Chapter 46: Then there was four

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Tanjiro, Nezuko and I were still suffering the aftershock from the lightning but Karaku and Sekido's attention was still on us so Genya wasted no time pulling the trigger on the gun. Since he was using it on demons there was no way it was a normal gun. Backing up my observation, the bullet from the gun completely severed Sekido's head and partly severed Karaku's head.
'What's that weapon? A gun? It smells like a nichirin blade,' Tanjiro thought.
'Missed one' Genya thought as he dashed down from the roof, his sword drawn and heading for Sekido.
"Ohhh, dude. This is fun! Awesome! I've never felt that one before" Karaku's head grinned.
"Wait a minute" I yelled out. Last time the head got cut off it had split into two bodies so wouldn't the same thing happen again?
"Genya no! No matter how strong your weapons are, you can't beat them like that" Tanjiro yelled but it was too late. Genya had already swung his blade and cut off Karaku's head fully. He looked at us wondering about what we were saying.
"If you slice them they'll just split up. They rejuvenate and they get stronger! They let you cut them up on purpose!" Tanjiro explained as the heads started to grow bodies and bodies started to grow heads.
'These demons won't care if you cut off their heads, so their weak point isn't their heads! Split into four, that's some fast regeneration! Is it even? Who regenerates the fastest? There should be a weak point somewhere, look for it! Find out where it is!' Tanjiro thought.
"Tanjiro!" I yelled as I tried to push him out of the way but it was too late. One of the new demons had grabbed both mine and Tanjiro's foot, ripping us into the air since it seemed to be flying.
"Kakaka, how delightful. Someone figured us out for the first time in forever and it isn't just one person but two" The one holding onto us laughed. Since this one was flying it was easy to tell that they have different abilities. One has that leaf, another has lightning, this one can fly.
"Nezuko, don't worry about us, go help Genya ou-" Tanjiro started and I turned to see what had stopped him.
"You are depressingly weak" The other new demon said and had a spear straight through Genya's stomach.
"GENYA!" I roared out anger flowing through me and I glared up at the demon that had held me. I had to deal with this one and then go and help Genya.
"Nezuko, go! Help Genya now! Please, go!" Tanjiro yelled out while looking at me worriedly.
"Do you two really have time to worry about others?" The demon holding us asked while he faced Tanjiro, his mouth opening. He was building up some sort of attack.
"Dance of the fire god" Tanjiro started. An ear piercing shriek rang in the air and my ears were bleeding along with my nose and Tanjiro wasn't any better. Moving quickly Tanjiro cut off the foot holding him but I wasn't going to just drop yet.
"Hahaha, nice one. This is absolutely delightful" The demon said, poking out his tongue. He had the kanji on his tongue for cheering or delight.
"Yeah you're right this is delightful" I said as I swung my sword stabbing it into his stomach and ripping it to the side but didn't fully sever the body.
"I may not be able to cut off your head but I can make you wish that I could" I snarled out as I sunk my blade into his leg and ripped it down along the bone. With a yell his foot let go of me so I was also falling into the forest and I turned glaring up at him, I wasn't done with him yet. From how fast I was falling the first branch that I tried to grab broke so I changed it so I grabbed a branch and swung myself to stop some of the momenten. It ripped my hands up really badly but it made it so it didn't hurt as much when I hit the ground. I saw Tanjiro was laying a little bit away from me and I pushed myself up heading for him even when I couldn't hear anything and I was numb I wasn't going to stop.
'Get up now! Get up! Villagers in danger, have to protect! Crap! My body's numb can't hear a thing' Tanjiro thought while he saw Hikaru crawling over to him. Noticing something Tanjiro turned to see the foot that he had cut off had grown a head that had an open mouth, looking like it was going to use a noise attack. I picked up my speed seeing the head, hoping I got there in time.

Tokito, who had been thrown by Karaka, was running through the forest that he had landed up, heading back to the building that the demons had been in.
'Wow, he threw me out really far. I have to get back now,' Tokito thought before something caught his attention. Kotetsu was running through the forest just a little ways away. It wasn't a normal run seeing as he had a sword in his hand that he was using to try and fight off a fish like demon with arms and a large pot on it's gotest body.
'A demon and a kid. The kid, he isn't skilled in craft since he's inexperienced, saving him is low priority. Judging from its presence this isn't the real demon, just one of its summons' Tokito thought while Kotetsu yelled out while dodging.
'I have no reason to stop here, if the whole village is under attack, I have to save the chief. I have to prioritize the more skilled ones' Tokito continued to think while running. The demon grabbed onto Kotetsu making him let out a noise of pain.

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