Chapter 42: Journey to the swordsmen village

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Third Person POV

Tanjiro's eyes opened with tears at the corners as he remembered the dream he had about a swordsman talking to a coal burner and taking care of a child.
'A dream, Where am I?' Tanjiro thought. He was covered in bandages and had three different IV's attached to his hands. Hearing a crash he turned his head slightly to see Kanao in the doorway who had dropped a vase of flowers in shock when she saw he was awake.
"Are you okay? After the fight ended you didn't regain consciousness for two whole months, even with Hikaru's medicine" Kanao explained as she walked over to the bed.
"Oh really...I see" Tanjiro said as his mind processed what was said.
"I'm so glad, you're awake" Kanao smiled.

A single kakushi, the clean up brigade of the demon slayers, was walking down the hallway, this was Gotou. He was the one who called Kamado Tanjiro out for sleeping during the pillar meeting and he was also the one who had found them in the entertainment district two months ago. They looked terrible. Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke and Nezuko were all hugging in a huddle while Hikaru stood to the side but all three of the boys excluding Hikaru were passed out cold. They were not only younger than Gotou but also became swordsmen and fought with their lives so Gotou had a lot of respect for them. That's why Gotou was bringing some high-quality castella to Tanjiro and trying his best not to gobble it down himself. It was a present since Tanjiro was still unconscious. Gotou had heard that Tanjiro had a good sense of smell so he was hoping that maybe he would wake up if he smelt it. Entering the room he looked on the floor to see the smashed vase that Kanao had dropped.
'Clean this up! Oh Kanao-chan, you just do whatever you want don't you? She's an oddball since she doesn't speak at all and she's been slaying demons since childhood. Well I can't say anything since she's higher-ranked than me despite me being twenty three,' Gotou thought to himself as he bent down and started to pick up the pieces of broken vases.
"Uhh I brought some castella over so please clear the way so I can put it down. If it looks spoiled just go ahead and eat it" Gotou said.
"Th-Thank much" Tanjiro said. Gotou instantly dropped the plate of cake onto the bed as he realised that Tanjiro was awake.
"He woke up?! Why aren't you screaming? You utter airhead! You're suppose to call someone! He managed to regain consciousness you dumbass! Everyone's worried sick about him, I don't care if you're my superior, right now at least" Gotou yelled at Kanao who bowed.
"Kiyo-chan, Sumi-chan, Naho-chan, Aoi-chan, Hikaru-kun! Tanjiro's awake now" Gatou screamed out of the door. Instantly the three young girls raced to the boy's room and threw themselves on him crying.
"I'm so happy," Kiyo cried.
"I'll give you some red bean bread," Sumi promised.
"The castella's falling off," Naho worried. Loud footsteps were heard and everyone turned to see a blanket covered figure run in the door.
"AH! Monster!" Kiyo yelled.
"Oh it's just Aoi-san caught up in the laundry" Naho said as the older girl took off the sheet.
"I'm so glad you're awake! You guys went in my place so..." Aoi cried her head tucked into her hands as Kanao patted her back.
"Thank you, are...The others doing...okay?" Tanjiro asked.
"The blonde dude who left this place the day before yesterday?" Gotou questioned.
"Yes," Sumi said.
"He's back in service, he's already out on a job. He was screaming and crying" Gotou said.
"Zenitsu-san woke up the day after the incident," Sumi said.
"And the Sound Pillar walked off on his own with his wives supporting him, in fact I'm pretty sure he is visiting the red headed one at the moment. All of the kakushi backed away from him because he was just way too tough, they were really scared" Gotou explained.
"Oh...Okay...What about Hikaru and Inosuke?" Tanjiro questioned.
"Inosuke-san was on the verge of death at one point" Sumi reported.
"Inosuke-san was in terrible condition, the poison had circulated through his body so we were too late to stop the bleeding but Hikaru-san's medicine really helped" Aoi said, tears still streaming down her face.
"Oh okay. Then I must be hallucinating Inosuke clinging to the ceiling there" Tanjiro said and everyone looked up to see Inosuke clinging to the roof. Screams pierced the pierce just as the door opened and Hikaru's blinked at the scene in front of him.

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