Chapter 2

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"Are you hungry?" The mother asks as he shuts the door.
"No, but thank you." He smiles politely.
"We'll give you some time to adjust and wash up. Relax and get settled. Do you want a haircut?" The father smiles.
"Jack!" The woman exclaims and gently nudges his arm.
"Sorry honey, I just-" He starts.
"No. No, no it's fine. Really. I would appreciate a haircut. I just had no money to get one at the haircut." He injects making them smile wide and nods.
"Well alright then, come upstairs." The mother smiles, walking upstairs and to the right.
The father follows him up the stairs and Derek chuckles under his breath. The father laughs as Derek sits on the chair that is moved into the bathroom, in front of the large mirror.

"Take off your shirt." She smiles as she grabs her scissors and he glances at the newspaper coving the floor. Pulling the shirt over his head, he holds it in his hands. The parents look between themselves and then at him. "What hairstyle would you like?"

"Can you do something like Russel Crowe? People often say I look like him." He asks as she nods.
"That would look very nice on you. It'll take half an hour so you should stay still." She smiles.
"You know, there's a girl next door." The man speaks quietly making Derek laugh.
"Should I invite her over?" He asked.
"Of course. One day. I think she'd like you."

Derek keeps his eyes closed as he hears the snips of the scissors. She finishes and taps his shoulders before wiping her eyes. He runs his fingers through his hair and smiles, feeling it much shorter than usual. Opening his eyes, he nods and smiles.
"Thank you." He sighs.

"Of course." She smiles as he stands up.
"Pick up the newspaper and toss it out in the driveway before joining us at the dinner table." The dad kisses the mother's cheek.
"Okay... Jack?" Derek asks, not knowing what title he should use.
"Oh. We forgot to introduce ourselves. I'm Addison and that's Jack." She smiles before walking out.

Derek picks up the chair and rolls it into the office before rolling up the newspaper and rubbing down the stairs and out the door before opening the trash can and tossing it inside. As he shuts the garbage, he sees a woman pulling into the driveway next to his. He had never seen someone so beautiful. Everything was perfect about her. She was petite and had golden hair, not blonde because it looked light brown. He moves to call out to her but she puts her phone to her ear and walks into her house.

He nods walks up the stairs before heading into his room and closing the door. Opening his bags, he pulls out his clothes and hangs them up. He places his favorite book in an empty slot of the bookshelf and finds an outlet by the window. Unboxing his new iPhone, he calls the number that he has memorized in his head.

"Luca?" He asks.
"Derek! You called!" He cheered.
"How is it over there buddy?" He asks.
"Everyone's sad without you." The boy replies.
"You'll be okay. I have to go. Call me if anything bad happens." He says as he hangs up and tosses his clothes in a hamper before pulling on a shirt and jeans.

"Hey. Jack, Addison. Do you need any help with anything?" He asks, leaning on the barstool.
"Oh, thank you. Could you set the table?" Jack asks, handing him plates and utensils. He does as asked and sits on the side of the table as Addison places mashed potatoes, vegetables, and steak on the table.
"This looks amazing, thank you." Derek smiles.

The conversation starts and Derek often laughs, starting to feel at home with the two. They ask about his goals and interests and he tells them everything. His life before the orphanage, his birth parents, and what it felt like to have people in his life who cared. He spoke of what he wanted to be and why, and he also asked about them and their lives. Jack, learned a lot about them such as Jack's common interests; fishing and camping. Derek was also learning about Addison, who believed that he had a very nice sense of humor and fashion. It was eight when they finished dinner and he helped with the dishes like a good son would.

"Thank you. For the dinner. And the conversation. Is it alright if I take a shower and rest?" He asks kindly.
"Of course, school starts tomorrow by the way. I suggest you get a good night's sleep. Don't poison your eyes too much with the blue light from the phone." Addison nods.
Derek nods and heads up the stairs into the bathroom.

Taking a hot shower, he finally relaxes and holds the cold tiles. He had never been able to take hot showers. Wiping the water from his face, he rinses off with the special shower gel they had bought for him. It smells particularly nice and Derek turns off the water, not wanting to hoard the hot water. Wrapping a red towel around his torso he combs back his hair and walks to his room, trying not to drip on the carpet. Flicking the light on in his room, he picks up a pair of boxers on the bed and smiles. This couple was insanely kind but also very gullible. Something catches his eyes and he glances at his chest, seeing a green light.

She stares at him, wide-eyed. His chest is chiseled snd beautiful not overworked but not underworked either. It was rising and falling with his steady breaths until a second ago. She had been admiring him from her window, fascinated by his features. Their eyes meet, a fierce and uptight green against a calming, deep blue that she wanted to melt into. She clicked the penlight in her hands and it stopped flashing on his chest.

Looking up at her, he was mesmerized. His chest contracted and stilled as he took in the sight of her. She was... ravishing to say the least. Her eyes hypnotized him and he couldn't look away. This feeling was new and he didn't know what it was. His stomach was twisting a turning as he studied her. The golden hair flowed down her shoulders and her body was exceptional. He smiled at her button nose and his face felt hot as if her stare was burning through him.

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