Chapter 7: Muzan Kibutsuji

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Walking on no sleep was taking its toll on me so I decided to get a small bite to eat and have a nap before continuing on my journey which seemed to go on forever when there was no one to keep me company except for Kuro of course but he preferred to fly ahead of me. I hope that the demon slayer that I am going to meet up with was nice or they at least weren't that angry boy from the Final Selection but then again I would like to get to know him a little better, he seemed like an interesting person. After my small rest I was once more travelling and I continued to travel all day and part of the night until I got to Asakusa, Tokyo. I was nearly blinded by the lights of the city since I wasn't used to them anymore but I wasn't all that impressed with it since I used to travel to a city near our home town to sell my pictures and things I had managed to craft.
"This way! This way!" Kuro crowed as I followed him muttering under my breath about pushy birds and their slave driving ways. Looking ahead I saw a dark street with only a Udon cart and two people in front sitting down.
"Ah you must be the Demon Slayer I have to.....Tanjiro?" I asked, spotting the familiar haori.
"Hikaru" Tanjiro beamed up at me and I noticed the other person was Nezuko who was nearly asleep.
"Seems like we are back together sooner than I thought" I grinned.
"Yeah, it's good to see you aren't injured" Tanjiro said and I nodded. I couldn't tell him about the bumps and bruises that I had from that damn hair demon.
"Here's your udon with grated yam on top!" The udon man called as he handed Tanjiro a bowl and chopsticks.
"Did you want something Hikaru?" Tanjiro asked and I opened my mouth, about to speak before I froze. In all the other auras from the people of the city there was one that was familiar, one that I would never forget until the day that I died. The blackness that marked him as a demon seemed so much darker from all the red of his rage making me swallow the bile in my mouth before I got up. I could tell that Tanjiro had caught his smell when he dropped the bowl of udon. We both grabbed out swords and took off running towards the city with me in the lead. 

It was him, the one that had killed Tanjiro's family, the one that turned Nezuko into a demon and the one that had almost killed me. Kibutsuji Muzan! Running forward I spotted familiar clothes and a familiar aura making me grab the man's shoulder making him turn to me and Tanjiro who was behind me. His face was scrunched up in a frown and his red eyes bit into me making me freeze, just like that night nearly three years ago. But I wasn't the same person this time, I was different. Both me and Tanjiro grabbed the hilt of our blades and started to pull them out ready to kill this man even if it was in front of all these people.
"Daddy?" A small voice called and Muzan turned showing that in his arms he held a small black haired little girl.
"Who's that?" The girl said and even with my mask on I had to slap my hand over my mouth as I gagged nearly losing my stomach right then and there. This demon, this demon that didn't even hesitate in trying to kill me and that had killed all of Tanjiro's family but Nezuko was standing here, pretending to be a human.
"Is there something I can do for you? You seem to be quite flustered" He asked and I nearly lost it then, that was the same voice, the one that spoke to me calling me an Akatsuki before he slash my chest open and left me to die.
"Oh my. What's going on?" A woman said as she walked up to them.
"Mother" The girl smiled. I used one hand to grab my mask tighter and the other one grabbed onto my arm and dug my nails into my arm drawing blood and I saw Muzan grit his teeth before talking to his so-called wife. That's when I saw Muzan's hand move and he scratched the back of a man's neck turning him into a demon.
"NO!" I yelled dashing for the man as he bit his wife.
"Stop!" Tanjiro yelled following me. 

"Your scarf" I ordered and Tanjiro nodded while rolling it around his fist before shoving it into the new demon's mouth. I on the other hand went over to the woman and ripped my fox mask off my face and grabbed the leather from it to wrap around the shoulder. After that was done I took my hiori off and pressed it to her shoulder to hopefully stop the bleeding until she could get some help. Looking up after hearing Tanjiro's yell I turned to see Muzan walking away making me narrow my eyes and add my own threat.
"Kibutsuji Muzan! I will hunt you down! To the ends of the earth! I'll kill you and make you fear the Akatsuki name! I'll never forgive you for what you have done! Not to Tanjiro! Not to me! And not to anyone else you have hurt!" I roared out glaring at Muzan and I saw his eyes narrowed and his lips pulled back into a snarl as he, his wife and child rushed away. It wasn't long before the police turned up and tried to pull Tanjiro off the man he was holding down.
"Don't do that! If you do that, this person will kill people so stay out of the way" I snarled as I grabbed the policeman's arm that was going to attack Tanjiro, the wife's wounds for now had stopped bleeding and now had a different cloth on it. That was when different flower patterns appeared and I traced the aura of them back to a woman and a teenaged boy that was walking towards us.
"You still used the term 'person' to refer to even a transformed demon and you're trying to save him. Allow me then to lend you both a hand" The woman said. She was beautiful in her kimono with her dark hair pinned up with a hair pin and her lavender eyes seemed to be looking at us with compassion. The boy on the other hand had his own purple eyes narrowed in anger at us with his hair being a rather weird mix between black, dark green and white. Both of them were demons but there was something different about them. Their auras were nothing like any other demon's aura that I had been across except for Nezuko.
"But why? Your...Your scent tells me" Tanjiro started.
"Your demons" I said, eyeing them. Unless they gave me a reason to attack them I wouldn't but I wasn't going to be foolish enough to trust them without reason.
"Yes but I am also a doctor and I wish to annihilate that man, Kibutsuji," She said. Looking at Tanjiro we both nodded before allowing her and the boy to take the newly turned demon and his wife while we headed back to where Nezuko had been left.

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