Chapter 9

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"My pocket knife is expensive." He claims.
She jumps on him and laughs as he rolls them over, the blanket slipping from his chest as her hand pulls out the folded knife.
"Give it back!" He laughs as she holds it over her head.
He reaches for it but feels her legs holding his hips to hers. Straining, he wriggles and she squeals as he tickles her. Still, she rolls over him and holds it high in the air so he can't reach.
"Come on, Meredith." He chuckles nervously as she looks at it while sitting on his chest.
"L.S. What does L.S. stand for?" She asks, as she gets off him and sits on the edge of the bed.
"Seriously Mer. That's mine." He asks as she reads the names on each of the tools.
"Who is Caroline or Mary, Amelia-" She starts.
"Don't! Don't say their names. Please."

He begs as his hands hold hers and pull the pocketknife from her grasp. He closes it and shoves it in his pocket before sitting on the edge of the bed, looking anywhere but her eyes. She reaches out her hands as he stares at the floor in silence. Her fingers brush his and he turns away, wanting to hide the tears on his face.
"I'm sorry." She says softly, pulling out a teddy bear from behind her pillow before holding it out with a brownie.

"King Arthur and I will feed you brownies if you stay." She smiles, filled with guilt that she had done something to make him upset and lash out. He sniffles lightly and nods before laying back and resting his head on one of her pillows. His arms and legs are crossed as she holds a piece of brownie to his lips and leans over him. He lets her feed him and takes bites herself until they run out of them.

"You still want to know don't you?" He asks as she lays next to him on her side, placing her hand out on his shoulder. He grips her fingers and watches her nod truthfully before pulling her close. She lets herself rest on his chest before listening to his heartbeat. It is steady and relaxing but starts to get faster as he speaks.

"I've never told anybody this but... all of my family-" He pauses as she leans up and wipes his eyes. Pulling out his pocket knife, he opens it as shows her the names.
"Caroline. She's my mother. Amy, Nancy, Liz, Kathleen. They're my sisters." He takes a shaky breath and sits up slowly.
"Can't you just go back and stay with one of them?" She asks.
He shakes his head as she pushes her fingers into his.
"Were. They were my real family. Past tense. A guy with a gun came into our store... and killed them all." He lets out a shallow breath and finally meets her prismatic eyes.
"L.S. is your father then?" She asks.
"Lee Shepherd." He sighs.
"It's the only thing I have left of my family except for my dad's wedding band." He says, pointing to his fingers.
She gets up and pulls him off the bed.

"What are you doing?" He asks as she makes him stand up.
"Before my dad died... we would always do this when I was upset." She says softly, clicking buttons on her phone and pulling him into the hallway.
"What are we doing?" He asks, putting the knife in his pocket.
"Just trust me." She says quietly as she presses a button and slides her phone in her back pocket before looking up at him. Soft music starts playing and he laughs, shaking his head.
"Come on. I don't dance." He protests as she holds his hands and starts jumping up and down, her hair moving everywhere.
"Do it for me." She says as he starts copying her movements.
They both laugh and she leans in before pressing her lips to his cheek. He nods and they glance at the time before looking back.
"How was that?" She asks.
"That was good. Thank you." He nods she agrees as he pulls her back into her room and holds both of her hands.
"Now what are you doing?" She asks.
"I have a surprise." He says softly.
"What it is?" She asks.

"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight... For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." He quotes softly.
"Did you get the part?!" She asks ecstatically, punching him.
"I got the part." He nods as he smiles wide and blushes.

Before he knows anything her arms are wrapped around his neck and her lips are on his. Their eyes shut almost instantly to comprehend the feeling they had been thinking of for the past week. The feeling sends shocks through him and he lets himself into her lips. They are soft and velvety as they brush his. They both let out small grunts of pleasure as they suck on each other's lips. It was moist and hot and breathy, almost uncomfortable but it was perfect. He yearned for more of the cherry taste of her lips and she was amazed at the way his tongue moved back and forth, helping him coax out the taste. Hers mimicked his and ran over his lips while she sucked, letting her finger enmesh the soft, ebony hair he had. His hands are on her waist and he resists the urge to pick her up.

"I'm sorry." He pulls away and feels his lips red.
"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have." She shakes her head.
"We can't." He shakes his head and slips his shoes on before climbing onto her roof.
"We can't..?" She nods, confused by his actions, thinking that he wanted her from the hints he had been giving out.
"Absolutely not. It's too risky." He says calmly.
"Right too risky." She nods, dejected.

"Hey." He whispers, holding her hand.
"Yeah?" She asks hopefully.
"Good night. Good night. Parting is such sweet sorrow, that I shall say good night till it be morrow." He quotes, kissing her hand.
Good night Derek." She nods as shuts her curtains and closes the window.

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