Chapter 62: Muzan awakens

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The first thing that I did was get a fire going as well as prep my needle with some thread. It wasn't the best but I had to do what I could with what I had which meant that I would have to flash seal as many wounds as I could while stitching the rest of them. I warned Himejima, Sanemi and Genya that it would hurt a lot but they all agreed that we had to do what we could. That meant that they helped me hold each other down while I heated up my sword and pressed it down on their flesh before Sanemi and Genya held me down while Himejima sealed my wounds. Both brothers agreed that they wouldn't be able to burn me like that.
"Now we have to hurry to get to Muzan," Himajime said.
"Yeah, I don't know exactly what happened with you back there Hikaru, with those marks that appeared all over you but that is something to talk about later" Sanemi said and I nodded.
"I'll catch up to you guys once my leg has fully finished regenerating" Genya said. It was a good idea since at the moment he would make a good target for Muzan..
"Okay, don't intergest any more demons or any blood because I am not sure what it could do and I mean it this time Genya" I warned with a glare as I took my mask back and put it back on my face.
'Muzan, I am going to put an end to you once and for all' I thought as I ran with Himejima and Sanemi at my side.

"We were too late, Tamayo-san wasn't able to endure it. Muzan has revived" Kiriya said, his teeth gritted as he glared down at the paper on the table.
"The first squad is about to arrive," Kunia reported.
"The second squad is right behind them," Kanata added on. Kiriya paused at that before he quickly turned to face his sisters in horror.
"Wait! Don't let them go, stop them!" Kiriya yelled.
"Huh?" Kanata questioned, not understanding.
"Don't send them to where Muzan is! Have them standby until the pillars arrive!" Kiriya tried but it was too late.

"This is it! We've found it!" One of squad one said. In front of them in a space that wouldn't be able to reach normally since there was no floor under the large ball of flesh that Muzan was inside of.
"It's Muzan," Another said.
"Our swords can't reach it!" Another panicked.
"Calm down!" Someone tried.
"I saw someone run up there" Someone commented.
"First, let's cut off all the flesh that's extending in every direction" One of them planned.
"Wait, hold on a minute! We just received an order to standby," One who was talking to a crow called out.
"We shouldn't be waiting in this situation! We don't know what'll happen before the pillars arrive..." One of them protested. Above them, unseen by them Muzan had appeared, he had white hair with black markings around his arms and legs with mouths on his arms and legs. The same person who had been saying that they shouldn't be waiting was the first person to die, Muzan had ripped him in half.
"It's Muzan! He's here..." The one talking to the crow tried to warn before his head was cut off. Within seconds Muzan had killed every single one of the demon slayers that had been there. All that was left was broken swords, blood and their bodies.
"Wait for the pillars to arrive! Or you're just going to be food for his recovery. Why is no one listening!" Kiriya yelled.
"Everyone fall back! Caw" A crow said as it was flying around.
"They're all dead," Muzan said before he killed the crow so fast that it looked like he hadn't even moved.
"After living for over all these years, I had lost the sense of taste to food but now that I'm starving, it tastes very delicious" Muzan said as blood dripped down his hands.
"You're deliberately bringing me food, my compliments, Ubuyashiki. Whether it's a son or a daughter who succeeded you, I don't know who's in charge but they're just outstanding. If you bow  down to me, I could even make you into a demon since I just lost most of my subordinates" Muzan offered as the mouths on his arms continued to chew.
"Get the second squad to retreat! Don't allow them near Muzan! If he eats any more humans, he'll recover his stamina!" Kiriya ordered.
"How is it, Tamayo? The 'turn a demon into a human' medicine you used still had no effect" Muzan said as he held up Tamayo's head that was the only thing left of her.
"Today....You.....Will....Without....Fail.....Fall into....Hell" Tamayo managed to get  out even with Muzan's finger still through her eye.
"Hundreds of humans have said that to me but so far it's never happened, I'm sorry to say" Muzan said.
"My husband....and....Children....Give them....back....." Tamayo said, tears streaming down her face.
"Then die right this moment. Return to your family's side. The ones you killed" Muzan said before he destroyed Tamayo's head in a shower of blood.

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