Chapter 41

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He grips the sweater and takes it off before breathing sharply. He couldn't lie to Meredith anymore. He was going back to Addison and he didn't want to leave in a lie. Sighing, he walks to her house and around it, examining it for any way he can get up. Finding it, he climbs up and knock on what he thinks is her window. She opens it and they laugh as he falls inside.

"Back to sneaking around right?" She asks. standing over him.
"At least I tried." He replies, winking as he gets up and hands her his Bowdoin Sweatshirt. She is in her pajamas and he lifts her up and her squeal echo as he tackles her into the bed.

"What did your roommates ask you about me?" He asks as she pulls the sheets over them before he kisses her nose.
"Lots of questions... but do you really want to know?" She asks.
"What are you talking about? Of course I want to-" He stops as she nuzzles her head into his chest and kisses softly, her tongue running over his skin.

"Yeah." She nods, "I thought so."
He chuckles and places his hands on her back, brushing her skin through the thin oversized shirt. He groans softly as she hooks her fingers on his belt and tugs it free. His hands slide into her shirt and he pulls it off her quickly as she rolls over him.

"You're not wearing a bra." He said. suddenly breathless.
"I never wear a bra to bed... it's uncomfortable." She nods as she plays with the buttons on his shirt, undoing them slowly.
"Then don't wear a bra, ever." He groans holding her hair behind her head as she giggles uncontrollably with him.
"Then you'd be horny. All the time. It's like me telling you to take off your shirt... all the time." She explains as he leans up so she can edge his shirt off his arms.
"Wait." He says making her pulls back.

He smiles warmly and caresses her cheek before smiling.
"What?" She giggles.
"Nothing. I'm just admiring you." He says softly.
He nods before running his fingers through her hair.

She pushes his jeans down with his boxers as he pulls down her shorts. They snicker uncontrollably as he attacks her with kisses and she does the same. She leans over him and grabs a condom as he kicks off everything and lets her snap the condom on. He smirks as she lets herself in and they both sigh contentedly.

"Mhmm Derek." She moans.
He nods as his hands run down her back, feeling the dippet in her back and following it to her thigh, squeezing her gently.
"Oh! Meredith." He groans as she lifts up and then back down again. She smiles and he lifts her up before getting out of the bed and carrying her to the wall, pressing her body to it to watch her shiver. He nods, holding himself in front of her and pushing his tip. She tenses and he holds his breath as he feels her wetness through the plastic.

He kisses her deeply, making her tongue stir and pick up to tangle with his. Before she can kiss him back, he has moved to her chest, lavishing it with passionate kisses filled with saliva.
"Keep going!" She sighs loudly.
"Yeah?" He asks as he reaches her stomach while he pants breathlessly as his hands brush down her legs, not really touching but close enough so that she can feel the hair on his knuckles.
"Mhm. Please." She nods as his tongue runs down her folds and gently stirs. He groans loudly on his knees and kisses her deeply, pulling at her folds with his tongue.

They're noises fill the room and he moves deeper, tasting her for the first time. He nods as she places her hands on his head, running her fingers through this dark curls. He groans and wraps her around her waist and falls backwards, pulling her with him. She squeals and his groans muffle inside her folds.

"Please." She moaned, his hips grinding against his face while his tongue pushes as deep as it could inside her. His hands lead her hips deeper and squeeze her ass often to stop her from moving too fast. Suddenly her head throws its self back and her hands hold his chest, running through his curls there. He stops breathing and opens his mouth as she comes and shakes uncontrollably not matter how tight he is holding her. He sips at it and she takes a deep breath before looking down at him. A smirk is on his face before he moves back to suck her clean.

Her pager goes off and they both groan loudly, frustrated by it. She gets off him and holds the bed as she limps across the room.
"Car accident?" He asks.
"Yeah, I have to go." She sighs.
"Okay." He nods, "I understand."
"You sure?" She asks.
"Yeah I'm okay." He nods as she pulls on a bra and clasps it tightly around her. He watches as he pulls up his boxers and pants. She pulls on her scrubs and he throws his shirt over his shoulder.

"Pst." He calls.
"Yes?" She asks.
"I'll see you as soon as I can." He breathes as she grabs her bag.
She smiles and lets him hug her before kissing her lips.
"It's only one week." She nods reassuringly.
"Yeah..." He nods before she walks out of the room.

Everyone is already wake and ready in their scrubs and she frowns at him as they glare at her.
"What?" She asks.
"You could be quieter next time." Izzie mutters.
"Next time it won't be here." She snaps back, grabbing her keys.
They all walk out and get into her car before she looks up. He waved to her and she blows a kiss before driving away.

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