Chapter 14

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He sighs as he stands against the bathroom door. The water drips down his body and he grabs a towel before resting it on his shoulders. He wipes himself down and pulls on boxers and looks at the time before smiling. It was time for lunch and he would make something for her, or buy some food as an attempt at an apology. It would in, in-no-way fix things but he might be able to be her friend. He couldn't be more to her unless he wanted to hurt her. He hated not being with her, despised it, but he couldn't risk her happiness for his own.

He pulls up jeans and throws on a shirt before drying his hair and grabbing his wallet. Sprinting downstairs he walks around the town and walks into a flower shop before smiling wide. He could smell it, the lavenders in her hair.

"One batch of lavenders please." He asked kindly, handing a ten-dollar bill to the woman. He walks across the street to a shop and stands by all the chocolates, examining them. He picks up a heart-shaped box and smiles but puts it back. Heart-shaped boxes are for lovers. He reminded himself and grabbed a neat, square box with simple chocolates before ordering a sub. Walking back, he is reminded of the moment in the bath, he thought hard about her but he couldn't remember her body. They were too busy tickling each other that they didn't feel themselves. One thing was for sure though. They were both naked.

He slides his card in and opens the door before seeing her in an oversized shirt. His lips curve upwards into a smile and he kicks off his shoes before shutting the door.

"I got lunch." He smiles as she brushes through her hair.
"Oh, thank you. You didn't have to." She says softly, taking half of the sub before watching his hands outstretch with the flowers and chocolate.

"Derek, they're lavenders. My favorite." She smiles gently.
"I uhm... your hair, smells like them." He admits.
They both blush and he steps closer, breaking the lavender and gently sliding it into her hair before tucking it behind her ear.
"Now, your hair will smell more like them." He says as he slowly pulling his hand away. She looks at his eyes as he puts the lavender on her bed and opens the ribbon on the chocolates. He picks up the one in the middle and chuckles.
"This one is strawberry flavored." He reads from the back.
"Ah, yes. Strawberry flavored chocolate." She nods.
He chuckles and brings it to her mouth as she grabs a caramel one for him. They both take a bite and moan in pleasure eating the opposite. He sits on the bed and she follows, laying down and smirking. They eat and feed each other favorites as they talk about the play.

"Are you a bridesmaid?" He asks as he looks at the time and licks chocolate off his lips.
"Yes. The dresses are terrible though." She scoffs, leaning over him and grabbing a napkin before wiping off his chin and cheeks.
"I didn't think you like dresses." He chuckles, taking the napkin and folding it so he can brush the corner of her lips.
"I don't." She agrees, sitting up before pulling him to the dress rack. He unzips the bag and his eyes widen slightly as he stares at the dress.

"Try it on." He says softly, handing it to her.
"The wedding doesn't start for another hour." She says.
"Then we'll go in earlier, just try it on." He asks.
She takes the dress from him and nods slowly before walking into the bathroom. He paces as he waits to see her in the dress, already losing breath.

There is a knock on the door and he opens it to see Rose in her light pink dress. She looks good and she has an extra amount of makeup on. He smiles and steps outside, rubbing his hands.
"Hey, stranger!" She giggles and wraps her arms around his neck.
He grunts in pain as she jumps on him. He holds her waist and loin to stop her from falling while he chuckles.
"You look great." He exclaims.
"Thank you, yeah. It's custom made from Brazil." She says.
"How fun." He nods sarcastically as he puts her down and kisses her cheek before watching her blush.
"Where's your suit?" She asks.
"In the room." He replies.
"Well, get it. I want you to meet my parents." She smiles.
"You want me to..." He starts nervously.

"Yeah. They're going to love you!" She laughs and kisses him.
"Okay. One minute and I'll be right there." He nods.
"Oh that's silly, I'll grab it and we can go." She scoffs and pushes past him as heaves to pull her back. Rose walks past the beds and grabs his coat bag before walking back out easily.
"Mhm." He chuckles nervously as he thinks of Meredith in the room, changing as he had asked her to.
"Let's go." She says, shutting the door.
"Okay." He sighs, following her into a different room.

"I've never really worn a suit before so-" He starts before her pressure presses him down on the bed. Her lips press on his and he frowns tasting something disgustingly sweet. She pushes further in and lets herself sit on him before pulling away. He sits up and smiles gently. Her hands move down his chest and slide up his tight shirt He groans as it gets stuck on his ear but she laughs and tosses it forward.

"I, I thought we were going to... uhm meet your parents." He groans as she sucks on his neck and smiles.
"Yeah. After this." She whispers in his ear and gently moves her hands into his hair, tugging carefully. His hands move on her waist and he rolls them over before getting up.

"I need to get ready then." He says, grabbing her hands and pulling her up. She laughs and lets him pull her into the bathroom before unzipping his coat bag. She pulls him to her and unbuttons his jeans before letting them drop on her floor. He quickly pulls on his suit pants up and dress shirt. She smiles and pulls a belt through the loops before buckling it. He smiles lightly as her hands grab his shirt and button it from the bottom.

"You should shave this." She says running his hands through the hair on his chest.
"You don't like it?" He asks.
"No." She shakes her head and she helps him with his suit coat.
"I'll think about it." He nods as she pulls on his tie and neatly tightens it.
"Ready?" She asks.
"Yeah, let's go." He nods.

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