Chapter 30: Little Sunshine

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It didn't take me long to shake my head to get rid of the thoughts that were trying to cloud my mind and focus back on the present and not what had happened in the past. I looked at the aura around me and saw the confusion in Tanjiro and Inosuke's aura while Zenitsu's aura was bursting with excitement.

"Entertainment district?" Tanjiro questioned, unsure about what exactly that place was since he had never been near one before. I was glad that he had never been near one before because Tanjiro was too pure for a place like that but since we had to help Uzui I knew that I couldn't stop Tanjiro from seeing and smelling the things that went on around there. My only hope was that it didn't break him since he got embarrassed so easily.

"You know, that thing! Know what I mean? The place where....Huh? You don't get it?" Zenitsu questioned blushing bright red and sweating.

"Inosuke is oblivious to anything like that and Tanjiro is as pure as untouched snow so neither of them have ever really heard of the entertainment district let alone been there" I said.

"Listen up!" Uzui called out and we watched as he did some sort of flashy dance moves.

"I am a god! You three are trash, not you Hikaru" Uzui said while posing and pointing at us. I could have sworn that the other three turned to stone and broke away in the wind but that was probably my imagination.
"That's the first thing you need to pound into your heads! Drive it in! You're to turn into dogs if I tell you to! Turn into monkeys if I say so! Hunch over and rub your hands together, constantly pander my every whim and suck up to me with every fiber of your being! And let me repeat, I am a god!" Uzui said while still posing. If he actually thought that I was going to do any of the things he ordered he was crazier than I thought he was. All Demon slayer have to be a little bit crazy after all they were putting their lives on the line but I think that Uzui has to be the worst so far.

"What are you the god of, specifically?" Tanjiro questioned making me give him a double look before smiling behind my fox mask that I had slid back into place. That was just like Tanjiro.

"Good question, you have potential just like Hikaru. The God of Flashiness I'm the God of Festivals," Uzui answered with complete serious, while Zenitsu looked at them in disbelief. God of Flashiness and God of Festivals huh? Well I suppose that it was possible that he was a God after all, if demons existed then Gods could as well. If Uzui wanted to name himself a God then he should after all we could all die at any moment.
"I'm King of the Mountains! Nice to meet you God of Festivals!" Inosuke introduced. The others looked at him deadpanned while I turned to the side and tried to hide my chuckles. I could tell that I wasn't doing a good job when Tanjiro shot an amused look at me.

"What are you talking about? You sure are creepy" Uzui said while staring at Inosuke. I shot him with a lot of disbelief and shock and from Zenitsu's aura I wasn't the only one.

"Huh? What did you say?" Inosuke scowled while he fought to get to Uzui but Tanjiro held onto him.
"Back off Inosuke," Tanjiro tried.

"Let go, Konpochiro!" Inosuke yelled.

"Creepy," Uzui said.

"Hey Inosuke" I called, making him look at me as I moved my mask to the side so they could see my face.
"If you settle down and stop it, I'll be sure to give you a very special reward" I said while putting a finger over my mouth and winking at him. Inosuke instantly stopped and he got that weird fuzzy aura around him as well as a hint of longing, want and embarrassment in his aura. Sure enough after the promise of me giving him a reward Inosuke settled down.
"Hmph, there's no time to fool around, let's go. Follow me" Uzui huffed and with a burst of dust he took off running down the dirt road.

"Huh? He vanished? Whoa! So fast! Look how far he's gone! He's no bigger than a sesame seed now!" Zenitsu exclaimed.
"So, this is the power of the God of Festivals" Inosuke said, shakily.

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