Chapter 27: Fight against time

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Everyone was silent other than Rengoku's breathing as he tried to stop the damage he had suffered from killing him.
"Even if you fight to the death, you can't win Kyojuro. Those impressive slashes you inflicted on me have already healed completely. But what about you? A smashed left eye, shattered ribs and damaged internal organs, all irreparable" Akaza listed. That's what he thought, I wasn't going to let Rengoku die even if it meant making him drink every drop of blood in my body I would save him.
"If you were a demon, you'd heal in the blink of an eye, these would be mere scratches for a demon. You can struggle all you want but a human can never beat a demon," Akaza said. I wanted, no I needed to go and help Rengoku but he had ordered me to stay put. But, that was because of my wound I could tell that it was almost completely healed now. Looking at Tanjiro I saw that he was struggling to get to his feet, rolling across the ground had injured him and he was exhausted from the breathing technique that he used. I let out a gasp and my eyes widened as I watched as Rengoku's aura got even brighter than before, it was even brighter than Akaza's. In fact it was the brightest aura that I had ever since in my whole entire life. I thought that his aura was bright before but now it was like looking at the sun.
"Kyojuro, why?" Akaza said.
"I. I will fulfill my duty! I will not allow anyone here to die!" Rengoku announced. If Rengoku wanted any chance of survival he would have to damage Akaza as much as possible in mere seconds.
'Flame breathing, esoteric art' Rengoku said and I watched his aura spread around the clearing. It sent shivers down my spine and gave me goosebumps and watching Akaza's reaction I wasn't the only one.
"What a tremendous fighting spirit! Amazing aura, despite all those injuries, that mental strength, that airtight stance" Akaza said before laughing. Wait aura? Could he see it as well?
"You have to become a demon after all, Kyojuro! Let's fight each other for all eternity!" Akaza yelled with a giant grin on his face. I watched as Rengoku's aura grew brighter where his heart was located and then spread throughout his body.
"Set your heart ablaze! Go beyond your limits! I'm the Flame Hashira, Rengoku Kyojuro. Ninth form, Rengoku!" Rengoku announced.
"Destructive death, Annihilation type!" Akaza yelled. The ground beneath Rengoku broke as he raced towards Akaza, looking like a mighty fire dragon and roaring like one as well. Akaza just grinned and put his hands up ready to stop the attack with his own attack. A large explosion of dust kicked up and I wanted to keep my eyes shut to stop the dust but I couldn't. I had to watch.
"Rengoku!" Tanjiro yelled.
"Kyojuro!" I screamed while watching. Rengoku split Akaza's arm again before aiming straight for his neck but Akaza hit the blade. Instead of stopping the attack Rengoku redirected it cutting straight down Akaza's chest, twisting the blade and pulling it straight up towards Akaza's neck releasing a large tornado of flames.
"Rengoku" Tanjiro whispered.
"No," I whispered.

"I see hi....Ren...Goku," Tanjiro whispered. I heard Tanjiro's pained denials but I let out a scream of anguish at the sight. No this couldn't, NO! Rengoku's sword was raised while Akaza's whole arm was straight through Rengoku's stomach. I could still heal it but I had to be quick and it would take everything I had but I could do it if I moved quick enough once Akaza's arm was gone.
"You'll die! This will kill you, Kyojuro! Become a demon! Say that you'll become a demon, you are strong and one of the chosen ones!" Akaza screamed out.

Third person POV

A windchime was shown as it chimed in a soft wind and a woman with black hair was seen looking up at it. Beside the bed that she was sitting on was a tray with some medicine and a cup of water.
"Kyojuro," She said, looking towards a younger Rengoku.
"Yes, Hahaue?" Rengoku asked.
"I want you to think hard about what I'm about to ask you. Do you know why you were born stronger than others?" She asked her son, while her other son slept peacefully on the end of the bed. Rengoku started to say something but stopped, he seemed to be struggling with the answer.
"I don't know!" He announced.
"So that you can save weaker people. Those who were born blessed with more gifts than others are obligated to use those gifts for the world and other people" She explained.
"You must never use that god-given strength to hurt others or for personal gain, it is the duty of those born strong to help the weak. It is a mission they must fulfill responsibly. Make sure you never forget that" She said.
"I won't!" Rengoku said. The woman reached her hand out and Rengoku moved forward so that his mother could hug him close.
"I don't have much more time to live. I was blessed to be the Hahaue of such a strong and gentle child, I will intrust everything to you" She whispered as tears streamed down her face and Rengoku's own eyes glistened with tears.

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