Chapter 19

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Derek walks down the stairs and slams the door as he walks out while she pulls her shoes and runs after him. He was already halfway down the street and he was jogging.

"Meredith, stop it." He shouts as he turns the corner.
She doesn't listen and runs down the street before watching him cross at the intersection to get into the school gates. The traffic lights turn green and she groans as the cars start moving up and down the streets. Her eyes are pinned on him as he walks up the steps of the school and inside.

Finn is standing by his homeroom and Derek drops his bag before lunging on him. In one second, Finn is on the ground and Derek is on top of him, pushing him deeper into the tiled floor. He grunts frustratedly as he sits up and punches his jaw. Finn's legs kick and his arms hit Derek's sides, making him groan.

Everyone backs away from the two of them as Finn rolls them over and hits Derek's nose, making a large cracking noise. Derek yells out in fury and pushes Finn off him before getting up and grabbing him. Meredith runs in as Derek throws him against the lockers and lands a square punch on his cheek. Finn's eye is bleeding and blood is dripping down Derek's lips from his nose.

"You cold-hearted son of bitch!" Derek shouts, hitting his jaw and watching his head turn to the right. A tooth falls from Finn's mouth and he holds his jaw, seething at Derek who only hits him again, deep in his side, satisfied by the groan that leaves him.

Finn hurls towards Derek, knocking him on the ground. They both tussle on the chilly floor and two teachers run in, grabbing their legs to pull them apart. Derek grabs Finn's collar and tugs his legs away from the man before pushing Finn on the ground and leaning over him. One after another, Derek hits his face, the same place, over and over again till he can barely see Finn underneath the blood. Two different men grab his arms and pull him off Finn who is no longer struggling but laying still.

Derek moves to kick out of their grip but his legs don't respond. Meredith runs over to him and the two men place Derek on one side of the hall, leaning against the lockers. He mutters incoherently and Meredith presses a napkin to the back of his head to see blood seeping out slowly.

Derek grabs her arm gently and shakes his head, wheezing as he tries to breathe. She hands him a water bottle and he lifts his hands, showing her his bruised knuckles. They are both red and he can barely wiggle his fingers. She opens it and tips a sip into his mouth making him cough.

"Derek, I told you not to. You are in trouble." She says softly, wiping his lips that are covered in blood.
"I'm sorry." He whispers quietly, wiggling his feet.
"Let me see." She says, pushing his shirt up.
He groans as she touches the red bruise on his side. She takes a sharp breath and he leans on the locker and heaves himself upwards to stand.

She helps him and turns back as Finn stares at her in a wheelchair. His left eye is black and there is a large bloodstain on his shirt. A man rolls him out of the hallway and they both watch as he holds his hand up to stop the man.

"I'm sorry," Finn says clearly. Derek lunges again, slamming his fist against his lips before getting pulled off him.
"Don't ever, speak to her again." He says loudly, coughing as Finn is being rolled out.
"Derek!" Rose sprints into the room and he sighs heavily.
"Hey." He says weakly as Rose walks into his arms.
"Are you okay?! Oh my god!" She exclaims cupping his cheeks and rubbing his jaw.
"I'll be fine." He nods, holding her waist.

"Is everything okay, you can still move fine?" She asks.
He nods and leans in before kissing her forehead. She wraps her arms around his neck and he looks to the side locking his eyes with Meredith's.

"I'll be perfectly fine." He whispers.
"I'll see you at rehearsal," Meredith says softly before leaving.
"What's happening to Finn?" Derek asks quietly.
"I don't know why you got into a fight, but I took care of it. No one is getting in any trouble." Rose says into his ear.
"You didn't have to do that." He sighs as he pulls away.
"Let's go... my dad booked you an appointment with his physical therapist. The best one in the state. It's in 30 minutes and we meet him at the ER." Rose pulls him closer and hands him his bag before leading him out.
"Why would your dad do that for me?" Derek asks.
"Because he loves my mother and my mother loves me and I love you." She replies simply as they sit in her car.

"What?" He asks, dumbfounded while he buckles in.
"He also really wants to play golf with you." Rose nods.
"Golf," Derek mutters as they drive.
"Mhm." She nods making him smile gently.
"Golf with your dad." He chuckles, reaching out and resting his hand on hers and lacing their fingers.
"And me. And my mother." She smirks.
"You golf?!" He asks.
"Mini-skirts and I get along." She shrugs.
"What about the clubs and green meadows?" He laughs.
"I'll watch you play while being in golf attire." She nods as she giggles and pulls into a parking lot.

They get out of the car and he lets an arm rest on her shoulders, finally being somewhat calm. He and Meredith could be friends and he and Rose could be more. The idea begins to settle in his mind as they walk in the door and pull closer together.

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