Chapter 52: Past revealed

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Hikaru's POV

It felt like everything was burning. My blood, my veins, my muscles, my organs, my skin, even my hair was sending screaming pain straight through me. I could hear people trying to talk to me but I couldn't hear them as I continued to scream my hands ripping into my hair as the pain grew worse and worse. Was this what it felt like to die? Was I going to die? Is this what demons felt when we killed them? I didn't know and I wasn't sure if I wanted to know. I started to thrash and scream even more when I finally heard something.
'I am sorry but you wanted to save them no matter the consequences. Please don't give in. Don't let this destroy you, Little Sunshine. You are the strongest of your bloodline and the one that will finally free all of us. Please hold on' It was the voice that had offered help before and took control of me. That was the last thought that I had before everything went black.

Third person POV

Tanjiro, Nezuko, Genya, Hangezuka, Tokito, Kanroji, Kotetsu, Kanamori and the other swordsmiths looked at Hikaru in shock as he dropped to the ground and started to scream. Genya was the first one to move as the screams turned into blood curdling wails. He rushed over to Hikaru and quickly grabbed hands that were ripping into his hair, trying to rip it out.
"What is going on?" Tanjiro asked as he rushed to hold Hikaru's legs that were kicking around so that he wouldn't hurt himself anymore.
"I don't know, he was fine just a moment ago" Kanroji cried as she also tried to hold Hikaru down. He continued to thrash while screaming and wailing, tears coming for his eyes. Except they weren't normal tears, they were tears of blood. There was blood coming for Hikaru's eyes, mouth, nose and ears as he continued to scream in pain.
"What can we do?" Tokito asked as he held Nezuko back as she tried to rush to Hikaru's side. He had been told along with the rest of the Hashira about what Hikaru's blood could do to a demon.
"We should get him back to the village quickly," Kanamori suggested, helpless to do anything else.
"Damn he is burning up!" Genya yelled as he hissed and pulled back from where he had put his hand on Hikaru's head to stop it from moving around so much. That was when they saw that the sweat that had been coating Hikaru was coming off him in sweat as his temperature hit levels that no human should be able to survive. The only good thing that happened was that Hikaru seemed to pass out and was no longer moving around.
"We should get him to the village and put him in a water bath and make sure he gets plenty of water. We also should send a crow to Shinobu-san, hopefully she will know how to deal with this" Tanjiro said. They all nodded in agreement as Genya and Kanroji took turns in carrying Hikaru back to the village. Tanjiro, Nezuko, Hagenzuka, Kanamori and Kotetsu, along with the other swordsmiths had rushed ahead to the village to get everything set up for when they got Hikaru there. Tokito stayed with Genya and Kanroji just in case they needed help along the way but thankfully they didn't need it in the end. As soon as they entered the village Tanjiro waved them over to the blacksmith workshop that Hikaru had been borrowing.
"Since the place that we were staying in got destory this is the best place for now. Kanroji, can you please wait outside with Nezuko? We are going to have to strip him of his clothes" Tanjiro explained.
"I'll go send a crow to Shinobu before helping to gather more water and help treat the injured" Kanroji said with a determined nod, she also assured them she would keep Nezuko with her.
"We will have to take care of Hikaru's wounds as well as our own as well but that should be fine now that we have Hikaru's medicines," Tanjiro said as he got Tokito's help to strip Hikaru of his uniform. Genya had been bright red since they mentioned having to strip Hikaru so he was told to look at the medicines and get out what he thought they might need but not take any of them until Tanjiro told him it was okay. All three of them fell into silence when Hikaru's body was finally submerged and the blood and dirt was finally getting washed off. Even Tanjiro, who had been with Hikaru the most, couldn't believe how many scars he had.
"You're strong Hikaru, don't let this beat you, please" Tanjiro whispered as he poured water over Hikaru's head and hair gently in case there were any wounds there.
"You can't leave yet, I haven't got to know you yet" Tokito said while looking at the boy that was most definitely on the same level as a Hashira.
"Please don't leave us, Aniki would be heart broken and I don't want to have to tell him that you are gone" Genya said while looking at the boy that is around the same age as himself that meant so much to his brother.

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