Chapter 36: One becomes two

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Third Person POV

Daki laid on the ground gasping around the blood that was in her lungs as she tried to think about how this had happened.
'Why is the leg that I chopped off piercing my back? You regenerated it instantaneously? No way,' Daki thought as Nezuko raised her leg into the air.
'That would make your regenerative powers greater than mine!' She thought. Daki let out a yell as Nezuko brought up her leg and slammed it down on Daki's arm breaking it off. A large grin spread across Nezuko's face showing that she was enjoying this.
"Hikaru....Hikaru...Help her, help your friend before she loses herself" A voice was heard as a blue spirit leant down over Hikaru, trying to get him to wake up. With a gasp Hikaru's eyes shot open and looked up at the blue spirit who smiled before disappearing. Turning to his side Hikaru saw that Tanjiro was also awake. They had to act fast. Nezuko once again destroyed Daki's arm before continuing to stomp and kick her.
"Get off me, you little brat!" Daki screeched as her sashes came from her back and cut Nezuko's head and one of her arms off as well as covering herself in Nezuko's blood.
"I'm going to chop you up into little pieces and stuff you into my belt!" Daki yelled, send out her belt again as it chopped Nezuko's arms and legs off. What was surprising was when Nezuko's arms and one leg grabbed the belts and stopped them from moving, her blood was making it so her arms, legs and head were still attached to her body.
'You stopped it? With her severed limbs? No they're not severed, her blood congealed' Daki thought as she saw what happened. The blood on her face started to glow before it burst into a large fire twister with Daki in the middle letting out a scream.
"It's burning me! The blood spatter! Just like that day....Fire....Fire!" Daki said as she remembered before letting out more screams. Nezuko reattached her limbs and head still smiling before jumping into the air and slamming her foot once more down on Daki slamming her into the ground. She didn't stop there as Nezuko continued to kick Daki while laughing. Nezuko then kicked her down the street and followed her and kicked her through four didn't buildings, stopping in the fourth one. She followed Daki to the building, panting like she had run a marathon but Nezuko wasn't about to let her pray get away from her. Hearing something, Nezuko let out a gasp as she turned and saw three women in the next room, one of them was bleeding from a cut on her arm and looked terrified. Nezuko looked to be fighting against herself as her teeth started to chatter in hunger as she turned to the woman with growls. She threw herself towards the woman, her hand out reach and her mouth drooling. Before she could do anything Tanjiro came up from behind her, putting his sheathed sword in Nezuko's mouth and pulling her back.
"Nezuko! Stop it! Stop it!" Tanjiro said before he fell down holding onto Nezuko who was struggling.
"Stop it! You have to tough it out, Nezuko!" Tanjiro said. Nezuko's thrashing was wild but Tanjiro kept a strong grip on her even when she was clawing at him and drawing blood.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry that I made you fight!" Tanjiro apologised.
'I can smell Nezuko's blood all over the place! I can tell how badly she was wounded while I was passed out!' Tanjiro thought, hoping that Hikaru would catch up with them soon so that he could help him.
"It hurt, didn't it? I know you suffered, I'm sorry, but it's alright now! Hikaru and I won't let anyone hurt you anymore. Go to sleep Nezuko, go to sleep and heal yourself!" Tanjiro yelled while Nezuko turned them over so Tanjiro was now on her back.
"Nezuko, Nezu-" Tanjiro started but was cut off. Nezuko had jumped, putting them through the roof and floor of another level where there were more people.
"What?" One of them gasped.
"Someone burst through from below!" Another one exclaimed.
"Nezu-! Go to sleep" Tanjiro tried. Suddenly pink patterned belts flung out breaking the wall down showing Daki who had been really beaten up.
"Really, such nerve doing that to me. So you can use Blood Demon Art too? A bizarre blood art that only burns demons? Not only that but it's taking forever for me to heal. This irritates me like you wouldn't believe! Like you wouldn't believe!" Daki glared.
'This is bad, there are people here, I have to protect them! Think, think and take action! The attack will come any second now! The whole building will get slashed. Do I dare let go of Nezuko? No, what should I do? The bystanders will get hurt again!' Tanjiro thought. As Daki's belts started to move there was a thump and Tanjiro's eyes widened to see Uzui in front of him and Hikaru was off to the side.

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