Chapter 20: Ritual of fire

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Waking the next morning was annoying since it was Zenitsu once again screaming and yelling that he didn't want to take his medicine, I don't know how Aoi managed to put up with him really. Looking to the left I saw that Tanjiro was sitting up and taking his own medicine in one gulp and Inosuke did the same thing.
"Ah good morning Hikaru" Tanjiro said once, seeing I was awake and grabbing my box.
"Kiruha," Inosuke yelled out before staring at me behind his mask and I just stared at him back before he turned away from me making me a little confused. After breakfast I done my training regiment while the others once again tried to beat Kanao at tag and that cup game. Once that was done I headed into the woods for a little bit to gather different plants this time to mix up more elixirs and such. After that I prepped the bells that I would be decorating the two wooden swords with. This consisted of my placing all of them into a bowl and cutting my arm to submerge them in my blood before leaving them there for ten minutes and then taking them out so that they could dry in the sunlight. By the time I finished that and had lunch it was time for me to meet with Master.

Arriving at the headquarters I was greeted by a servant and followed them to the room that Master would be meeting me in. I didn't wait all that long before the Master, assisted by his two daughters, walked in and I bowed low to the ground as he entered.
"Please child lift your head" Master said and I raised my head and looked at him but not before dipping my head to each little girl surprising them if their auras were anything to go by.
"I was told that you wished to meet with me, Master" I said.
"Yes Shinobu enquired if you might borrow a clear flat piece of land and indeed I am allowing you to do so but I wish to know exactly what it is you need this piece of land for" Master questioned.
"It would only be for one day sir, it is to perform a ritual that my family has been performing for generations every half a year. Even though I no longer am part of the Akatsuki family I still wish to continue this tradition" I explained.
"I understand that is not the only thing that I had to speak to you about, Shinobu has told me that you have rejected her offer to help with your wounds and in fact they are healing a lot faster then most wounds do" He said and I forced myself not to show any sort of outside reaction.
"I am training to be a doctor myself and make my own medicines. I mean no disrespect to yourself or Kocho-sama but I prefer to see my own wounds so that I may get more experience in dealing with wounds," I answered the unasked question.
"I see, there is one more thing" Master said gesturing with his hand and the girl on the left side turned and picked up a package before handing it over to me.
"It was delivered yesterday and I also included something from myself as well," Master said. After getting to go ahead I gently pulled the paper wrapping and I felt my breath hitch and my hand traced it without touching it. Sitting there staring up at me innocently was a perfect replica of the fox mask that Urokodaki had given me and that Rui had smashed. Underneath it was a wave haori folded up and next to it was a hair pin with Wisteria blossoms on it, that must be the gift from Master.
"Please accept this gift as a thank you for what you did for my daughter during the final selection exam" Master said and the girl on the left looking at me her aura giving of her shyness and I could tell she would be figeting on the spot if she wasn't taught to keep her composure.
"No thank you's are nessicary seeing as I did what anyone else would do but I will accept this hair pin and treasure it everyday" I said before taking the pin and using it to pin my fringe. Master looked at me with a fond look on his face before nodding and getting his feet with his daughters.
"I wish you the best with your ritual" Master said and I bit my lip holding back the question that I wanted to say since it would be rude.
"Is there something else that you wanted to say?" Master enquired.
"May I please speak out of turn sir?" I asked first.
"Of course," He replied.
"Your illness, I am sure many doctors have told you there is no cure to it but if there was a cure. Would you take that cure no matter how disturbing and disgusting that it may be?" I asked and I saw their aura's jump in surprise and the two girls' aura's had some hope in them.
"Do you have a cure like this?" Master asked.
"Maybe, I would have to do some testing before I could give you an answer but given some time I may be able to cure your illness and even reverse the effects of it" I explained, my head dipped.
"I see, to answer your question so long as it did not take someone else's life or become a demon then I am sure that I would try your cure" Master said and I bowed.
"I will try my absolute best to find a cure but do not worry this will not make me forget my place nor my duty as a demon slayer" I said and he smiled before he left with his daughters. I wasn't sure if my blood would be able to help Master but seeing his illness cling to his aura made me sick to my stomach. No one should have to worry about an illness like his so if there was a chance that I could help him then I would take it. Getting up I headed back to the butterfly mansion after all I had quite a bit to get ready still.

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