do it flamboyantly" Uzui said.
"Nezuko, Nezuko where are you? Zenitsu, Inosuke, Murata" Tanjiro called out looking around as much as he could with his injuries.
"Calm down Tanjiro, it's okay they are all fine but you are going to hurt yourself if you keep moving around" I said, making him look at me and I smiled at him in reassurance.
"Forget that, what will we do with Tomioka?" The man in the tree with a snake asked.
"Seeing him there without any restraints is giving me a headache. Based on what Kocho told us, Tomioka is just as guilty of breaking the corps rules," He continued, his name was Iguro Obanai and he was the serpent Hashira.
"How should we deal with him? How should we make him take responsibility? What kind of lesson shall we teach him? Don't you have anything to say, Tomioka?" Iguro continued to question. Looking towards Giyu I gritted my teeth, I wasn't going to let them hurt him either. These hashira acting like they knew everything and had the right to punish us when they didn't know anything, it made my blood boil, it made me want to destroy them where they stood.
"Oh I think it's fine, he did come along with resisting let's come up with a penalty later" said the butterfly woman, she was Shinobu Kocho the insect Hashira while Giyu was the water Hashira.
"What I'm more interested in is hearing these boy's stories. The reason they are going on missions with a demon in tow despite being demon slayers, I'd like to hear the explanation from the boys themselves. Needless to say what they have done is against the demon slayer corps rules. You are aware of that, aren't you?" Shinobu asked.
"Kamado Tanjiro, Akatsuki Hikaru, why are you travelling with a demon when you two are demon slayers?" Shinobu asked.
"No need to ask," Uzui said, grabbing the hilts of his swords. Instantly I moved, placing myself in front of Tanjiro, slightly shooting a glare at the Hashira making it clear they were getting through me before they got near Tanjiro.
"You can take your time, just tell us why" Shinobu comforted but I wasn't getting taken in, just like before her emotions were saying something different then her words and actions.
"She's my, she's my younger" Tanjiro tried but then started to cough from his injuries.
"Calm, calm, not only is your body injured but your jaw is also injured. Do you have any water?" I asked, staring at them and Shinobu stepped forward with a gord.
"Tanjiro?" I asked and he nodded slightly so I took a small sip before Shinobu gave it to Tanjiro. I wouldn't put it past them to try and poison us so I wasn't taking any chances plus I could tell she put a pain killer in the water.
"Your wounds have yet to heal so you both mustn't overdo it now then, Kamado Tanjiro," Shinobu said, seeming to have brushed me to the side which was fine, that meant I could work on freeing my hands from these ropes that were starting to really hurt. It would be pretty easy to get out of the ropes but I was biding my time for now so the amount of blood on my wrists would double so I could slip them out easily.
"That demon is my sister! While I was away my family and Hikaru were attacked by a demon and when I got home all of them were dead other than Hikaru. My sister was turned into a demon but she has never eaten anyone! She never has and never will. She'll never hurt humans no matter what" Tanjiro declared.
"Spare us your absurd ravings. If she's family of course you're defending her I can't trust a single word you say. I for one don't believe you" Oburo said.
"He's been possessed by a demon. Let us kill this poor child immediately to set him free" Gyomei cried.
"Then what about me? I was there the day she turned into a demon and we haven't been apart all that much over that time and she has never tried to eat anyone. Are you going to tell me that I am only sticking up for her because she is family? As much as I want to, I can't claim blood relations to Tanjiro and Nezuko so do you not believe me as well" I butted in my eyes flicking over each of them taking in their emotions. I could tell already that no matter what we said, we wouldn't get through to anyone but Giyu but that was okay because I would fight our way out of this when it came down to it.
"We joined the demon corps to find a cure for Nezuko to turn her back into a human. It's been more than two years since she became a demon and she has never eaten anyone" I continued.
"Your story's just spinning in circles idiot. She hasn't devoured anyone and she isn't going to, those are just words so prove it to us and impress us" Uzui said.
"Excuse me, I'm not sure about this but I don't think the master isn't aware of this. Should we really deal with him on our own? Shouldn't we at least wait until he arrives?" Mitsuri enquired.
"My sister will fight with me by my side. She can fight as a demon slayer to protect humans so please" Tanjiro begged.
"Well, well, I see there's some fun brewing here. Is that the idiotic corps members that borught a demon along with them?" A new voice asked and I looked to see the man holding Nezuko's box. My first thought was that his face was nearly as scarred as mine was but my second thought held nothing but murder.
"What the hell are you trying to pull here?" He asked, he was Shinazugawa Sanemi, the wind Hashira.
"This won't do, Lord Shinazugawa, I must ask you to put down that box," a different one said, racing around the corner.
"Shinazugawa please don't act out of line" Shinobu said, she was pretty angry.
"What about this demon, kid? That she can fight as a demon slayer and protect humans? You know what we call that? Completely impossible, you fool!" Sanami yelled before drawing his sword and putting it straight through the box. Instantly I moved, slipping the ropes off my hands and grabbing the box next to me and swinging it onto my back.
"Who is the true fool? Did you think I would ever hand over Nezuko to you fuckers? I failed to protect her once but I will never fail again. Oh and if you keep stabbing that box and something blows up then it's not my fault" I said with a smirk.
"Hikaru, you" Tanjiro said with a smile realising that I had switched the boxes.
"You" Sanami said before dropping the box and running towards me.
"Stop, the master will be arriving soon," Giyu called out. I didn't care to listen as I didn't even hesitate in grabbing Sanami's sword that was coming towards me with my bare hand not caring about the giant gash now on my hand and pulling my head back. With a large crack I connect my head with Sanami's head glaring straight into his eyes promising death if he tried to touch Nezuko. With Sanami dazed and stumbling backwards I let go of his sword and didn't care about the blood running down my palm.
"You, I'll destroy you" Sanami said, getting a stable footing again. Gritting my teeth I got ready to either run and die or try and defend and die, either way I wasn't letting them get their hands on Nezuko.

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