Chapter 66: The fight continues

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Off to the side of the battle where he had landed after Muzan had cut him up was the cat that had used the antidotes on the hashira. The thing was that unlike normal cats that would be dead, his eyes were still open and he was slowly healing. Hands reached down and gently picked up the cat's head as well as the other pieces of him and held him together.
"Chachamaru are you alright?" Yushiro asked, looking down at his cat.
"Is that cat a demon too? Wow" The demon slayer with him said.
"I turned into a demon right before the big battle but why are you two just standing around? Go treat the wounded! You guys are really unhelpful!" Yushiro huffed as he spotted Genya wrapping bandages around my wounds. I was clenching my hands and I wanted this to go faster so that I could get back to the battle.
"Oh right! We gotta go!" Murata yelled.
"Are you alright boar guy? You need the serum" The demon slayer said as he crouched next to Inosuke.
"You haven't administered the serum? Agatusma, the boar guy and Tsuyuri need it! H-Here use this!" Murata said as he handed a Kakushi an antidote.
"What is that?" He asked.
"Himejima can you hear me?" Yushiro asked as he worked to get the bigger guy to respond.
'Oh no....His leg is bad. Even if he regains consciousness, blood loss and lack of equilibrium will make it impossible for him to fight. Not even Hikaru's medication will help with this without time,' Yushiro thought as he worked on bandaging the wounds and administering the antidote.
'Himejima is down with nearly thirty minutes left until sunrise, there's no way that Tanjiro can last alone. Tamayo' Yushiro thought as he remembered Tamayo smiling.
"Please protect Tanjiro and Hikaru. Somehow.....You must! I'm begging you!" Yushiro said, tears streamed down his face as he continued to work and watched me rush back towards the battle. Genya was now helping Zenitsu and the others.

Tanjiro was still dodging the attacks that Muzan was unleashing as well as unleashing his own sun breathing techniques.
'It isn't enough to just connect the forms! I must accurately target his hearts and brains! Concentrate harder! Enter the transparent world' Tanjiro thought as he continued to move. He knew that it was getting harder to dodge and harder to hang on so he needed an edge on Muzan but it wasn't easy. As he was concentrating his eyesight started to darken until everything was black and he couldn't see anything.
'I can't see! I'm not getting enough oxygen! Calm down! Pinpoint him by smell! You'll last until dawn! It's all,' Tanjiro thought as he tried to calm himself down. He went to take a step but the ground underneath his foot wasn't stable making it slip.
'Oh no! My footing!' Tanjiro realised too late as Muzan's attack was coming straight at him. Suddenly Tanjiro was grabbed from behind and moved out of the way while the attack was mostly blocked.
"Why won't you die?!" Muzan snarled.
'Someone saved me! That smell...My vision is returning....That pattern is...' Tanjiro thought.
"Iguro?!" Tanjiro smiled in relief but it turned to horror when he saw Iguro's face. There was a large gash from the bottom of the left side of his cheek over the bridge of his nose and straight through his right eye.
"Iguro! Your right eye! Did you get injured helping me?" Tanjiro panicked.
"No! It happened earlier and it would have been worse if Hikaru hadn't taken most of the attack for me then I would have lost both of my eyes. Also Hikaru is also helping us out at the moment so shut up and quit worrying about others" Iguro said. Muzan attacked destroying the building that they had used as a kicking place but I was quick enough to stop the attack from hitting them.
"Iguro, I'll back you up!" Tanjiro declared.
"My right eye was always bad anyway! I could barely see out of it so it's not that bad of a loss. Plus I don't need your help, I have Kaburamaru" Obanai said as his snake lift their head from where they were normally wrapped around Obanai.
"Kaburamaru" Tanjiro repeated.
"You've recovered then I'll let you go" Obanai said.
"Okay thanks" Tanjiro said.
"Encoming," I yelled. Muzan had decided that since I was only defending at the moment he would go straight past me and straight for them and I was quickly chasing after him. Most of this battle I had been playing defensively because the Hashira had more experience and are stronger than me but now, I think it's time to stop that. Muzan used the tentacles on his back to hold onto the building and then targeted Obanai. Muzan's attack was so fierce and destructive that the whole top corner of the building we were near was destroyed by the one attack.
"Iguro!" Tanjiro screamed while getting ready to unleash his own sun breathing attack. Quickly I gripped my swords tighter and focused on the points on Muzan's body that had dense colors from his aura, those were the places to target. Kaburamaru moved and hissed which made Obanai move and unleash one of his breathing forms to stop the attack from hitting him.
'Is the snake relaying information to him? Is a dumb animal like that....Reading my attacks?' Muzan thought in fury.
"Stop!" Tanjiro yelled. With another hiss from Kaburamaru, Obanai unleashed an attack just as Tanjiro and I did. Obanai's attack made it look like a giant snake, Tanjiro's looking like a large fiery dragon and mine looked like a golden lion, ready to rip into its prey.
'Even if he trained in expectation of losing body parts I should be able to kill a seriously wounded human being in an instant. It's the aging potion, I still haven't adapted and recovering from it is sapping my strength. It makes it worse that I am also resisting the urge to devour the Akatsuki because of his intoxicating blood' Muzan thought as the attacks did minor damage to him that he would heal quickly from. He quickly returned with his own attack and we were quick to dodge out of the way.
'Everyone's attacks have weakened Muzan. His scent is gradually changing but he's still strong! It's all I can do to avoid oxygen deprivation so I can't enter the transparent world!' Tanjiro thought as he dodged.
'Even at three against one, this is hard! I have to break free of this situation somehow. Iguro has helped me many times so I need to help him! Not only that Hikaru is still fighting defensively, he has taken a lot of wounds for all of us so even if he was to fight offensively he would be worried about us...What's that? Muzan's body is changing,' Tanjiro realised. I watched as marks appeared all over Muzan's bodies, his arms, face, chest, back, legs, they were everywhere and they weren't just any marks, they were scars.
'Are those scars? They look old....Oh I get it. Yoriichi made those wounds. Despite hundreds of years, Muzan never recovered. Yoriichi burnt Muzan at a cellular level. Those are Muzan's weak spots! Even now Yorrichi is showing us the way,' Tanjiro realised.

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