Chapter 43: Meeting new people

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Tanjiro and I didn't waste any time and followed the Kakushi's directions to get to the building that held the head of the village. When we got to the building we knocked on the door was led into room that already had a rather small man sitting on a cushion and two other people behind him and they were all wearing masks.
"Hello there, I am the chief of this village, Tecchikawahara Tecchin. Very nice to meet you. I may be the smallest in this village but I am also the best at my craft. Now bow your heads so low they touch the mat" The small guy said.
"Kamado Tanjiro, very honored to meet you!" Tanjiro yelled out bowing so fast that his head slammed into the floor making me wince.
"I am Akatsuki Hikaru, it is a pleasure to meet you" I greeted, bowing down. Even though I didn't normally show my respect to a lot of people, I could tell that they deserved my respect.
"What good boys, now come over here and take some dough cakes," Tecchin said, holding out a basket.
"Thank you very much" Tanjiro beamed while I nodded my head in thanks but I didn't take any cakes, after all I wasn't ready to take my mask off around them.
"Hotaru has gone missing right now, we're doing our best to look for him so please be patient" Tecchin said while Tanjiro snacked on the cakes.
"Hotaru?" I questioned looking at him.
"Yes, Haganezuka Hotaru," Tecchin said.
"What a cute name," Tanjiro commented.
"I'm the one who gave it to him but he keeps badmouthing me since he says it's too cute," Tecchin said. That explains why he was going by his last name though I didn't see anything wrong with the name Hotaru.
"That's pretty sad," Tanjiro said.
"He's always been like this since he was a child, he always throws tantrums right away then he goes off somewhere. Sorry about that" Tecchin apologized.
"Oh no, no! I'm the one who ends up either breaking the sword or chipping it" Tanjiro protested.
"I also broke my sword so some of the blame lies on me" I said.
"No, you're wrong. It's his fault for creating a sword that could actually break" Tecchin said and my eyes widened. He reminded me of my Tou-chan when he was focused on a project. When Tou-chan was creating a new sword or weapon for someone he wouldn't let them even see it until he believed it was perfect and there had never been anyone protesting about what he created.
"As soon as we find him, we will seize him and bring him over so don't worry about anything" One of the ones behind Tecchin piped up, breaking me out of my thoughts.
"Please don't be so violent," Tanjiro said with worry.
"I heard that your bodies still haven't recovered enough to be sent out into the field. So if Hotaru doesn't forge your sword by then we'll have someone else do it. The hot spring in our village does wonders for the body, so please spend some time there" Tecchin said as he dismissed us.
"Tecchikawahara-san, I was wondering if I might be able to ask a favor of you if I could be so bold" I requested and Tanjiro looked at me. I just smiled at him and assured him that I would catch up with him so he should head out and wait for me.
"What is it you wish to talk about?" Tecchin asked.
"I know that this may come off as insulting but I do not mean to insult you at all so please don't take it that way. I was hoping that I might be able to borrow a forge while we were here and craft my own blades" I said and I could tell that they were looking at me either in shock or confusion but thankfully there was no fury or anger.
"My Tou-chan was a blacksmith and I grew up at his knee getting taught everything and anything. I have made things in the past but I never had the materials to fully craft a sword that I was happy with and I don't want Tou-chan's teachings to go to waste" I explained.
"Hmm, so you are a born Akatsuki after all. Even seeing the red hair and golden eyes I wasn't too sure. If you want to make your own swords I will lend you the place and give you the materials but they will have to be approved by myself before you take them into battle" Tecchin said and my eyes widened.
"You know about the Akatsuki?" I asked, maybe he could answer some questions that had been on my mind.
"Yes we do know about the Akatsuki after all this village was created by someone with the same blood as you though they are long gone now, they left for the good of the village though not before they taught us how to craft swords that could kill demons" Tecchin said and I nodded. I had no idea that my ancestors had been the ones that had first created nichirin swords.
"Thank you for hearing and allowing my selfish desires," I said with a bow and he nodded as I bid them goodbye and headed outside to meet up with Tanjiro again.

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