Chapter 38

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"Oh, Meredith." He breathes picking her up and sitting her on his lap. She moans and wraps her arms around his neck, gripping the thick raven curls at his nape. He watches as she slides herself onto him slowly making them both inhale sharply. Her head buries into his neck and she grips it for stability as he holds her waist. She runs her fingers through his hair and he guides her hips on him, letting her grind on him slowly. He sighs in pleasure and closes his eyes as she trails her hands to his chest, rubbing it carefully. He brings his hands to her neck and gathers the hair in his hands.

"Derek, please." She pleads, rocking on him. He nods and rolls over her, gripping her hair tighter before and thrusting deeper inside her as he bites her ear to suppress his own moans. He slowly moves faster and she wraps her legs around his torso, whimpering quietly. His heart races as he tangles himself with her while feeling the beads of sweat exchanging between their skin.

They both let out a heavy breath as he thrusts one more time and collapses on top of her, moaning into her ears as he releases. She rolls over him and he continues to groan as his orgasm pushes him over again the edge, leaving him deprived of air as she swallows and crawls into his arms. They listen to each other breathing for hours as he holds her against his chest.

His phone buzzes on the floor and he pulls away from her before picking it up and walking out of her bedroom.
"Hello?" He answered quietly, his voice hoarse.
"Derek, please don't ignore me anymore." He rolls his eyes as he hears Addie's voice.
"I don't want to talk to you, Addie." He protests.
"Please, just come back to New York." She begs.
"And do what- just pretend that you didn't sleep with my best friend?!" He asks.
"Richard called me about a vacation." She says.
"My family thinks that you are taking a vacation because you had a miscarriage. It's the best thing Mark and I could think of so that no one hates you." Derek snaps, "I don't like lying to my boss but I'd rather lie than talk to you."
He hangs up the phone angrily and sighs before walking down the stairs and into the kitchen. There is a coffee pot and he pours some into a cup before sipping.

"You woke up." Meredith yawns as he turns and smiles.
"Yeah, I just had a bad dream." He nods, putting the mug down and rubbing her arms before planting a kiss on her lips.
"Mhm. Bitter." She shakes her head and pushes into him before he picks her up, throwing him gently over his shoulder.
"Let's go back to bed." He yawns before carrying her into her room and sliding back into the sheets.

"Who were you talking to?" She asks as she turns and brushes his cheek on the back of her hand, rubbing his stubble slowly.
"Just some... angry businesswoman." He shakes his head and she smiles as he nuzzles his nose to hers.
"Calling about your house or your car?" She asks.
"Mhm. You look nice in my shirt." He mutters quietly.
She smiles as she crawls into his arms, resting her head on his chest as she plays with his fingers.

"You still have your rings." She notices.
"I do." He smiles as he takes one off and slides it on her finger.
"I love your rings." She smiles warmly as he kisses her forehead.
"You can keep it." He smiles.
"How come you have a mark there?" She asks, pointing to the strip of skin on his ring finger that is light against his tanned skin.
"I had to take off the ring and put it on another finger." He lies, feeling his stomach flip. She sighs heavily against his chest and he rests himself.

They both shake as his pager rings and he grabs it before sighing.
"I gotta go." He sighs as she clings to him.
"No. Please! Stay." She whines playfully.
"I have to, I'll see you at work though okay?" He asks.
"Fine." She huffs, letting him go.
"I'll see you tomorrow at work." He smiles, kissing her lips softly before she hands him his shirt.

He pulls on his undershirt and his khakis before clicking his belt and buttoning his shirt. She smiles as she watches him and he looks back at her, pouting for him to go back to bed. He shakes his head in frustration and lunges forward, locking their lips and tangling his fingers in her hair. She giggles wildly as his tongue tangled with hers and he groans.

"I promise. I'll see you in the morning." He says breathlessly as he pulls away, leaving both their lips red.
"Okay." She blushes heavily seeing him back away and pull on his socks before patting himself down and smiling. He walks to the door and turns around to see her smirking at him. He groans and holds the door frame tentatively, looking down the hallway and then to Meredith who was sprawled in the bed, naked now.

"I swear to god, Meredith, you're gonna be the death of me." He chuckles before pulling out his phone and calling the hospital secretary.
"Dr. Shepherd?" The woman says.
"I'm sick, I cannot come to work." He says, "Page Nelson."

Meredith's eyes widen and he tosses his phone across the room with the rest of his clothes. She giggles and Derek shakes his head in awe of how she was controlling him.
"Come here." He whispers huskily, his voice now deep and almost threatening. He crawls to her on all fours and grabs her waist before sitting against the headboard and plunging his lips into hers

"You're staying." She smiles warmly.
"I don't ever want to leave." He shakes his head and rests it in her lap as she pulls on his shirt again and runs her fingers through his raven locks.

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