Chapter 13

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Sliding his key card in, he quietly opens the door and sees the girl still asleep. He shuts the door and walks down to breakfast before making two waffles and grabbing eggs on plates. He walks back up to the room and opens the door before placing the plates on her nightstand. He kneels beside the body and gently moves the hair from her face. A quiet gasp escapes his lips as he sees Meredith laying peacefully in the bed.

"I brought you breakfast." He whispers making her eyes open.
"Derek?" She asks as she sits up and yawns.
"The uhm... the eggs aren't fresh but I made the waffles." He says.
"Oh, thanks." She smiles.
"You're welcome." He says slowly, rubbing her cheek.
Her beautiful green eyes are dancing with his and he feels warmer. She moves to speak but says quietly seeing his lips open. He shuts them, thinking she will speak but she just lets out a sharp breath, looking away from his eyes. He pulls his hand down and stands up before passing her a plate. She takes it gratefully and thanks him while she eats.

"It's delicious." She smiles before putting it down as he sits on his bed, eating his food. They eat in silence and he feels tense as he shoves a waffle in his mouth. She eats slowly and in little bites, focusing on the shapes she can make with her bite marks.

"So, what do you normally do after you eat?" He asks softly.
"Take a bath." She replies putting her plate down.
"Then, I'll draw a bath." He smiles, heading into the bathroom.
"What are you? English? 'I'll draw a bath?' No one says that." She laughs, following him as he fills up the bathtub and pours in the bubble mix.

"It's nice. It's been a long time since I've taken a bath." He says nonchalantly and she covers her eyes as he takes off his shorts.
"What are you doing?" She asks.
"Taking a bath." He chuckles.
"I thought it was for me." She giggles.
"I'm not looking, you can get in too. It's good for the skin no?" He asks, chuckling lightly.

She smiles and takes off her pants as she watches his head ruffle in his palms. Dropping all her clothes, she slides into the tub. He feels the water level rise and smiles, pushing bubbles her way.

"You can look now." She says as she pulls her hair into a bun.
"Sure?" He asks as takes his hands out from under his face.
"Yes." She says softly.
He smiles and opens his eyes to see her grinning from the other side of the tub. He chuckles and grips the sides of the tub.
"I've never seen a pair of rings like that." She says, pointing to the fingers of his right hand. He has a silver one on his thumb and a golden one on his index. She watches him laugh and he moves closer to her, sitting with his legs crossed. He gently reaches under the water and grabs her hand before placing the golden one in the palm of her hand.

"Your fingers are so small, they won't fit." He smirks.
"Your fingers are so large." She scoffs, twiddling the ring.
"Thank you. Thank you very much." He nods, staring at the inscription on the inside of the ring.

"Domum tibi et nunc et usque in saeculum." She reads.
"What?" He asks curiously.
"It's Latín." She smiles gently and he looks up from the rings.
"My mother knew lots of languages but Latin was her favorite."
"It's a romance language." She giggles.
"The words sound romantic. What does it mean?" He asks.
"Home to you, now and forever." She replies.
"That's definitely romantic." He smiles.
"They must have loved each other very much." She says.
"I think they did. I want that." He admits.
"Well, that's very mature of you." She giggles.

"Oh, shut up!" He scoffs.
"No, please! Tell me about your hopes and dreams." She smirks.
"You know, you try to have a deep conversation with a friend, and this- this is what happens. She teases you for it." He says sarcastically, splashing water on her. She returns it and throws bubbles at his face, landing them on his forehead.

He grabs a handful of bubbles and tosses them at her, making them land on her neck. She laughs and he shakes his head, feigning anger as he lunges forward and wraps himself around her.  They laugh as his hands find her stomach and he tickles her while her fingers are moving on his neck making him chortle.

They sink underneath the water and hold their breaths as they tickle each other. Her legs wrap around his torso as they struggle to keep their laughs in and he pulls them out of the water, laughing as they catch air.

"Stop!" She squeals.
"Never!" He growls and prods her sides as he watches her laughing. Her hands snake down his chest and find his stomach before poking it. His chuckles echo in her ear as they fall the opposite way and her body pins him into the water. Bubbles leave his mouth as she blows raspberries on his skin.

He pushes them both up and gasps for breath while she pulls her lips from his neck. He chuckles and leans in before catching her eyes. His eyes move to his lips and they both freeze, just now realizing how close they are. They breathe heavily and he simply stares at her lips, swallowing nervously.

At this moment, he wants to kiss her. There is a burning out in his stomach that aches for her lips on his. His hands are already on her waist and she feels her cheeks redden.

"I'm sorry." He says pulling away from her. She backs away as they take shaking breaths. He grabs a towel and lifts it as he stands. Quickly, he wraps it around his torso and steps out of the tub, not meeting her eyes. She looks up at him and a tear slides out of her eyes as he lets himself drip, turned away as not to see her. She sniffles and pulls her legs to her chest.

"Mer... I am, so sorry." He says hoarsely in a whisper before leaving the room and shutting the door.

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