Chapter 63: Final battle begins

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The moon was still bright within the sky and there was a giant pile of rubble that had once been the infinity castle in the middle of a street, buildings on either side of the road.
'I'm outside but this is dangerous' Tanjiro thought as he looked up to the sky with his undamaged eye.
"We brought Muzan to the surface but this place is the city!" Kanata yelled as they realised where they had brought Muzan up.
"He's significantly further from the expected destination!" Kuina added.
'It was a skills showdown between Yushiro-san and Muzan. The fact that he has been brought to the surface is nothing short of amazing' Kiriya thought.
"How long until sunrise?" He asked  Kuina.
"There still.....An hour and a half left" She whispered while sweating and holding a pocket watch.
'Still....Then' Kiriya thought.
"There's still one hour and a half left! Hour and a half until sunrise!" A crow reported as he flew around the rubble.
'Too much. There is still too much time left. Where's everyone?' Tanjiro thought.
'Kanroji-san and Iguro-san' He thought as he spotted the two of them together in the rubble.
'Tomioka-san, you're all safe. Where is Muzan? Protect yourself and sniff him out' Tanjiro thought as he turned to the remains of the building. The remains seemed to explode going everywhere as Muzan freed himself from it. He had changed once again, he now had eight whip-like things coming from his back with knife-like points on the ends of them.
"Do you intend to keep me here until sunrise? Try it if you can!" Muzan challanaged. The eight whips and his arms instantly lashed out destroying everything in their path, making the Hashira and Tanjiro jump and dodge out of the way. Obanai, Kanroji and Giyuu dodged towards Muzan to try and put a stop to him.
"Breath of snake, third form" Obanai said.
"Breath of love, second form" Kanroji said.
"Breath of water, eighth form," Giyuu said. Obanai's attack was the first one to hit as his sword went straight for Muzan's neck and started to slide straight through it.
'Straight to the neck! I cut his throat but he's not dying! My attack is effective but...He's not weakening a single bit' Obanai thought as he watched his sword go straight through Muzan's neck without seeming to leave any sort of wound behind.
"Eh? EH! We hit him but we didn't cut him?" Kanroji yelled.
'No! We did cut him, I'm sure of that! But this monster.....He regenerates the moment we cut him!' Giyuu realised.
'We can't even cut his neck, his regeneration is way too fast to slide him,' Obanai thought. Muzan raised his arms readying another attack to unleash.
'It is too dangerous! We're too close!' Giyuu thought. Kanroji's eyes were screwed shut in fear before something bumped into her, making her open her eyes. Draped over her shoulder was another demon slayer, Obanai grabbed the back of a demon slayer's jacket as he started to fall from being in front of him and Giyuu looked horrified as a demon slayer was killed and fell in front of him.
"Go! Keep advancing! Become human shields for the pillars! Remain alert to give Muzan some brawl at the very least!" A demon slayer yelled out as the demon slayers all came running straight for Muzan and the pillars. What happened next was a massacre. The demon slayers didn't give any thought to their own lives as they protected the Hashira's and worked on getting them to a safe distance even as they were cut to pieces by Muzan's attacks. There was a demon slayer who protected Tanjiro who caught him and hugged him close in his last moments.
"The pillars have saved our lives countless times! If it wasn't for them we wouldn't be alive! Don't be afraid of fighting!" Another demon slayer roared as they all advanced to attack Muzan.
"No! Stop, all of you!" Kanroji cried out, tears streaming down her face at what she was seeing.
'Follow them! Don't stay back! If we all attack together somehow....' Tanjiro thought as he ran towards Muzan. At least he was running until he tripped and coughed up blood before dropping to the ground and letting out a scream.
"Those who die quickly are fortunate, even if they don't die right away those who attack me are done for. Look that way" Muzan said as he turned his head. Kanroji, Obanai and Giyuu looked towards where he was looking and saw the remains of demon slayers as well as Tanjiro's collapsed body. He had blood all over his face, neck and hand and where his right eye had been was now mutated.
"He has soaked in my own blood during the attack. The amount of my blood is too much, it won't turn him into a demon. Like fatal poison it will destroy his cells and he'll perish. Kamado Tanjiro is already dead" Muzan announced.

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