Chapter 64: Obanai's past

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Hikaru's POV

I was standing there staring down Muzan as I watched as he continued to shake his head while he looked at me, it was like he couldn't believe that I was there in front of him. Tsuki's spirit faded away from me and I fully took over again.
"I look a lot like him don't I? Tsuki is who I mean. The man that you loved before you became a demon, the person that you begged God to let you stay with for even just one more day. In a way I guess you could say that Tsuki is the reason that you became a demon. But he wasn't enough of a reason for you to stop killing people" I said.
"Shut up! You know nothing boy!" Muzan snarled.
"That's where you are wrong, I know even more than you do. After all, Tsuki is my ancestor and so certain things got passed down the generations though I am the only one since Tsuki to have them. Can't you tell?" I questioned and Muzan stared at my eyes and I could tell that he knew what I meant.
"Eyes that have been blessed, eyes that can see emotions and even further than that, eyes that can see the spirits of the dead," Muzan glared.
"Yes and I can tell you that there are a lot of spirits around here, I'm surprised that you can move with how many are clinging onto you but they aren't the only ones here" I said. Muzan's whole body was being clung to by spirits either they were humans that had been killed by him, demon slayers that had been recently killed or even other demons that had been killed.
"Hikaru, what is the plan?" Himejima questioned.
"As I said before, I can cut the time limit down from an hour and a half to an hour only so we have to hold him off till then. He is going to snap out of his shock at seeing me soon and when that happens he is going to be more brutal than before. I'm going to try my best to keep everyone alive but you are all older and more talented than me so fight and know that I will have your back" I said and they looked at me before nodding.
"Don't be stupid with your life Hikaru" Sanemi glared.
"We still haven't had that talk that Tanjiro told me that we should have and I would very much like to kiss you so don't die" Giyuu said and I chuckled.
"You are the dawn hashira so fight your best against Muzan and don't worry about protecting us" Himejima said.
"When you finished my training your said that you would give me some pointers on a certain matter so you better be ready to give those pointers" Obanai said.
"We can do this," Kanroji cheered. All of us were serious and we weren't going to let Muzan win this so when his next attack we were ready to counter. The thing is that we weren't the only ones that were determined to win, Muzan continued to attack over and over again with his attacks getting more and more serious.
'His attacks got faster again! I'm getting pressed back, I can't feel the see through world anymore' Himejima thought.
'I can't even be Himejima-san or Hikaru's shield! I'll stop moving very soon...Shit!' Obanai thought as he unleashed one of his attacks. Sanemi and Giyuu soon followed with their own attacks while I did the same, slipping between attacks and unleashing my own breathing technique. Kanroji on the other hand was struggling and got more injured making me grit my teeth, she was worn out, injured and starting to get exhausted.
'I can't see them! I can't see the attacks at all! I'm only dodging by pure luck and instinct! I'll be overwhelmed first....I wasn't even the slightest bit useful here!' Kanroji thought as she continued to dodge but she was only just making herself move.
'I'll just have to sacrifice myself but I don't even know if that can stop Muzan's movements' She continued to think. Muzan unleashed another attack that destroyed the building that Kanroji had been in front of but she had managed to dodge out of the way but she did get three large cuts on her left cheek near her ear.
'Instead of slashing at him, maybe I should get close and twist his arms behind his back.....Eh? I'm being pulled,' Kanroji thought. Quickly I dashed and got in front of Kanroji and deflected the attacks that were heading for her and slammed my foot down in front of me, vine tattoos with suns on them once more crawling across my skin.
"Obanai! Get her somewhere to be healed and rest" I yelled out while I glared towards Muzan.
'Now that....That is the look that I was waiting for' Akaza cackled as he basically jumped with excitement.
'What was that technique? Kanroji should have dodged that, thankfully Hikaru was there' Himejima thought. Obanai had raced over to Kanroji while Giyuu, Sanemi and Himejima destroyed Muzan's two arms to stop another attack from coming. Meanwhile I breathed out and steam came from my mouth and before anyone could move I was on the other side of Muzan and three of his tentacles on his back dropped to the ground. We didn't give any pause as Muzan instantly regenerated and we continued to attack him. Obanai had gotten Kanroji around the corner to a few demon slayers who were quickly by them.
"First aid now!" Obanai snapped.
"Okay" The demon slayer agreed.
"Look for the slant-eyed member who has these papers, his name is Yushiro" Obanai ordered.
"Wait. I can still fight. I'll make sure I won't hold anyone back this time" Kanroji protested.
"It's okay, you've done enough" Obanai said.
"No. I wasn't useful to anyone, I can't die like this" Kanroji said while panting, blood loss and Muzan's infection getting to her.
"Take care of the rest" Obanai said, his snake was gently kissing Kanroji's hair to try and reassure her.
"Wait! I'm going too! Iguro-san! NO, PLEASE! Don't die Iguro-san! I don't want anyone to die anymore!" Kanroji wailed as tears streamed down her face. She had collapsed on the ground one hand around the hilt of her blade and the other was reaching out for Obanai.

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