Chapter 54: Hashira training

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Hikaru's POV

Before I knew it a week of training with the Tengan had passed and I also had to settle into my new estate. Since Nezuko had fun with the girls at the Butterfly estate, I offered Tanjiro, Nezuko, Zenitsu and Inosuke a place at my estate but they all decided to continue to stay at the butterfly estate. The house that I had was large like the rest of the Hashira's and felt really empty, I mean there was plenty of furniture but that wasn't the problem. It just didn't feel much like a home. At least that was my thought until Tengan, Kyojuro, Sanami, Genya, Kanroji, Giyuu and Tokito came to visit. Each of them brought me a gift including a lot of frames that my drawings were now framed in. There was a room that was meant to be a guest room that I used as a gallery. It had drawings of all of the demons that I had come across, all of my ancestors that I had seen in my dreams, my parents, the people that I had saved, the swordsmiths, the rest of the demon slayers, the Hashira and even a drawing of Oyakata-sama and his family. All of them also had a second frame next to them that had a framed piece of paper that had their stories on it. I wrote about Rui and his desire to be loved and have a family even though he already had one. I wrote about Gyutaro and Ume, who only ever had each other in their lives. I wrote about Tamayo and Yushiro, one who refused love because of her past and one that loved her even when he knew she wouldn't return it.
"This room is beautiful" A voice said and I turned to see Kyojuro standing in the hallway looking at the different pictures. There were partitions that I had set up so more frames could be hung up but the one in the middle of the room didn't have anything on it yet.
"Thanks. I always saw my drawing as nothing but a hobby but now seeing this, I am glad that I am good at drawing because it means that these pictures will be able to be passed down in time so that no one will forget them. Most of them may be demons but even they deserve to be remembered by someone" I said.
"You haven't hung one up in the middle yet" Kyojuro noticed as he wrapped his arms around me and had his head on my head. I was still a head shorter than him and I didn't even want to compare my height to Tengan's.
"I know, there is a special picture that I am painting for that space but I still have a lot more work to do. Now that's enough daydreaming, Tanjiro is finally going to be healthy enough to join us in training and I think it's about time that I move on from Tengan's training" I smiled as I turned while still in Kyojuro's arms and put my hands around his neck.
"Well he is definitely going to be pouting about that for a while but I am sure that he will be fine with it since he knows that you have other training to be done" Kyojuro smiled as he lent down to kiss me. The kiss turned heated as one of his hands moved to gently grab my hair to tilt my head slightly so that he could kiss me deeper.
"Hikaru are you.....Oh" A voice called and Kyojuro pulled back from me while I blushed bright red as I turned to see Tanjiro standing there with a beaming smile. His aura also said about how happy he was to have seen what he had just seen and I wasn't sure how to take that.
"I'm ready now, I'll see you next time you come to visit Kyojuro" I said as I grabbed my fox mask and put it on while also shouldering my box. I was going to be training with my box on my back so I was use to carrying the extra weight.

"You really love them don't you?" Tanjiro casually asked while we were running, making me nearly tumble to the ground in shock.
"Uzui-san and Rengoku-san are who I am talking about," Tanjiro clarified.
"I'm not sure what you mean. If it's about the kiss then I have kissed you, Zenitsu and Inosuke as well" I pointed out.
"But when was the last time that you kissed one of us? We aren't hurt by it or anything. In fact if I am speaking seriously I am happy that you have found someone to love because I was worried about it for a long time. We both know that even though we love each other we don't love each other like that, it's just a fact that we have accepted. The same goes for Zenitsu and Inosuke but with Rengoku-san and Uzui-san I really believe that you have found people that you love and they return that same love just as much" Tanjiro said. I wanted to continue denying him but I really couldn't see as it would be lying to myself. Every time I saw Kyojuro and Tengan, their aura's lit up with love and even though I couldn't see my own aura I could feel my heart fill with love as I looked at them.
"Yeah I guess that you're right" I chuckled.
"In that case Genya and Sanami-san have a lot to catch up with" Tanjiro said and this time I didn't manage to stop myself as I tripped and sprawled on the ground. Tanjiro laughed as he looked at me looking at him with wide eyes and my mouth dropped open behind my mask.
"Come on you can't tell me that you didn't realise but you can act on that later, let's continue with training" Tanjiro smiled and I nodded my head. I hadn't even really thought about....No that's a lie I had thought of the two brothers that way before but with everything going on at the moment I hadn't had time to act on those thoughts.

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