Chapter 21: Visitor revealed

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Shinobu wasn't happy when I only got her to help me stitch the wounds on my back while I took care of the rest of the wounds but since I wasn't going to sit still and let her do the stitches she once again helped with my back before leaving. Once she left I got out the different ointments that I used and slathered them on my wounds as well as using ones I made special for my feet since I knew what they were going to look like after I finished the ritual. Finishing all that up I retired after Shinobu had taken a look over my wounds so that she was satisfied that they were cared for I headed back to bed. Inosuke, Zenitsu and Tanjiro were off having dinner but I was keeping my fast and not eating anything all day like I normally did. Turning I saw an aura out of the corner of my eye that I recognised instantly.
"Are you going to come in? No one else is here and if you really want I can pretend that I am asleep" I called out and heard a curse in return. Without bothering to use the door the person climbed in the window.
"More sunflowers and cookies?" I questioned looking at Sanemi as he stood there with a bouquet of sunflowers and a small bag of star shaped cookies.
"Shut up I will take them back if you don't want them" He snapped.
"It's fine, they liven up the room" I said taking the flowers and replacing the old ones and placing the cookies in my box with the rest of them. With that out of the way we descend into an awkward silence that had Sanemi glaring at the floor determined to not be the first person that talked.
"I wasn't sure you remember me, what with the beating you basically gave me in Master's garden and the way you treated me" I said, making him click his tongue.
"I'm not going to apologise" He snapped.
"And I wouldn't expect you to either after all that's not the type of person you are but I will accept your apology without you having to give it" I said already knowing that the flowers and cookies were a sign of guilt and the guilt in his aura was also there.

When I had first met Sanami I was only ten, three years before my parents died and I travelled to the city by myself for the first time to sell my drawings and small knick knacks I made of metal with my Father's help. Sanemi had walked up to my little set up booth on the side of the road and basically demanded that I tell him if I had ever seen anything strange lately. I then told him that I wasn't a resident of the town and was there to sell my pictures and such but back then I wasn't very good at drawing so they weren't selling well. So I was shocked when Sanemi brought all the drawings that I had with me and then along with giving me money he gave me a sunflower and a star shaped cookie. After that he told me to hurry home before night time. Several times after that he came back to my little stall when it was there and brought some of the pictures, paying me and giving me a sunflower and a star shaped cookie.

"You still draw" Sanemi said and I looked to see him gesturing to the pictures on my bedside table that I had yet to draw.
"Yeah, those are the ones I have to redraw since someone carelessly stabbed my box with his sword" I said, making Sanemi open his mouth ready to yell with a glare only for it to snap shut.
"I'm only joking with you, it's nothing that can't be fixed but next time be more careful you could have destroyed something precious" I chuckled.
"Yeah well you're the one hanging around a demon" Sanemi snapped defensively and my smile left me.
"I was there you know" I said looking at my lap.
"When Tanjiro's family was attacked. When Nezuko was turned into a demon. I heard them screaming and I ran to help them only to see Muzan there, he was standing over Nezuko and I knew she was still alive so I tried to attack him, foolish wasn't I?" I chuckled humorlessly.
"Before I knew it he grabbed me by my hair and the only way I saw to survive was to cut it off and attack him so I did but a normal sword had no hopes of even piercing his skin so in the end I was the injured one. Then for some reason he said about me being an Akatsuki before slashing my chest open and leaving me for dead" I whispered the last part out. I didn't know why I was telling Sanemi this, he wasn't one to cuddle or comfort someone, more likely to yell at someone to get over it. When he pulled me into his arms I froze a little before melting into the hug and wrapping my arms around him as well. No words were exchanged and no words needed to be exchanged as I just relaxed, my eyes starting to blink closed from exhaustion.
"Sleep, you'll need it," Sanemi said before helping me lie down. I was already half asleep by the time I was tucked in but I could have sworn I felt his lips on my forehead before he was gone.

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