Chapter 16

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"That wasn't nice." He says as he turns back to Rose.
"She interrupted us." She scoffs, sliding her hand into his.
"I think I should meet you at your room tonight." He says harshly, pulling his arm from her.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think freshman matter to you," Rose says.
"She's a human! And she matters to me!" He exclaims, turning around and walking down the hill.

"Meredith!" He calls as he sees her standing by the water.
She doesn't respond and he walks closer so that he can see her arms crossed against her chest.
"Meredith, please." He says.
"What?" She asks, turning around.
"You don't understand." He sighs.

She walks up to him and sighs as their eyes lock. His deep blue eyes make her feel as though she is in danger but also, so safe. He feels her fingers on his hand and lets her take his hand, feeling a sharp breath escape his lips. The hair on the back of his neck stands up as she turns his hand upwards. Cool metal presses the skin on his palm and he shakes his head.

"I don't want to." She says softly, walking past him.
He turns and watches her walking away as he feels his guilt building up. A tear slides out of his eyes and he looks down at his hand to see the silver wedding band in his hand. He slides it on his finger and sighs as he looks up. She is walking slowly, away from him.

How could he explain to her that he did not want to hurt her? The only thing keeping them apart would be that. If his foster parents didn't like him, he would have to leave her. He jogs behind her and sighs as they walk.

"I shouldn't have let her say that to you. I'm sorry." He says quietly as she continues to look ahead. She lets out a shaky breath and brushes her arm with his fingers.

"I'm sure you like her very much." Meredith nods.
"Yes, I do, but that is not an excuse for what I let her say."
"Derek, I don't care."
"Mer please." He says, stepping in front of her.
"What do you want me to say?" She sighs.
"I want you to forgive me. He says hesitantly.
"For what?" She asks.
"Being with Rose." He replies.
"You are with her. Not just, kissing her." Meredith asks.
"I guess." He nods, cracking his knuckles idly.
"Derek, you didn't do anything wrong so there is no need to apologize." She explains.
"I feel like I betrayed you." He says softly.
"You... didn't." She breathes.

She pushes closer to him and stands on the tips of her toes before wrapping her arms around his neck. He hugs her tightly and takes in the deep scent of lavenders. His head moves to bury in her neck but she pulls away, leaving him cold.

"Let's go." She says softly.
He holds out his arm and she grips it before resting her head on his shoulder. They walk across the beach and into a large venue with white tents.

"You look beautiful." He whispers in her ear as they walk.
"What are you? A fashion designer?" She scoffs.
"All the other bridesmaids have dresses that clash with their skin tone... yours bring out your eyes." He smiles.
"You look very handsome as well." She smiles.
"Why, thank-" He starts.
"Not your hair though." She whispers underneath her breath.
"Excuse me?!" He asks.
"What?" She asks nonchalantly.
"I heard that. What's wrong with my hair?" He asks.
"It's doesn't look nice." She shrugs.
"Fix it then." He smiles.

She stops walking immediately and he looks back, already half a step ahead of her. He looks at her serious face and smiles.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"You're letting me touch your hair!" She squeals before running into his arms again. He laughs and collapses back into the sand. They laugh and he nods as she gets up and helps him up.
"Why wouldn't I?" He chuckled.
"I don't know. I've always wondered how guy's hair feels." She says excitedly as he pulls her closer to them.
"You can touch my hair, hell you can style it and cut it if you'd like." He laughs making her eyes widen even more.
"Can I?" She asks.
"Yes. You can." He smiles as he bends down and feels her hands on his head.

She ruffles his hair, smiling wickedly before running her fingers through it. She tugs at his hair and he stifles grunts of pleasure. Her hands feel so relaxing against his scalp and she messes with his hair before tilting his head up and staring at his hairline. He smiles as he watches her biting her lip indecisively. She looks beautiful and he reaches his arm out and gently pushing her hair behind her ear.

"What is it?" He asks.
"Hmm. Just admiring my work." She says softly, reaching up and pushing down a strand. She nods and mutters something to herself before letting him hold her hands as they walked underneath the large tent, lined with tables of food.

"That looks so good." He points across the tent before making a bee-line for the mac and cheese, pulling her with him.
"Try something different, Mac and Cheese is so... basic."
"Fine, what should I try?" He asks curiously.
"Close your eyes and open your mouth." She says as he obeys, sighing in the process.

"What will you-" He starts before feeling something warm on his lips. His mouth grabs it and his teeth dig through the pastry that cracks familiarly.

"Hmm. Is it... a croissant?" He asks softly, licking his lips and fading the broken pieces of puff.
"Close but no." She shakes her head and he smiles.
"Another bite." He says.
She brings it to his mouth again and this time, his teeth move father up and bite off a heavy piece. It tastes salty; like a potato with occasional bell peppers.

"I have no clue." He says, opening his eyes.
"The thing is unlabeled so I don't either." She laughs making him grin from ear to ear.
"You taste." She says, taking the food from her hand and gently holding her chin before placing it in her mouth. She bites and licks her lips as he pulls it away.
"It's okay." She shrugs as he grabs a plate and puts it on a table before taking a seat with her. He stares at her as she studies the room and all the other people in it. Her expression changes and she covers her shoulders and scrunches herself making him frown.

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