Chapter 50: Troubles of love

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Third person POV

Muichirou was standing in a clearing with trees around and in one of the trees was the pot demon, Gyokko.
"Don't underestimate me, brat" Gyokko glared in anger.
"Hey, it's not like I'm looking down on you. I'm just stating the truth. You're just gonna die when I cut your head off. Also I'm feeling amazing right now for some reason, why is that?" Muichirou wondered.
"Your phrasing is insulting, you damn brat. And you've only lived about ten years or so" Gyokko said.
"Even so, there's not a single thing about you that's praiseworthy. Your looks and words are downright disgusting" Muichirou insulted.
"I am the apex of beauty...You just can't understand elegance because you're an uneducated bumpkin. You're like a fly or a cockroach that can't read when I show you a book" Gyokko insulted right back.
"It sounds like you live in a chamber pot," Muichirou continued to insult.
"Shut it, Roach. A stubby midget like you can't even reach my neck" Gyokko huffed as he appeared in a pot behind Muichirou on the ground.
"Well, I did just a while ago and you're the stubbier one. Oh wait, were you muttering to yourself just now? Then sorry about that" Muichirou said as he glanced at where the demon was now.
"Hyohyo! What a cheap provocation. You must be desperate to win, it's unsightly. Did you think Gyokko-sama would lose his composure over that?" Gyokko questioned.
"Hmmm. Hmmm" Muchirou said, his head tilted to the side and his hand on his chin as he stared at Gyokko.
"Hyo, hyo! What's the matter?" Gyokko asked.
"I've been wondering about that pot of yours deformed or something? The left and right sides are uneven. It looks kinda shitty," Muichirou answered.
"That's because your eyes have maggots in them, you asshole!" Gyokko screamed, getting so angry he started to bleed from his bulging veins.
"My pots! How exactly are they deformed?!" Gyokko demanded as each of the arms on his body had a pot, totally ten.
"Blood demon technique, ten thousand gliding clayfish!" Gyokko announced as ten thousand small fish with sharp teeth burst out of the ten pots and headed for Muichirou.
"I'll have ten thousand assassins feast on your body, leaving nothing but bones! Then you'll be one of my art pieces" Gyokko said. Muchirou got ready and sucked in a deep breath.
"Breath of Mist, sixth form, moonlit mist" Muichirou said as he dodged the fish while also cutting their heads off at the same time.
'GH! He cut them all up. His speed and attack range! What happened to the poison? This was unexpected but no problem. The clay fish spread liquid poison before the nichirin blade turns them to dust and this percutaneous poison....Meaning it can be absorbed through the skin. Once it gets on him, it's over' Gyokko thought as he saw the fish be cut and starting to leak liquid.
"Breath of Mist, third form, demisting blast" Muichirou said as he swung his sword in a circle slash. This made a gust of wind gather up all the liquid so that not a drop hit Muichirou.
'What! He blew it all away in one swing!' Gyokko exclaimed in his thoughts. Muichirou ran towards Gyokko with his sword at the ready once again. This time when he swung it he connected with Gyokko's neck and cut threw it but this time it was different.
'But I can molt too,' Gyokko thought. The 'Gyokko' that Muichirou had just beheaded was nothing but Gyokko's shed skin.
"Ugh, dammit. This is a pain. Stop dodging and running to the trees please" Muichirou requested as he looked to see Gyokko was once more in the trees.

"I will show you my true form now," Gyokko said.
"Yeah, yeah" Muichirou said.
"You're the third person to see me like this," Gyokko continued.
"That's a lot," Muichirou said.
"Shut it, once I get serious I never leave anyone alive," Gyokko said.
"Oh, wow," Muichirou commented.
"Shut your worthless mouth, you retarded brat!" Gyokko yelled as his muscles bulged and he changed forms.
"These see-through scales are harder than diamonds. I kneaded them together inside my pot. Now prostrate yourself before my perfect beauty" Gyokko said. He was no longer attached to a pot and his arms and lower body were covered in scales. His chest and arms were now larger and muscular and he only had one pair of hands now that had webbing between them and had sharp claws. He also no longer had hands for hair and his lower body was that of a snake. Muichirou continued to stare at Gyokko with his normal blank look. not moving or saying anything as he looked at the snake-like demon.
"Why aren't you saying anything, you retarded puppet! You really know how to get on people's nerves kid!" Gyokko yelled.
"Well, you told me to shut up a while ago...And honestly I'm really not surprised about this. So," Muichirou explained. Gyokko was in front of Muichirou in seconds, his fist raised to hit Muichirou's face and he unleashed a flurry of punches. Where each punch hit the ground a pile of small clay fish appeared. Seeing that Muichirou was in front of him, Gyokko turned to where the young pillar was up in a tree. The front of his demon slayer uniform was destroyed and a few fish were dropping to the ground through the hit that Muichirou had taken but none of the poison had touched his skin.
"What were you saying about running to trees? How vexing for you" Gyokko smirked.
"Nah, you're just stinky. My nose was gonna melt" Muichirou insulted.
"So, how do you like my godlike power? Everything I touch with my fists turns into sweet little fish. Then, there's my speed! This body is not only soft, but also springy. On top of that, these scales are faster than waves. I am an existence that knows no bounds. You're shaking. Are you scared? That wasn't even my serious attack" Gyokko taunted with a smile.
"You can be as flashy as you like, but it's useless if you can't touch me," Muichirou smiled, his own smile.

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