Chapter 38: Assumed victory

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Third person POV, Flashback

Uzui, Hinatsuru, Maki and Suma were seen in a graveyard with a large cherry blossom blooming overhead, over where they were. Uzui had kneeled down at the grave stone for his family, lighting some incense before placing them down in the space that they belonged. They then clasped their hands together and prayed, speaking to the spirits long past. Once he was finished Uzui stood up and opened a bottle of sake.
"If my siblings were still alive" Uzui started before reaching out and starting to pour the sake over the grave stone.
"Maybe we would've gone drinking one day. Sorry, but I still haven't managed to die yet but I did bring some fine sake so cut me some slack" Uzui said as he finished pouring the sake.
"One day we'll all drink together over there," Uzui said. A few moments later a picnic had been set out on the ground and Uzui was now drinking sake himself.
"Now, in their honor, dig in and be as flashy as you can!" Uzui smiled as he grabbed his chopsticks and took a bite of food.
"Whoa, these are tasty! Don't hold back, you three" Uzui said.
"Tengan-sama, do you?" Hinatsuru started.
"Hmm?" Uzui asked, turning towards her.
"Tengan-sama, do you still think about your deceased siblings?" She finished asking and Uzui reached down, putting his chopsticks down.
"Sure, not a day goes by that I don't recall them. Even now it seems like yesterday that I left my homeland with you three" Uzui admitted before picking up his chopsticks again to eat.
"Hey, this one's tasty too! Come on, join me!" Uzui encouraged.
"Right" All three of the girls said and they started to eat as well.
"Delicious!" Suma exclaimed happily.
"Hey! Would it kill you to show some restraint?" Makio demanded.
"Now, now" Hinatsuru tried to calm the argument down that was about to start.
"But Tengan-sama told us to dig in! Here you go Makio-san!" Suma smiled as she force fed Makio a piece of food.
"Delicious," Makio said.
"Isn't it?" Suma questioned. Uzui watched them interact with a soft smile on his face.
"Someday, I'm going to hell...Whoops I shouldn't have said that! I don't need another tongue-lashing from you three" Uzui said before turning to look at his family's grave.
"I'm going to live the flashiest life possible, for my siblings sake. With you three, that is" Uzui said, turning back to his three wives.
"Right" They all smiled just as the wind picked up and showered them with cherry blossom petals.
"How lovely" Hinatsuru complimented. Noticing something, Uzui reached out and gently took the flower petal out of Hinatsuru's hair where it had been blown from the window.
"Th-Thank you very much" Hinatsuru said while blushing.
"Sure," Uzui said.
"Tengan-sama! Tengan-sama! Me too, me too!" Makio said as she pointed to her hair that had several flower petals in her hair.
"You plastered them on yourself, didn't you?" Uzui asked.
"You're so cruel, Tengan-sama!" Makio cried out.
"Tengan-sama, would you mind giving me that petal?" Hinatsuru requested.
"I don't mind at all, but there are tons of them everywhere," Uzui pointed out.
"That's the one that I want" Hinatsuru said and Uzui passed her the petal. Gently she curled her hands around it and brought them to her chest as she closed her eyes.
"Thank you very much," She thanked.
"Tengan-sama, I want one too!" Makio and Suma yelled out together as they rushed to be in front of Uzui with tears in their eyes.
"Huh? Just pick up one of these petals yourselves!" Uzui said.
"You're so cruel!" Both girls cried out, making Hinatsuru smile a little as she watched them interact.

Flashback over, Hikaru's POV

With Gyutaro being paralyzed by the poison in the kunai and all three of us aiming for his neck there was no way for him to escape. Then his aura changed and my eyes widened as his legs regenerated.
'He regenerated his legs? Dammit, he's already neutralized the poison!' Uzui thought.
"Man, that sure packed a punch! This poison I mean! Blood demon art, rotating circular slashes, flying blood scythes!" Gyutaro said. Seeing the attack I turned quickly and slammed my foot into Tanjiro's stomach and made it so that he was out of the way of the attack. It was the only thing that I could think of doing at the time so that he would at least be safe.
'Slashing us without even swinging his arms? Over a large range?' Uzui  thought before his eyes met mine and he realised what I had done. Without me even realising he grabbed the back of my haori and threw me behind him but not before my shoulder got cut a little bit.
"Sound breathing, fourth form, Constant Resounding Slashes!" Uzui announced as he swung his blades and stopped all of the attacks. Of course I only knew about that because of the sounds because I was already on the move again.
"He vanished?" Uzui questioned.
"Tengan-sama, behind you!" Hinatsuru yelled and Uzui and dodged the attacks.
"Hinatsu-" Uzui yelled.
"I'll draw the belts towards myself! Tengan-sama, don't mind me! Go look for the dem-" Hinatsuru started but she didn't get to finish. I had kicked her much like I kicked Tanjiro before and made her roll to the other side of the roof. It was just in time so that Gyutaro who had been aiming to grab Hinatsuru grabbed my face instead. The one thing that I had forgotten was that I was still wearing my mask so it was digging into the sides of my face.
"Well, you have a lot of nerve. I'm sure going to mind you, you hear me? But first it seems I will have to deal with this brat that wants to die" Gyutaro growled as he glared at Hinatsuru.
"HINATSURU!" Uzui yelled and he went to take a step forward but couldn't as a belt came to attack him.
"Dammit, the belts are blocking me!" Uzui said as more and more belts surrounded him like a ball.
'Hinatsuru' Uzui thought before his sight was completely blocked.

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