Chapter 7

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AN: because I haven't posted this story for nine days, I will be spam posting a few chapters today <3

The Next Day

"...and those are the ten amendments in the constitution." The teacher ends as the bell rings. Yawning. Derek stands and towers over everyone else in the room. Grabbing his notebook which is now filled with notes, he drops it in his bag, slinging it over his chest and wedging his pencil above his ear.

"Mr. Shepherd, stay behind please." The teacher calls making him turn around and walk to the desk opposite the old man. Leaning on it, he nods as he waits for the teacher and the play director to speak.

"As you know, the play is in desperate need of male actors. You have been our most promising audition. I want to choose you although I have doubts." He sighs, letting a heavy breath escape.

"Doubts?" Derek questions, standing up and raising his eyebrows.
"You need to be devoted to the play. I can't choose a student who may choose a sport over the theater." The professor explains.
"Sir, I have no commitments yet and the play will be my main focus for autumn, spring, and summer. However, I will be trying out for varsity hockey in the winter. If that is a problem, you can choose someone else." He admits, rather blatantly.
The teacher nods and stares into Derek's eyes for a while before speaking with massive hesitancy.
"I can plan around practices and games in the winter. No other sports though correct?" He asks.
"None sir," Derek replies with a slight smirk on his face.
"Rehearsals are from the end of school to 6 on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays starting next week. You must be off-book by New Year." The professor nods comfortably, holding out his hand and a thick book.
"Thank you. Sir, you won't regret it. I'll tell Meredith later." Derek chuckles, taking the script and putting it into his bag along with his pencil before shaking his hand.

As he walks out of the room, the halls are empty except for one person. He grins seeing her blonde hair roll down her shoulders and her hips move side to side as she walks. She is wearing a red sundress and he feels slightly hot as he walks to her. She turns and opens a locker before putting the books that she is holding inside.
"Meredith!" He calls.
She turns and smiles as Derek walks to her.

Her eyes light up and he nearly freezes in his spot at her beauty. Her hands have small rings on them and he laughs aloud happily. He smiles as she shuts her locker and he wraps his arms around her. He is about to tell her but he remembers that girls like romance. She smiles awkwardly and nods.
"What's with the hug?" She asks.
"Just happy that the week is over." He sighs against her temple.

"Oh, you have to meet my mom tonight." She mumbles in his chest while pulling away.
"I can't wait until I do." He says as she pulls his jacket from the hanger and hands it to him.
"You're gonna regret saying that. Take your jacket back." She says, tossing it over his shoulder.
"You wear it." She says as he drops it on her shoulders.
"I want my shirt back." She says, tugging the green fabric.
"I'll return it tonight." He nods as he grabs her hand and pulls her out of the hallway.

7 PM

Derek dons a neat white shirt and jeans before walking downstairs and setting the table. As he sets the table, he tugs at his collar nervously.
"Have you talked to the girl?" Jack asks, placing a lasagna on the table while Derek paces.
"She's Juliet. And I'm Romeo. We've been talking." He nods as brings a serving plate with beans and carrots.
"You got the part, that's amazing!" Addison smiles as she brings over glasses and a bottle of wine.
"I just have to tell her and her mother is scary." He claims wiping the back of his neck and breathing deeply.
"You'll be fine son. You can do this." Jack says clasping him on the back making Derek laugh nervously.
"Meredith wears sundresses to school. I should change right?" He asks Addison.
"You look fine." Jack dismisses.
"It's a little plain." Addison nods.
"That's what I thought." Derek agrees.
The doorbell rings and he groans melodramatically.
"You'll be fine Derek," Jack says as he pulls Derek up.
Sighing, he nods and answers the door, smiling wide as he sees her.

She is wearing a yellow cocktail dress and golden earnings making his breath shorten. His jacket rests on her shoulders and she is holding a ceramic pan. Her green eyes shine and he shakes his head, mesmerized by her. She stares at him, her legs getting weaker each second his blue eyes mix with hers. It's beyond beautiful and she can't help smiling and swallowing nervously.
"Are you going to let us in?" Her mother cuts in, making him break their eye contact. He feels suddenly cold as he stares at her mother. She has a look of disgust on her face and he opens the door wider.

"Of course ma'am. Let me take your coat." He nods, stepping aside and holding his hands out. Her mother walks in and places her long coat in his arms. He immediately hangs it up and turns to Meredith.

"Hey, stranger." He says shakily, taking the pan.
"I told you that you would regret it." She whispers, making him shake his head with a smile.
"Anything to see you in that dress." He sighs and places the desert on the table.
"The night is young." She scoffs as he walks behind her and helps her take off the jacket before hanging it up.

She turns around and takes his hand before spreading his fingers. Placing his tinfoil man and tiny post-it note boat in the center of his palm, she smiles.
"I thought we could race them." She blushes, looking up at him.
"I can't wait." He smiles, nodding towards a table.

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