Chapter 29

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Eleven O'clock

He looks around at his room, cardboard boxes filling most of it excluding his queen-sized mattress. He picks up his phone and walks into the bathroom before bringing his arm up and roughly smelling himself. Next, he leans into the mirror and opens his mouth, looking at his teeth and gums before his lips. Quickly, he grabs a razor and shaves off his stubble, and moisturizing his skin. He kneels and opens the pantry before pulling out a condom from the box and sliding it in the back pocket of his jeans.

He leaves and slides his ring on before hopping out his window and climbing up her house before sitting on her windowsill. He barely has time to knock before the panels open revealing her in a medium-length black dress with his jacket over it. Her hair falls over her shoulders in beautiful golden waterfalls and he ducks inside before kicking off his shoes.  They walk to each other and his hands rest on her cheeks while hers steady over his chest.

"You don't have to get dressed up to impress me." He says softly, leaning down and meeting their foreheads.
"Oh, come on." She sniffles. "I can smell your cologne."
His hands run up into her hair and she smiles as he leaves a hard kiss on her lips before pressing his nose to hers.
"We could run away." He breathes in sharply, determined to show his tears though they fall anyways.
"You'd be a fugitive, for the rest of your life." She smiles warmly and uses him to lean up and lock their lips. "Let's just live while we still can." She whispers against his lips.

He nods against her lips and lunges forwards and plunging his tongue into her mouth. She moans quietly and his arms unravel before moving to her shoulders and nudging off the leather jacket. Her hands slide underneath his white shirt and lift it before pulling away for air. He quickly crosses his arms against his chest and lifts the shirt off, dropping it on the floor beside the jacket. She softly pushes her lips into his chest and sucks gently making him groan. His hands move to her waist then her hip and around her before finding the zipper on her dress.

She looks up and him and he gently locks their lips while he slowly unzips the tight, black dress that clings to her body. The zipper stops at the end of her back and his hands pull the straps off the shoulders and push it down her body slowly. Each time he tugs, more of her skin is exposed and he can feel an ache inside him. His jeans get tighter and lets the dress fall off her before stepping back to stare at her.

She smiles sheepishly and he shakes his head in amazement of her. Her bra is violet and her panties match, lacy and contrasting her eyes. Their eyes lock and she steps closer before placing her hands on his V-line. They both look down while her hands unbuckle and unbutton his belt. His breath is shaking as her fingertips brush the hair and move his jeans down. They fall obediently and he kisses her lips softly before lifting her.

"You are beautiful." He whispers encouragingly as he walks to her bed and lays her down, resting himself on top of her. His hardness is poking into her and he groans gently, finding her lips. Slowly, he trails kisses down her chin and onto her chest before rolling over and holding her on top of him. His arms wrap around her and unclasp her bra before hearing her gasp.
"We don't have to do that if you feel uncomfortable." He says frantically, as she stares into his eyes.

"No, no. It's just, new is all." She shakes her head and his hands pull the bra from her chest before rolling them over again so he is on top, his boxers tighter than ever.
"Can I?" He asks against her chest.
"Mhmm." She moans before feeling his cold saliva against her breasts. He groans softly and licks and sucks, feeling more and more aroused with every passing second. Once he is done, his hand dips beneath her panties and rests on her thigh.

"Is it okay if I take this off you?" He asks softly, meeting her emerald green eyes.
"Yeah." She nods, feeling him poking into her.
His hands slide the panties off her and she wraps her legs around his torso, pushing down his boxers. He feels her warm against him and reaches his hand down, helping the boxers get off his legs.

She rolls them over against her and sits on his chest before trailing kisses to his torso. He props himself on his elbows and watches her while she holds his member. His head throws itself back and he pants in pleasure as she strokes.
"Yeah." He stifles a groan as he feels something cool on his tip.
"Can I?" She asks making him smile and nod.
"Yes. Please." He pants as he reaches out with a hand and gathers her hair before watches her lick him. He bites his lips in anticipation till he feels something gut-wrenching. Slowly, he guides her off him and turns them around before resting his tip against the opening.

"It's supposed to hurt the first time." He whispers.
"I promise I'll tell you to stop if it does hurt." She nods as he holds himself over her. He reaches around and grabs the condom packet before ripping it with his teeth before sliding it on.

Slowly, he pushes his tip in and they both moan. Moving further, she whimpers but nods and he gasps for breath. He holds all of him so side her and gently locks their lips. Her tongue lines his lips and he tangled them before smiling.

"You can... start moving now." She whispers.
"Yeah." She nods before pulling out and thrusting carefully.
They both cry out in pleasure and she nods, letting him know that she is okay. He groans and thrusts again, starting to gain a slow familiarity with her. She rocks with him and they smile while watching each other. Suddenly she moans and he chuckles before moving faster. His lips grab the skin of her neck and suck carefully while he gradually builds up speed. They both gasp as she calls out his name in desperation. Her short moans make him bite his lips as he moves faster. She inhales sharply and he keeps thrusting slowly before pulling out of her and taking off his condom. She moans against him as he groans and gasps, watching the white liquid spill out onto her stomach.

"I'm sorry." He gasps in apology as he leans over her and grabs napkins before wiping them. She smiles and he tosses everything out before laying beside her and culling her cheek.
"Did I do okay?" She asks.
"Yes. Yes, a million times yes!" He chuckles. pulling a sheet over them and kissing her lips gently.
"You were amazing." She nods, as they both breathe heavily, a sweaty mess of tangled limbs.
"I love you." He breathes against her lips.
She pauses a while, watching the sincerity in his eyes.
"I love you too."

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