Chapter 68: Ending and begining

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Giyuu and Zenitsu watched in horror as Tanjiro continued his attack towards Inosuke but it wasn't Insouke that his attack hit. Standing in front of Inosuke, her arms wrapped around Tanjiro and Tanjiro's nails and teeth sunk into her shoulders, was Nezuko.
"My dear brother, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't understand for so long, I put everything on your shoulders. Why is it you who always has to suffer? Why do kind people who struggle every day get trampled over and over?" Nezuko sobbed as she hugged Tanjiro, not caring about her wounds.
"It's frustrating but don't give in! It's almost over so don't turn into a demon. Let's go home. Let's go back home" Nezuko said. Tanjiro pulled his head back from her and let out a large yell that was almost a roar and his nails dug in deeper to Nezuko's shoulders.
"No Tanjiro!" Zenitsu yelled while jumping onto Tanjiro's back.
"It's Nezuko! She's back to normal! She's human again! Don't do this! She'll die! She called you 'brother' right?" Zenitsu cried out. Tanjiro's only response was a growl.
"Knock it off!" Inosuke yelled while hitting the back of Tanjiro's head.
"Just shut up already! Don't hurt Nezuko! You're....You're not that kind of guy! You were so nice! So go back to being the usual Tanjiro!" Insouke yelled while continuing to hit Tanjiro. Tanjiro let out another yell before unleashing an attack. Nezuko managed to hold tightly onto her brother but Zenitsu was flung back into a Kakushi's arms while Inosuke and Giyuu were slammed into a building wall.
"Nezuko!" I called out and they turned to me, Tanjiro included to see that I was on my feet again, covered in bandages.
"Hikaru" Zenitsu whispered.
"Get out of the way Nezuko, we all don't have the strength to continue to fight against Tanjiro but there is one more thing that I can do to make it so that I can keep fighting" I said as I brought my yellow blade up to my hair.
"Wait! Hikaru don't-" Giyuu started but it was too late. I sliced my hair so that it was now just below ear length. Instantly I felt a burning sensation rush through my veins and I let out a yell and fell to my knees with an ear piercing scream. It was beginning. I had been warned not to let my hair get cut any more but this was the only thing that I could think of doing. Tanjiro seemed to think that I wasn't a threat so he lashed out with an attack that looked like a whip made of bone towards Zenitsu.
"Water breathing, fourth form, striking tide" Giyuu said as he intercepted the attack.
'Tanjiro bit Nezuko and learned the taste of blood! There's no going back! I must kill Tanjiro before he kills anyone but  sunlight and red blades won't work against Tanjiro, there's no way to kill him! Not only that I am not sure what Hikaru has done but he seems to be in pain from cutting his hair' Giyuu thought.
"I'm sorry brother, I know that Hikaru will bring you back to us. He won't let you kill anyone" Nezuko whispered before she jumped to the side. Tanjiro seemed to be powering up a blast attack but as soon as he started to charge it up it was stopped as Tanjiro was slammed into the ground. Everyone was silent as they saw me standing over Tanjiro. I threw my head back and let out a roar before I grabbed onto the bone-like whip that was attached to Tanjiro's back and ripped backwards. Tanjiro shrieked as I ripped it fully off his body. I didn't stop there though as I started to punch. Punch after punch connected to Tanjiro and I knew that there was enough strength behind each one to draw blood and break bones.
"Hikaru! Tanjiro" Nezuko yelled from where she was on the side of the fight. Tanjiro managed to get off the ground and heal his wounds and got his bone like whip back but I didn't let up as I kicked him in the chest and sent him skidding back. Nezuko wanted to jump into the fight to stop them but she knew that she couldn't do that, she had to trust in Hikaru.
"Nezuko, get away from there while you are safe! Tanjiro, Hikaru, please stop!" Zenitsu yelled.
"Tan....Jiro.....Nezuko.....Hikaru" Inosuke managed to get out from where he collapsed on the ground.
'Why aren't they killing Nezuko? Bleeding prey is right in front of Tanjiro so why didn't he attack her? Not only that even though they are fighting brutally both Tanjiro and Hikaru are avoiding making any death blows. I'm not sure what has happened to Hikaru but he is frenzied just like a demon when they are after blood but he is only going after Tanjiro' Giyuu thought.
'Are you fighting it Tanjiro, is that why you are holding back? I must get him to return to himself and hopefully that will help Hikaru but can I even achieve such a miracle?' Giyuu continued to think as he watched me snap Tanjiro's arm like a twig and Tanjiro slammed his head into mine.

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