Chapter 30

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7 AM

He wakes up to the scent of her flowery hair and smiles. His arms are wrapped around her and she is still asleep. He yawns and leans over her, turning off her alarm clock. Getting up, he pulls on his plaid, blue boxers. Tucking her in, he kisses her forehead and walks downstairs, and turns on the stove before cracking two eggs in a pan. He smiles to himself and chuckles.

"She loves me." He mutters happily before grabbing toast from the toaster and placing it on the plate. Sliding the eggs on the plate, he pours her a glass of orange juice. Checking his watch, he sighs. His social worker was picking him up at 9:00 and she was leaving at 9:30. It was already 7:40. Quickly, he grabs a fork and carries the food up the stairs before smiling at her still sleeping. Placing it on her nightstand, he slides back into her queen-sized bed, brushing his nose to her back.

"Mhm. Five more minutes." She mumbles making him chuckle.
"I made breakfast." He whispers making her head lift.
"When did you have time to do that?" She asks, sitting up in his arms and sipping the orange juice.
"You were snoring like a train." He jokes.
"I do not snore!" She squeals, placing her juice on the table and restating her head in his neck.
"You don't. I just wanted to see your nose scrunch." He smiles.
She moves onto his lap and locks her arms around his neck before letting him pull her in for a kiss. He smiles and lets his tongue push into her lips. His hands and holding her legs across him and her back close.

They hear a loud truck outside and he groans, pulling away.
"That's gonna ruin the mood, you eat and change while I go tell them to stop." He says softly, placing her against the headboard and peck her. She smiles and nods before watching him walk out the door. He rubs his eyes and walks outside before murmuring curses. There are two small moving vans for everything in the house. He walks over to them and yawns.

"Do you have to do this now?" He asks.
"We have to have the house cleared out by 9." The worker says.
"Okay. Just... give me a minute." He says softly.
Looking up to her window, he sees her in his shirt and sighs.
"We have five." The man says looking at the girl at the window.
Derek nods and walks back into the house before moving up the stairs to see her finishing her breakfast.
"We have to go." He sighs.
"Right now?" She asks.
"Yeah." He nods sadly.
"Can I shower and change at your place?" She asks.
"Of course." He nods grabbing his jeans and pulling them on while she pulls on a pair of pants.

They walk out of the room and she turns to see it nearly empty except for her bed and all the cardboard boxes. He kisses her cheek and she nods before turning around and walking down the halls. They leave the house and he nods to the workers before they walk into his foster parent's house. There is a not on the counter and she walks up to the shower while he reads that they both have work all day. No one would see him off. Breathing shakily he walks upstairs and into the bathroom before knocking on the fogged glass.

"Yea?" She asks.
"Can I come in?" He asks gently.
"Uhm... yeah." She says.
He drops his boxers opens the door before stepping inside and letting the hot water rinse him. She turns away and he wraps his arms around her, kissing her neck after pushing the strands of her hair to the side.

"Derek, last night was..." She starts, turning to him and smiling.
"Yeah, it was." He agrees as she runs her fingers through her hair with his shampoo and rinses it out in the near water.
"What if... we never see each other again?" She asks.
He wraps his arms around her shoulders and she buries her head in his chest, knowing that it might be true.
"I love you." He whispers just over the water, rubbing his lips over her ear and letting her arms grip his torso.
"I love you too." She says, muffled.

They get out of the shower and he leads her into his room before handing her clothes to her. He opens his suitcase and pulls out his favorite sweatshirt again, holding it out for her while she clips her bra.

"Is your mother driving you or do you have to go to the train station to get to the airport?" He asks.
"Train station." She nods, pulling her sweats on.
"You take this. If I see it again, I'll find you." He breathes softly, pushing his Dartmouth Sweater over her head. She smiles warmly and slides her arms through the sleeves before holding his cheeks.
"Ferryboats." She smiles in realization.
"Ferryboats?" He asks, cocking his head to the side.
"Go on the ferryboats. I love Ferryboats." She nods bringing his forehead to hers. He picks her up and sits on the bed, letting her sit on his lap.

"I will go on every ferryboat I ever see." He nods, letting her run her hands into his hair.
"Wait... I have something so you don't forget." She smiles, leaning over him and pulling a piece of cloth out of her bag.
"What is that?" He asks as he pulls her on his lap and buries his head in her shoulder.
"I made it for my mother but I doubt she's going to remember to wear it at all." She rolls her eyes and he takes the cloth.
"How do you wear this?" He asks. "What is it?"
"A scrub cap. Just have it so that you remember me." She shrugs and leans in before kissing his lips.
"I love that you love ferryboats." He mutters, before attacking her face with kisses.

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