Chapter 65: Tanjiro rejoins the fight

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While we were still fighting against Muzan with a new found energy since the others blades had turned red, Murata, Genya and Yushiro were still working on Tanjiro.
"How many is that now? Is it alright to inject that much?" Murata questioned.
"Quiet, it's been some time since Muzan struck him so his condition is bad" Yushiro growled as he pulled the needle back from Tanjiro's arm.
"Sorry" The other demon slayer who had come to get Genya apologised.
"Hmph!" Murata struggled making the others turn to him.
"What are you doing?" Yushiro questioned.
"I'm trying to free his sword from his hand but he won't let go. Even when he's unconscious he's strong" Murata said.
"Of course he isn't going to let go of his sword, he hasn't given up yet and he knows that there is still a battle to be fought" Genya huffed. He wanted to join the battle as well but when he had got to check on things he could barely see Muzan's attacks so he didn't want to get in the way. Not only that but he could see how I was putting my own life at risk to make sure the others were in fighting condition and didn't want to be the reason that I died.
"AGH! A pulse!" The other demon slayer yelled.
"What?!" Murata asked.
"His pulse came back! It's weak but it's there!" He continued.
"Tanjiro! Hang in there and come back to us! Tanjiro! Tanjiro! Dawn is near!" Murata yelled.
"Oi, if you can hear me you better get up right now! Aniki and Hikaru are putting their lives at risk and are getting in worse condition as time pasts" Genya growled, he wasn't angry at Tanjiro, not really. He just wanted someone to go and help Sanemi, Giyuu, Kanroji, Obanai, Himejima, Inosuke, Zenitsu, Kanao and I.
"Tanjiro! Let's go defeat Muzan, we've got him cornered so let's beat him together! Tanjiro! Tanjiro!" Murata continued to try.
'His pulse is fading, it's no use' Yushiro thought.
"Muzan will get away! We have to go now!" Murata yelled, tears streaming down his face. Tanjiro's hand clenched on his katana and then suddenly a sound started that had all four of the others with Tanjiro stiffening and looking around for the noise.
"W-What is that sound?" The other demon slayer said. Genya had a hand on his blade and was looking around in case it was a threat but then he stopped and realized what the noise was.
"It's his katana" Yushiro cut off the panicking.
"What?!" Murata yelled. Tanjiro's hand clenched and his eye that wasn't covered from Muzan's poison shot up, he was awake again.

Muzan continued to attack but we weren't letting up either, since we had Yushiro's papers and I had managed to keep slipping out of Muzan's sight I kept cutting off his arms and the tentacles on his back, of course they kept coming back just like when the others damaged him but we were slowing him down.
'W-Wow?! We might just do it! Maybe we'll last until dawn and finally defeat Muzan!' A kakushi thought as they watched from behind one of the standing buildings. Himejima threw his ball and threw it through Muzan's side leaving behind a hole. Sanemi ran towards Yushiro's papers and placed one on his forehead.
"Zenitsu! Kanao! I wanna turn my blade red too!" Inosuke yelled. All three of them had papers on their foreheads and he also saw me just as I cut off Muzan's arm before rushing away.
"It isn't easy! First you need to be as strong as me!" Sanemi yelled before he smirked.
'I get it now! Those of us wearing a seal can see each other, cool! I'll use anything I can!' Sanemi thought.
"Wind breathing, seventh form, gale-sudden gusts" Sanemi said as he unleashed his attack and severed nearly all of Muzan's tentacles and one of his arms while I quickly rushed and cut the other arm off as well as leave a large size cut on the side of his stomach before rushing away. All of this running away was starting to wear me out and the wounds all over my body were pulling at me but I bit my lip and continued. I wouldn't stop fighting until the sun had risen and Muzan had died.
'Why don't you borrow my abilities, I may not be as strong as Muzan but it can help you' Akaza offered, now that he remembered his past he really wanted Muzan to die.
'If he uses that ability right now then there is a chance that he could lose himself because of the state that he is in. Having an active mark is draining but add that into borrowing abilities from the spirits and it is even worse' Tsuki whispered. He had his hands clasped in front of him like he was praying. I dashed towards Muzan and unleashed an Akatsuki style breathing technique before having to block more blows. It was getting easier to tell when Muzan was going to attack me by looking at his aura.
'More fighters provided just enough leeway for me to concentrate. If I examine Muzan's body in the transparent world I may learn something advantageous for battle. Listen closely to the sound reverberations just like the other time,' Himejima thought. He concentrated and soon enough he was seeing Muzan's body see through just like he had before.
'He has multiple brains and hearts! He's unbelievable! His internal organs are complicated but he can make more than one body should have. That is why he won't die if we cut off his head! And his brains and hearts move, they don't have fixed locations, making it difficult to strike them. Wait! If others could sense inside of him like I can and if we could attack all 12 places simultaneously' Himejima planned.
"Look closely at his body! Does your vision change? The rest of you can try it too! Does he look transparent?" Himejima called out. I blinked and concentrated but I couldn't get Muzan to look transparent.
'You won't be able to see into the transparent world but you have something else, use your abilities and you will see it' Tsuki said. Blinking, I focused all my energy on Muzan's aura. I saw the hatred, the loathing, the fury, the disgust and so many other emotions that it was making my eyes water but I didn't look away. Suddenly there were dark spots of colour or maybe it was that the colour was more dense around those places. In my gut I knew what it was, that was where Muzan's brains and hearts were.
'What is this? For a moment.....Could I see through him?' Obanai thought as he concentrated on Muzan like he said he would. Suddenly Muzan lashed out with a large attack that destroyed not only the buildings around us but the very ground underneath him.
'Whoa....What caused that sound and shaking? Huh? Where'd everybody go?' The kakushi thought.
'Huh? What the' He continued to think as he peeked around the corner a little more. There in the side of the building he was hiding behind was Himejima, knocked out and missing his left leg. Sanemi had been flung into the second floor of a building so no one could see his injuries. Giyuu was on the ground threw a building and his left arm, that was still holding his blade, was laying on the ground next to him, detached from his body. Obanai was in the side of a building with blood all over but there was one thing different with him, I had been standing in front of him so I took on a lot of damage for him and was now collapsed in front of his prone form. I had four large gashes on my chest, my left leg seemed to be shatter, my right arm had cut all over it and my face had a large gash on my right cheek that was nearly down to the bone. Zenitsu was collapsed against a wall with blood all over and he was slumped over. Inosuke was laying on the ground, one of his blades broken and blood all over the ground. Kanao was still standing but she had blood coming from her mouth and forehead as the paper she was using fluttered to the ground.
'Muzan is too fast' Kanao thought as her legs gave out and she sat on the ground, her blade was broken and Muzan was walking towards her.
'Hurry up and stand. Move your feet. You must defeat him so everyone can live in peace. So they won't have to feel sad again' Kanao thought as he remembered the girls back at the butterly mansion.
'He's responsible for the deaths of everyone's families. I'll beat him even if it kills me, even I can fight bravely until the end like my older sisters' Kanao thought.
"Stop it!" The kakushi yelled as he ran towards Kanao, hoping to get there in time to stop her from getting killed. Muzan didn't react to his words as he raised his hand getting ready to attack.
"Hinokami kagura, beneficent radiance!" Tanjiro yelled as flames appeared and Muzan's arm was sliced off.
"Tanjiro...Tanjiro..." Kanao said as tears gathered in her eyes. Tanjiro had raced her over to the Kakushi.
"Yes, sorry I'm late. Take care of her" Tanjiro said.
"Y-Yes, of course" The kakushi said as he took Kanao and hurried off.
"You look....Positively awful Kamado Tanjiro. This way, it's hard to tell which one of us is the demon" Muzan said but he was cut off as suddenly his arms were both cut off and he had to duck and jump out of the way as his head nearly got cut off. It wouldn't have killed him but it would have slowed him down.
"Hikaru" Tanjiro said as I stood next to him, I was focusing on making sure that my wounds weren't bleeding and I had used pieces of my haori to tie both of my sword sheaths to my left leg so it would hold my weight.
"You both make my skin crawl," Muzan said. I could understand why, I reminded him of Tsuki and Tanjiro reminded him of Yoiichi.
"Let's finish this Muzan," Tanjiro said.

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