Chapter 46

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"Hey, Meredith," Derek says softly as he signs in.
"Oh. Hey." She mutters, hiding her face with her hair.
"Can we... talk?" He asks, trying to face her.
"Uhm, about what?" She asks, barely above a whisper.
"Mer please." He pleads as she turns her head to him.

Her skin is pale and she has large bags underneath her eyes making his face soften with guilt. Her eyes are lighter and frustrated making him reach out. His hand moves to her forehead, trying to brush her hair to the side before she steps back.

"My shift starts in fifteen minutes." She says softly.
"Great, okay. Can we go now?" He asks.
"Yeah, let's." She nods and they start walking.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.
"My stomach aches and I'm craving sugar." She sighs.
"Well, maybe ice cream would help." He says, pointing to the ice cream truck in the parking lot.
"Ice cream? At 6 in the morning?" She laughs.
"It's open all the time. The guy's my friend." He chuckles.
"Alright," She agrees, standing beside him.
"One strawberry and a coffee ice cream. Large." He smiles.
"Take it easy!" The man says as he hands them ice cream.

"Oh, they gave me the wrong one." He says, picking up his spoon and holding it out for her. She leans forward and he grins as she eats. Feeding him a bite, they switch cups and eat as they walk.
"Feeling better?" He asks as they turn into an alley.
"Mhm. Yeah." She smiles making his heart flutter.

"About the other day..." He starts, not knowing what to say.
"I don't know Derek-" She starts.
"Wait, let me explain. I love you. When I came to Seattle, I had just found out that my wife cheated on me... with my best friend. I love her and she is also waiting. This baby... I want to be here for it or him or her or them, for you. With you." He sighs, pushing closer to her in the alleyway.

She presses herself to the bricks and his hand rests on her cheek. Leaning in, his lips lock with hers and she moans quietly, dropping her ice cream in surprise. His arms wrap around her waist and she holds his neck loosely, letting him pull her to him, closer as his tongue pushes past her lips. She hears his ice cream hit the ground and his hands rest on her back while their tongues tangle. He grunts softly as her cold tongue makes him taste strawberries. Lifting her so she doesn't touch the concrete making him smile and she tugs gently on his hair as they pull away, staying still and quiet.

"Coffee." She says quietly, licking her lips.
"Strawberry." He nods, putting her down and winking.

"I have to go change into my scrubs." She says nervously.
"Yeah, you do that." He chuckles.
"Bye Derek." She nods and stands on her tiptoes and kisses his cheek, making him blush heavily.
"Bye," He waves, watching her walk away.

Running his fingers through his hair, he laughs and walks to the hospital. Meredith had let him kiss her, and it was magical. There were no other words that he could use to describe her, she was breathtaking and beautiful and funny.

7 Hours Later

"Almost done people. Hang in there." Derek yawns as he operates. A light chuckle crosses the OR and he smiles before placing his scalpel down. Before he can say anything, a crash sounds in his ears. Everyone turns around and Derek sees an old man in the scrub room, holding a gun.

His heart drops into his stomach and everyone gasps.
"Everyone out." He speaks softly, walking to the door of the scrub room. They all follow each other out of the OR using a side exit while he presses the intercom with his elbow.

"Sir?" He asks kindly, his voice steady.
"Stop operating." The man says threateningly.
"I can't sir." Derek shakes his head and the man kicks the door open making him shake.
"Stop operating. I've shot two doctors already, you'll be next if you don't stop." The man says deadly.
"Okay, sir. I'll stop." Derek nods as the sliding door opens.

The man presses the gun to his head and Derek walks to the table, staying as still as possible. He grabs the clips and takes them off, making the machine sound loudly. The man had shot two doctors, could they be people he knew, could they be people he loved?

"There, she's dead. Just... tell me who you shot." Derek lies shakily, Meredith plastered in his mind.
"Why do you care?" The man asks.
"Please, tell me." He pleads slowly putting his hands up in surrender.

"A short guy, dark brown hair." The man replies.
"You said two." Derek nods, feeling the gun press into his head.
"A dirty blonde woman." The man replies as Derek gets on his knees, his limbs going weak.
"Was she wearing navy scrubs?" He asks, tears gathering in his eyes as his arms begin to tremble.
"Light blue. She had a raspy voice." He says, relaxing his arms.

Derek's breath hitch and he lunges forward, tacking the old man. The gun flies out of his hand across the room and Derek sits in his chest, thrusting his fists against the man's face.

"Where is she?" He asks, shaking the man.
"Cat- the catwalk." The man gasps.
Derek gets up and grabs him by his collar before walking out of the OR and tossing him against the police that are waiting.

"The patient is fine," Derek mutters before walking into a hallway. As time passes, he begins to walk faster and then running. The catwalk is silent except for a bundle of scrubs.

"Meredith!" He shouts, seeing her frail body and a pool of blood.
Sliding down to her and lifting her head on his lap.
"Derek?" She asks weakly, opening her eyes.
"Hey," He pants breathlessly as he pulls her into his arms.
"I want to go home, Derek. Take me home." She pleads.
"Shh. You're going to be fine." He says softly, kissing her.
"Please... Derek." She pleads.
"We're going home, yeah." He nods, wrapping his arms around her and pressing his hand against her stomach which is spilling blood.

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