Chapter 22

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She walks into the auditorium slowly, already exhausted from her day. Her feet ached and her head was spinning. She really needed some sleep but every time she closed her eyes, she saw him. She dreamt of him from the wedding, handsome, tall, dark-haired, blue-eyed, and the only one who could make her swoon. Often, her dreams turned to nightmares, and he was no longer the only one in the room. Rose would be there with his hands on her and their lips pressed together, their tongues locked. Sometimes, it was just his eyes. The morning after she had slept over, he had touched her comfortingly. He had let his hands explore her bruises. There was a blazing in his eyes when he said that he would kill Finn. He probably would have if the teachers didn't pull him away.

She walks across the wooden floor, neatly glazed and perfectly painted until she gets to the stage. Jumping up, she sits on it and takes out a Hershey kiss before popping it in her mouth. As she sucked on it, she thought about that fire in his eyes that she had seen a month ago. It was so threatening, so frightening and she worried because she saw it today. After he walked out of the locker room, his eyes were darker and she could tell he was furious. She didn't know why but it was clear that he was angry at someone or something.

"Ready for rehearsal?" Webber asked as he walked in.
"Act One, Scene Five-" She starts.
"Romeo and Juliet meet... and kiss." Derek finishes.
"Correct, Line 98. Press your hands, Romeo behind Juliet."

He leans around her and holds out his hand. She reaches her left hand and touches his, pressing her fingers against his. Her back is almost pressed to his chest and feels calmed by her presence, not calm enough though.

"For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss." She recites breathing softly on his cheek and making his heart steady.
"Have saints not lips and holy palmers too?" He asks blandly, simply saying the words he memorized.
"Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer." She nods.
"Oh, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;
they pray, grant thou lest faith turn to despair." He says plainly and with no emotion as he stares into space.
"Saints do not move, though grant for prayer's sake." She says.
"Then move not, while my prayers effect I take." He sighs.
Leaning in, his lips touch hers and leave so quickly.

Webber claps and everyone who had come in stops moving.
"Take 5 you two, that was horrendous. Derek, a play is not just reading the lines, you have to add emotion." Webber says loudly.
Derek pulls away from Meredith and walks out the side of the stage. She jumps down from the stage and walks to Webber, unable to feel Dereks kiss on her lips anymore. It was barely a kiss, and it was so dry, unemotional. Was that what he felt when kissing her? She started to doubt herself as she popped another piece of chocolate into her mouth.

"Dr. Webber, you really don't have to do this. I know you are already so busy with the hospital..." She says softly.
"My wife has begged for me to do this, and for her, I would do anything. So, this is for her." She says calmly.

"Your wife?" Meredith asks.
"You should go check on Derek. Something is off today." He says.
"Okay." She nods, walking out the side doors and seeing him leaning against the painted brick wall.

She stands next to him, resting her back in the cold wall and breathing softly. His eyes are shut tightly and his breathing is shaky, uneven as though he is trying to be calm.

"Finn kissed me today." She says softly making him aware of her presence and lift his head in astonishment.
"What?" He asks.
"A guy named Nathan scared him off." She says.
"I swear, I'll-" He starts, pushing off the wall before she grabs his hand and pulls him back.
"You'll tell me what's going on with you. Ever since this morning, you've been acting angry. What happened?" She asks.
"I'm on the team." He sighs.
"That's good, right? That's what you wanted right?" She asks.
"I got in because Rose asked her dad to get me on. The coach didn't even want to waste his time letting me show him how I can play." Derek huffs.

She looks into his eyes and finally sees behind the blazing blue of his eyes. He is so upset and she feels guilty for not seeing it before. Gently, her hands run up his arms and she wraps her arms around his neck as he bends and holds her, pushing his face into her neck.

"It's okay to be upset about that." She whispers, running her fingers through his hair. He nods and lets out a miserable breath, followed by tears that ran down her neck.

"After rehearsal, we'll go to the ice rink and you can show me how good you are." She says quietly as he pulls away and rubs his face, trying to wipe away the tears.

"Okay." He nods, chuckling softly.
"Let's go then." She smiles, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards the doors. He stays still and pulls her back.
"Wait." He says softly.

He would do it now. He didn't want to kiss her in public first, not like Romeo and Juliet. He wanted to kiss her like Derek. She stops pulling him and steps back into his tight grip, watching him for some hint as to what he is doing.

He places his hands on her cheek and strokes them with his thumbs. His breath runs out as he bends down, keeping his lips hover over hers. Suddenly, his lips crash into hers.

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