Chapter 47: Mitsuri Kanroji arrives

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Hikaru's POV

Tanjiro and I were still facing off against the Delightful demon but I could tell that his worry about Nezuko and Genya was getting higher. Not that I could talk since I was also worried about them. I was also worried about the rest of the village and Tokito, sure he was a Hashira but that didn't stop my worry.
"Hikaru, the other two are in that building there and it's only a short distance away" Tanjiro said and I hummed a little while not taking my eyes off the Delightful demon.
"If we plan it right and read that demon's direction, you should be able to use him to get up to the building while also getting him out of the way so I can head up there as well. It would be a lot better if I had the sword that I had crafted but I have this one for now" I said as I grabbed a vial out of my waist belt. I grabbed the cork with my teeth and ripped it out before rubbing it into my blade. Tanjiro, Kyojuro and Tengan had all given me disappointed looks when I told them how I have been cutting my arms to get blood on my blades so I decided to start carrying a few vials around in my belt.
"You're right, we can use his ability to fly to our advantage, if we don't hurry we can't help Nezuko and Genya" Tanjiro said.
"I know, you're probably going to get hurt when using that guy so drink this first, it should be able to help seal the wounds as soon as they happen" I said as I shoved another vial at him. Tanjiro nodded as he drank it. It wasn't a moment too soon as we dodged out of the Delightful demon's way as he swooped down on us. Tanjiro wasted no time jumping after him, putting his blade through the Delightful demon's right leg and mouth but in return he got the Delightful demon's claw-like hand to the back. The way he had his blade would stop the demon from not only letting out that screeching attack but would also make it hard for Tanjiro to fall to the ground.
'Just like we thought, he is light! I can't imagine him being able to fly with those winds if he wasn't. I can do this,' Tanjiro thought. Using the force behind his jump and his strength Tanjiro slammed the delightful demon into the wall of the building that Nezuko and Genya were in. Using this time that I wasn't getting attacked I quickly rushed to the closest tree and from there I jumped onto the roof of the building. Hearing a yell followed by a crash I knew that Tanjiro had made it inside, now it was my time to join him.
"Nezuko, Genya!" Tanjiro yelled as he got up from the delightful demon and pulled his sword out. Looking at the sight in front of him Tanjiro's eyes widened. In the center of the room was Sekido standing in front of Nezuko. Nezuko was kneeling on the ground with Sekido's staff through her neck with lightning running through it keeping her immobilized and in pain.
"Nezuko! Stop!" Tanjiro screamed in anger as he rushed forwards, towards Sekido determined to save his sister.
"Dammit, first Karaku and now Urogi. The hell are they even doing? Every single thing is pissing me off" Sekido growled as another staff started to come from his hand. As soon as it was the right size he grabbed it out and thrust it down towards Tanjiro. Tanjiro had been ready for this as he moved his hand that wasn't on his blade and pulled up a severed clawed foot.
'Urogi's foot! My lightning can't pass through anything made of my cells. The brat's got good intuition, he really knows how to fight' Sakido thought.
'I can't cut his head off with one hand! The tongue! Go for the tongue!' Tanjiro thought. With that he swung his sword cutting through Sakido's chin, tongue and even the top of his mouth. Wasting no time Tanjiro dodged around Sakido and headed for Nezuko determined to get that rod out of her.
'If I can get their tongues, their recovery will slow down just a bit' He thought. Making Urogi's foot clench around the rod, Tanjiro gave it a pull.
'Yes! I can pull it!' Tanjiro thought as he continued to pull the rod out.
'Crap! Behind!' Tanjiro thought. Quicking seeing the condition that they were in I swung into the room and grabbed the rod going from Tanjiro's neck and cutting vertically along the hand holding it made Sakido let it go. I didn't stay holding it as I slammed it into the floor away from us and turning with my sword at the ready. Seems I wasn't the only one ready as Nezuko stood up grabbing Sekido and set him on fire with her blood demon art.
"Gahh! An annoying technique!" Sakido cursed.
'Yes, Nezuko's blood actually works on them' Tanjiro thought.
'That is good, that means that now my blood is in Sekido's system it will start driving him mad with blood lust. I wonder if it will affect all of them since they are technically all the same person?' I thought. I wasn't holding out on my blood affecting him all that much since it hadn't helped against Gyutaro and Ume until the very end.
"Nezuko, Hikaru" Tanjiro said but I was paying him no attention. My attention was on the aura that was coming up fast on us and I was trying to figure out if he could manage to attack us from all the way over there.
"Hot damn, that looks like fun! Lemme join you guys!" Kakaku cheered. Wait a minute, he was the one that had sent Tokito flying with a swish of his fan. The fan that he had in his hand.
"Crap! Run-" Was all I managed to get out as I tried to push Nezuko and Tanjiro out of the way. I was too late as I felt the pressure from the swish of the fan crush down on us. All three of us were crushed to the ground and it felt like my insides were also being crushed. Hold on, hold on, hold on!
'Too much pressure! My body's getting squashed!' Tanjiro thought. The pressure got even greater, it was soon so heavy that it collapsed the flood underneath us. We were laying on the floor beneath the one we had been on, Nezuko and Tanjiro, who had blood coming from his nose and mouth, were both passed out. By some miracle I had managed to stay awake though I also had blood coming from my mouth and nose.
"Now, time to end this," Kakaku said.
'Not on my watch' I thought as I fought with my limbs to try and get up, my sword was still gripped in my hand so I didn't have to worry about that. I wasn't going to let Tanjiro or Nezuko get hurt anymore. I was stronger now and it was time to show it.

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