Chapter 8

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"I made cheesecake." She smiles as he pulls out a chair for her.
"You cook?" He asks, amazed.
"I bake... sometimes." She corrects.
"Well, thank you for bringing over the cheesecake." He smiles, pushing in her chair and sitting opposite her.

Over dinner, they can't help but stare at each other. Eating slowly, he occasionally blushes at the view of her smiling and she takes small sips of water to cool herself from the burn of his stares. Addison and Jack speak to Meredith's mother and their casual talk eventually ends, going unnoticed by Meredith and Derek.

"Desert?" Addison asked as they sat up and shook.
"Yes, thank you." They both reply as she takes the pan and cuts two pieces for them.
"It's delicious Mer." He exclaims.
Everyone looks towards her, including her and she blushes heavily. He had never used a nickname for her before but it felt nice, too nice that she was sure her cheeks were on fire.

Her mother stares at her and she gently kicks Derek underneath the table. He coughs into a napkin and smiles nefariously before she raises her eyebrows before letting a small laugh escape her lips. He chuckles and they finish their cake before he stands up.

"I'll take your plates." He smiles as he stands up.
"And I'll help." She adds, taking her and her mother's plate before following him into the kitchen. The adults look at them as they leave and he pulls her in, shutting the dividers.

"You can't do that." She whispers, placing the dishes in the dishwashers.
"I have no idea what you're talking about." He says as he shuts the washer and turns it on.
"Call me names like that. It's not funny." She protests.
"You don't like it Mer?" He pouts sarcastically.
Her cheeks turn red and he smiles wide.
"I like it, but not in front of my mother." She complains.
"Fine. What do your friends call you?" He asks.
"They call me Meredith!" She exclaims.
"Alright! Shh. I'll guess I'll have to be the first." He replies nonchalantly as he heads for the doorway.

Before he can leave the room, she grabs his hand and pulls him against her in the wall. His hands move on her waist and she gently holds him to her, her body is the only thing between him and the wall making him swallow nervously and nod.
"It makes me feel like this." She whispers as her warm breath brushes his cheek.

"Meredith it is then. And nothing in front of your mother." He nods, running his nose down hers and holding the wall when she slips out and walks into the dining room. His breathing is labored and he feels like a tomato as he walks into the dining room.

"Ms. Grey's pager rang, so it's sadly time to say goodbye," Jack says as he stands up and heads towards the door. Her mother grabs the long, black trench coat and heads out the door as Mer starts walking.

Derek follows her and slides his jacket up her arms.
"Take the jacket." She says as she turns to him.
"I said I would take it tonight and I will." He smiles.
"You can't climb into my window again." She shakes her head and he smirks slightly as he grabs the zipper and pulls it to her neck.
"It's part of my big, huge plan though." He complains, moving his hand into her hair and pulling it out of the jacket.
"What big plan?" She asks nervously.
"I have a surprise. It'll be fun. I'll come over around 11." He whispers before stepping back.
"I hate you so much. My window will be locked." She rolls her eyes and walks away.
"I'll just have to pick it!" He yells.
"Your bluffing!" She shouts.
"Am I?!" He asks making her stop walking and think for a moment.

11 PM

He walks out of the shower and nods as she watches him through the window. His chest is chiseled and the water dripping down his hair is mesmerizing. Flicking the light off, he changes into shorts and her shirt. He grabs his phone and climbs out of his window, knowing that his foster parents have healthy sleep schedules. She locks her window and he laughs as he sits on the rafters and pulls out his pocket knife. Using the sharp end of a knife, he fiddles with the lock and her window opens easily.

"I told you I wasn't bluffing." He yawns nonchalantly as he kicks off his shoes and closes the window.
She is too mesmerized by his hair that she isn't listening to him. His face is wet and he smiles as he slips the pocket knife back into his pocket. When he glances back, her hand has moved to his cheek. His breath leaves him and her fingers rub gently along his face, the tips of them slipping into his silky raven locks.
"I'm dripping on your floor, I'm sorry." He says nervously as she steps away, confused at her feelings.

"It's okay." She says softly and gently smiles.
"What's that smell?" He asks as she pulls out of one of her towels and ruffles his hair, drying it carefully.
"Brownies." She smiles as her fingers run through his hair.
"Can I have some?" He asks, pulling the towel off his head so she can see his face.
"Yeah." She breathes quietly, drying his neck.
"Your shirt is wet. Sorry" He apologizes.
"I have something else for you to wear, toss that in the hamper." She smiles, pointing to a basket in the corner of the room.
He does as asked and she tosses him a blanket.
"People don't wear blankets." He chuckles.
"It's the loosest thing I have." She sighs as he rests her towel on his shoulders and fixes his hair.
"Thank you. For showing me around school that first day." He says as she hands him a box of brownies.
"Do you carry around a pocket knife all the time?" She asks.
"Yes... oh, these are so warm." He moans in joy and takes another bite of the cakey deliciousness.
"I just made them. Can I see your knife?" She asks as he sits on her bed and yawns again, being followed by her disapproving stare.
"No." He says strictly, placing the box on her nightstand.
"Please?" She asks moving closer to him.
"You can't." He shakes his head and licks the crumbs off his lips.
"Are you scared?" She asks, moving her hand on his knee.
"Absolutely not. I don't want to show you my knife." He laughs.
"You are scared. It's adorable, really." She smiles moving her hand to hand to his pocket.

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