Chapter 36

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"Derek." She says, walking up to him.
"Yeah?" He asks, turning to her.
"I think it's an aneurysm. With Katie." She says quietly.
"How?" He asks, pulling her behind a wall.
"She fell and it's a small chance but it could be an aneurysm that didn't show up on the scans." She explains.
"A simple angiogram would prove it." He nods, smiling.
"Yeah." She nods as he grabs her hand and pulls her down the hallway, laughing as they run.

A smile crosses his lips as he sees the aneurysm.
"My god." He whispers as he writes it down.
"There it is." She nods, leaning her head on his shoulder.
"Assist." He whispers.
"What?" She asks.
"Assist me in surgery." He says softly.
"Interns never-" She starts.
"And interns don't normally singlehanded up diagnose a one-in-a-million case." He shoots back as her head lifts.
"Okay then. I will." She smiles and walks away as he chuckles to himself.

He sees her in the scrub room and smiles as he pulls his ferryboat scrub cap over his head. She laughs and walks into the OR making him breathe out heavily.
"All right everybody! It's a beautiful night to save lives, let's get started." He says loudly, pushing everyone into a happy mood. The fellow stands by him and Meredith rests herself in the corner while he works.

She admires him and the darkness in his eyes dimmed with passion for saving a life. He turns to her as he shooed away the fellow. Asking Bokhee for a forceps, he beckons her to the table. She walks to him nervously and looks in the surgical instrument before gasping softly.

"Yeah." They both whisper as he pulls out the aneurysm.
She watches as he places it in a sterile tin and places the skull flap back on. He smiles and nods to Bokhee before Meredith realizes that the woman is handing her sutures. She takes them kindly but looks up to him, her chest rising and falling rapidly. He smiles and nods making her steady and start suturing perfectly.

"You're perfect." He whispers, a smirk hidden beneath his surgical mask. She blushes and finishes the sutures as everyone starts to clap. They glance at each other and he catches her eyes with his. She smiles and they back away from the table and into the scrub room.

"That was amazing." She says breathily, staring at him as he writes in his chart. He turns to her and nods before smiling.
"When does your shift end?" He asks, walking to her and holding a hand out for her. She takes it and lets him pull her up before giggling and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Right now." She smirks.
"You diagnosed Katie, you should be the one to tell her parents that she's going to be fine."He says, nuzzling his nose to hers.
"Interns are t supposed to be taking to patient families." She protests, making him shake his head and laugh.
"I'll be right behind you." He smirks and pulls away from her as he hears footsteps down the hallway.

"Amazing surgery guys. God, it was like yesterday that you two were playing Romeo and Juliet in the high school play." Richard chuckles as they nod and smirk at each other.
"Yeah." They both murmur before walking away.
She walks to the lobby and he follows closely behind, smiling at Katie's parents. They stand up and Derek's fingers brush Meredith's before she smiles.

"We've removed the aneurysm. Katie is going to be just fine." She smiles gently as the parents hug her closely.
"Thank you." The mother says, crying.
"You're very welcome. Katie's still going to be under anesthesia for about an hour but the nurse will let you sit with her till she wakes up." Meredith nods and the dad shakes Derek's hand.

They walk away from the parents and leisurely stroll to the intern's locker room, their fingers loosely connected but ready to pull away at the sight of anyone.
"This is me." She smiles, pointing at the door.
"I know." He nods, letting go of her hand and opening the door for her.

"You'll come by the house?" She asks.
"Definitely." He nods.
She starts walking away but turns back before kissing his cheek. He blushes and lets her walk away before closing the door and smiling to himself.

2 hours later

He yawns as he drives, pacing himself again, not moving faster than 80. His eyes snap open as he sees flashing police lights and an ambulance on the side of the highway. Next to it, there is a jeep with blue paint that is tipped over to the side. It was her car, he had seen it in her driveway when he left but his heartbeat was fast as he sped down the highway at 100 miles an hour.

Getting to her house, he pulls in and gets out of the car. His palms start sweating as he knocked on her door. While he glanced around in the dark, he could see no car in the driveway.

The door unlocked and she stood back with a raised eyebrow. He lets out a sharp breath and stares at her through the screen door breathlessly. He gasps and smiles wide before running his hands down his jeans.

"Are you okay?" She asks, opening the screen door.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay. Are you okay?" He asks, walking in and wrapping his arms around her.
"Oh." She smiles, surprised and holding his shoulders.
"There was a blue jeep on the highway and an ambulance. I thought..." He says softly. "I thought I lost you again."
"I'm sorry." She frowns, rubbing his back soothingly.
"I can't. Meredith, I can't lose you." He breathes into her neck heavily and she pulls away before pressing her forehead to his.
"And you won't lose me. I promise." She smiles before pulling him not the house and shutting the large wooden door.

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